Good day everyone,
Just thought to create a very simple guide regarding fitness for those of us that are willing to challenge ourselves. I will get straight to the point.
Some info about myself: I'm 19 years old, started weightlifting when I was 16 with a family friend who was in his 20s at the time and was a top level personal trainer. Starting at 210 lbs with a body fat percentage of 35%, I am now at 198 lbs with 10% body fat. I've applied to RMC and am currently awaiting my wavier for my second CFAT.
Losing weight (cutting):
When it comes to losing weight, it all comes down to diet. If you run all day, lift weights but eat more than your body needs at the end of the day you will NOT lose any weight. 30 minutes of push ups and situs at night will not help your case either. Your body needs a specific amount of calories depending on many factors ( I will link a website you can use to determine yours) and in order to lose weight you need to eat less than so that your body uses the stored fats and muscles ( I know, it's sad but you will lose some muscle while in a caloric deficit). How do you maximize fat loss and limit muscle loss? It's simple, make sure to eat more protein and fats than carbohydrates, Maybe even go without carbs for a few weeks (A no carb diet is called a Keto diet). Going without carbs ensures that your body uses stored fat cells for energy instead of carbs. Do not go crazy on the treadmill, as you will only maximize your muscle loss. Limit cardio sessions to 1 or 2 times a week, and do HIIT. Again, the key point is eating less than you need. In order to lose weight successfully, you MUST count your calories and stay within a 300-500 caloric deficit. Use this calculator on this website to determine your caloric needs. In the bodybuilding world, this phase is referred to as the "Cutting phase". Please read section 3 as well, since I will explain workout programs and routines to help achieve your goals.
Gaining weight (bulking):
The exact opposite of losing weight. In order to gain weight, you need to be in a caloric surplus, meaning you need to consume more food than your body needs, preferably within a 200 calories range of your caloric needs. Now since everyone's daily caloric needs differ, I cannot tell you how much to eat, but PLEASE visit the website I've linked above as it will be a great help. In the bodybuilding world, this phase is refereed to as the bulking phase. Now a wise man once said that 80% of your muscles are made in the kitchen. It is absolutely accurate. Make sure to eat more carbs than protein in this phase, as it will give you a lot of energy. You should be aiming to gain half a pound or at its peak a pound per month. Now this is not going to be all muscle, there is going to be some fat. After this phase, you will need to shed fat or in other terms, start cutting. Try prioritize your macro nutrinets in this order: 1st carbs, 2nd proteins and 3rd fats. A simple example of my meals would be 2 cans of tuna, 400g of brown rice and 1 TBSP of olive oil, adding up to 814 calories.
Workouts and plans:
When attending the gym, I see many people who are just there to waste time. Do not be that person. Enter the gym with one thought, to destroy your self and take only 30 seconds to one minute between sets and workouts to rest. You need to push your self to the limit everyday. I personally do not like to take rest days, and workout within a 4 day split. These workouts are not easy. They are very challenging when you first begin. It is very important to pick the right weight. Your muscles need to be burning as you workout, that is how I know that the weights are right or not. Make sure to increase weight as you decrease reps.
Day 1: Chest and biceps
Warm up with 10-20 slow pushups and rest for 1 minute.
Incline bench press (I prefer dumbbells to barbells): 4x10-9-8-8
Incline lying chest press machine: 4x10 (Do 4 full reps, and 6 fast midway reps)
Chest press: 4x10-8
Seated chest flies: 4x10-8
Decline bench press: 4x10 (Do this every 2 weeks only)
Machine curls: 4x10-8
Seated hammer curls:4x10
Standing barbell curls: 4x10
Reverse Forearm curls: 4x10
Wrist curls: 4x10
Behind the back wrist curls: 4x10
Day 2: Legs and light back
Warm up with 5 minutes of light cardio.
Lying leg curls: 4x15-14-13-12
Deadlift: 4x12-10-8-6
Squats: 3x10-8-6
Legpress: 4x10
Seated leg curls: 5x10
Pullups: 4xFailure
Day 3: Shoulders and triceps
Warm up with 2 sets of light behind the neck press.
Behind the neck press: 4x10 (This is a very dangerous exercise if used with free barbells. Please have a spotter and use caution)
dumbbell lying rear lateral raise: 4x10
Dumbell front raise: 4x6
Barbell front raise: 3x10
Shoulder shrugs: 4x10
Rope pressdown: 4x10
Close grip barbell benchpress 5x10-9-8-7-6 (Again, please have someone spot you)
Overhead rope extension: 4x10
Skull crushers: 4x10
Dips: 3xfailure
Day 4: Back and calves.
Calf raises: 4x20-15-12-10
Calf press: 4x10
Seated calf raise: 4x10
Seated cable row: 4x12-10-9-8
Seated behind the neck pulldowns: 4x10
T bar rows 3x10
Pullups 3xfailure
Pulldown machine: 4x10
Bent over one arm dumbbell row: 4x10
Lying dumbell pullover:4x10
Back shrugs: 4xfailure
Day 5 (If you are bulking go back to day 1 after finishing day 4) cardio.
Do 20 minutes of high intensity interval training.
That's it ladies and gentlemen, if you have any questions please reply or PM me.
