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Guilty plea in HIV-assault case


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Guilty plea in HIV-assault case
Last updated Nov 28 2005 09:22 AM EST
CBC News

An HIV-positive woman from Newfoundland has pleaded guilty to an assault charge for having sex with a soldier at an Ontario military base.

Jennifer Murphy, 32, has been in custody since military police arrested her in March.

On Friday, Murphy pleaded guilty in a Barrie court to one count of aggravated assault involving a solider at Canadian Forces Base Borden.

Other charges against her have been dropped.

Details of the case will be read into the court record in December, when she will be sentenced.

In previous interviews, Murphy said she was outraged about how she was treated. Military officials had urged anyone who had had sexual contact with her to see a doctor.

Murphy was arrested after visiting with friends at the base, where her husband had trained.

She said she blacked out during the incident for which she was charged, and could not recall what happened.

Blacked out? cmon give me a break.
yea imagin everytime a wife beater said that " OH i blacked out and i dont know what happned but when i woke up she had a black eye!"
rdt2449 said:
Blacked out? cmon give me a break.
yea imagin everytime a wife beater said that " OH i blacked out and i dont know what happned but when i woke up she had a black eye!"

"Blacked out..."

I guess that makes everything forgivalbe and all right. ::) :P
Should she have disclosed her HIV status to all of her partners? Of course. Were these boys kidnapped and forced to have sex with her? I don't think so. It's sad how she is being painted as the slut when it's obvious that there were a lot of boys who thought nothing of taking some woman home from a bar, an extremely drunk woman at that. One can only hope this serves as a wake up call for everyone. 
Painted as the slut?

As far as I can tell, the police didn't charge her with "being a slut", they charged her with assault for infecting the guy with HIV. 

edited after kevin's comment
  The moral of the story is don't be silly, wrap your willy.

Should she have disclosed her HIV status to all of her partners? Of course. Were these boys kidnapped and forced to have sex with her? I don't think so.

Of course they were not forced but I think the point is - would they have had sex with her if she had told them she was HIV positive?
She knew she was HIV positive.  She could have told them she was yet she choose not to.
camochick said:
It's sad how she is being painted as the slut when it's obvious that there were a lot of boys who thought nothing of taking some woman home from a bar, an extremely drunk woman at that.

I'm not saying you're lying, because I haven't read any article on this in a while, but from what I recall, there was no mention of her being "extremely drunk" or even of them picking her up at a bar.

The story, from what I recall, is that she went up to the Singles' barracks and offered random stranger sex.

Now, sleeping with a few men doesn't make a woman a slut. We're a pretty liberal place and a woman (or man) can have sex with whoever they please. Sure.

Going up to random strangers and offering them sex does make her a slut, however.

But, I think, as Ghost said, the point isn't that they had sex. The point is she knowingly lied to them about something potentially fatal.

Let's say I hand you something that I know for a fact has a good chance of killing you, but I don't tell you about it, and, say, it maims you. Am I innocent of any wrongdoing because you accepted whatever I handed to you? (ie, I didn't FORCE you to take it) Am I innocent because you didn't take enough precautions? Am I innocent because you didn't ask me if it was dangerous?

If I follow your logic, I think I'd have to answer yes to the above.

This woman should suffer the full extent of the law. Nothing more, and definately nothing less.

(Be it noted that the comments in this post are my opinions and mine alone. You don't have to agree. In fact, it's more fun if you don't. But I don't want to get into a long argument; I have papers to write and finals to prepare.)
i believe that she could be charged for attempted murder?

there are two parts of committing a crime, Mindfull intent and Wrongfull action.

            : she knew what she has is dangerous and infective and incurable
            : she had the responsibility to tell him, but didn't

she should go to gaol

he should smarten up and ask questions/ ware a condom i think. you cant go to gaol for just being stupid.
Guy. E said:
i believe that she could be charged for attempted murder?

there are two parts of committing a crime, Mindfull intent and Wrongfull action.

             : she knew what she has is dangerous and infective and incurable
             : she had the responsibility to tell him, but didn't

she should go to gaol

he should smarten up and ask questions/ ware a condom i think. you cant go to gaol for just being stupid.

First of all you have to learn how to spell , and second when you have sex with someone do you ask 20 questions with him or her?
This has nothing to do with her being a slut. I've been to Borden and seen how people there fornicate like monkeys in the shacks, and that's their own business. However, I imagine the charges against this girl would be the same if she had had sex with the guy in the confines of a monogamous relationship.

I've also seen men charged with the same thing after knowingly infecting their partners with HIV. This isn't punishing her for being sexually active, this is punishing her for taking a good few decades off of someone's life. She's being charged, and rightfully so.

Should the guy have used a condom? Yeah. Does that give anyone the right to infect him with a deadly disease? Not at all. They both made stupid decisions, and he's already paying for his, and will be paying for it for the rest of his life. It's only fair that she should do the same.
RHFC said:
First of all you have to learn how to spell , and second when you have sex with someone do you ask 20 questions with him or her?

If it's someone you don't know, or in cases do, you'd be an absolute idiot if you didn't. Youthful stupidity/ bravado has landed more than one young person in the hospital and morgue.
RHFC said:
First of all you have to learn how to spell

Although the post seems to be lacking an edit, make sure you do your homework before trying to lay the smackdown on someone else.

recceguy said:
If it's someone you don't know, or in cases do, you'd be an absolute idiot if you didn't. Youthful stupidity/ bravado has landed more than one young person in the hospital and morgue.

Mhm, I could just see that being worked into a pickup line.

"Hey, would you mind filling out a questionnaire..."
48Highlander said:
Mhm, I could just see that being worked into a pickup line.

"Hey, would you mind filling out a questionnaire..."

It's called "conversation". A Neanderthal may not understand the concept, but anyone with a modicum of education would.
Quite obviously there are things you just don't do with a one night stand... I've had the good fortune that the "few" foolish episodes of one nighters and/or shack rats I was either wrapped or very lucky.  Personally I would be more worried about getting something off a shackrat that had gotten something off a troop - than the shackrat herself.

Knowing she was infected - she had a duty of care to follow and she did not.

recceguy said:
It's called "conversation". A Neanderthal may not understand the concept, but anyone with a modicum of education would.

Conversation?  You must not know the women in Petawawa very well....
Conversation?  You must not know the women in Petawawa very well....

Actually, I find the guys are the ones with this difficulty out here.