Best wishes and salute,

Just thought to create a very simple guide regarding fitness for those of us that are willing to challenge ourselves. I will get straight to the point.
Some info about myself: I'm 19 years old, started weightlifting when I was 16 with a family friend who was in his 20s at the time and was a top level personal trainer. Starting at 210 lbs with a body fat percentage of 35%, I am now at 198 lbs with 10% body fat. I've applied to RMC and am currently awaiting my wavier for my second CFAT.
Losing weight (cutting):
When it comes to losing weight, it all comes down to diet. If you run all day, lift weights but eat more than your body needs at the end of the day you will NOT lose any weight. 30 minutes of push ups and situs at night will not help your case either. Your body needs a specific amount of calories depending on many factors ( I will link a website you can use to determine yours) and in order to lose weight you need to eat less than so that your body uses the stored fats and muscles ( I know, it's sad but you will lose some muscle while in a caloric deficit). How do you maximize fat loss and limit muscle loss? It's simple, make sure to eat more protein and fats than carbohydrates, Maybe even go without carbs for a few weeks (A no carb diet is called a Keto diet). Going without carbs ensures that your body uses stored fat cells for energy instead of carbs. Do not go crazy on the treadmill, as you will only maximize your muscle loss. Limit cardio sessions to 1 or 2 times a week, and do HIIT. Again, the key point is eating less than you need. In order to lose weight successfully, you MUST count your calories and stay within a 300-500 caloric deficit. Use this calculator on this website to determine your caloric needs. In the bodybuilding world, this phase is referred to as the "Cutting phase". Please read section 3 as well, since I will explain workout programs and routines to help achieve your goals.
Gaining weight (bulking):
The exact opposite of losing weight. In order to gain weight, you need to be in a caloric surplus, meaning you need to consume more food than your body needs, preferably within a 200 calories range of your caloric needs. Now since everyone's daily caloric needs differ, I cannot tell you how much to eat, but PLEASE visit the website I've linked above as it will be a great help. In the bodybuilding world, this phase is refereed to as the bulking phase. Now a wise man once said that 80% of your muscles are made in the kitchen. It is absolutely accurate. Make sure to eat more carbs than protein in this phase, as it will give you a lot of energy. You should be aiming to gain half a pound or at its peak a pound per month. Now this is not going to be all muscle, there is going to be some fat. After this phase, you will need to shed fat or in other terms, start cutting. Try prioritize your macro nutrinets in this order: 1st carbs, 2nd proteins and 3rd fats. A simple example of my meals would be 2 cans of tuna, 400g of brown rice and 1 TBSP of olive oil, adding up to 814 calories.
Workouts and plans:
When attending the gym, I see many people who are just there to waste time. Do not be that person. Enter the gym with one thought, to destroy your self and take only 30 seconds to one minute between sets and workouts to rest. You need to push your self to the limit everyday. I personally do not like to take rest days, and workout within a 4 day split. These workouts are not easy. They are very challenging when you first begin. It is very important to pick the right weight. Your muscles need to be burning as you workout, that is how I know that the weights are right or not. Make sure to increase weight as you decrease reps.
Day 1: Chest and biceps
Warm up with 10-20 slow pushups and rest for 1 minute.
Incline bench press (I prefer dumbbells to barbells): 4x10-9-8-8
Incline lying chest press machine: 4x10 (Do 4 full reps, and 6 fast midway reps)
Chest press: 4x10-8
Seated chest flies: 4x10-8
Decline bench press: 4x10 (Do this every 2 weeks only)
Machine curls: 4x10-8
Seated hammer curls:4x10
Standing barbell curls: 4x10
Reverse Forearm curls: 4x10
Wrist curls: 4x10
Behind the back wrist curls: 4x10
Day 2: Legs and light back
Warm up with 5 minutes of light cardio.
Lying leg curls: 4x15-14-13-12
Deadlift: 4x12-10-8-6
Squats: 3x10-8-6
Legpress: 4x10
Seated leg curls: 5x10
Pullups: 4xFailure
Day 3: Shoulders and triceps
Warm up with 2 sets of light behind the neck press.
Behind the neck press: 4x10 (This is a very dangerous exercise if used with free barbells. Please have a spotter and use caution)
dumbbell lying rear lateral raise: 4x10
Dumbell front raise: 4x6
Barbell front raise: 3x10
Shoulder shrugs: 4x10
Rope pressdown: 4x10
Close grip barbell benchpress 5x10-9-8-7-6 (Again, please have someone spot you)
Overhead rope extension: 4x10
Skull crushers: 4x10
Dips: 3xfailure
Day 4: Back and calves.
Calf raises: 4x20-15-12-10
Calf press: 4x10
Seated calf raise: 4x10
Seated cable row: 4x12-10-9-8
Seated behind the neck pulldowns: 4x10
T bar rows 3x10
Pullups 3xfailure
Pulldown machine: 4x10
Bent over one arm dumbbell row: 4x10
Lying dumbell pullover:4x10
Back shrugs: 4xfailure
Day 5 (If you are bulking go back to day 1 after finishing day 4) cardio.
Do 20 minutes of high intensity interval training.
That's it ladies and gentlemen, if you have any questions please reply or PM me.
Best wishes and salute,