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Gun Control: US and Global

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New thread, as the Subject says.
Okay I'll start.

Gabby Giffords
If this Congress won’t take action to protect our kids and our communities from gun violence, it’s time to elect a Congress that can. Join Giffords and help us elect candidates who have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and fight to make our communities safer. Our children deserve better.

Also gabby giffords-shooting a picture of a young adult with her ar15


The day the kids down there had their school protest the NRA tweeted a picture of an AR-15, no text, just the picture. In other news, how about that teacher ND? Busted up the ceiling of the classroom really good and hurt a couple of kids in the process. Guy was a reserve police officer too. A rocky start for that arming teachers thing.  :facepalm:
Jarnhamar said:
Okay I'll start.

Gabby Giffords

Also gabby giffords-shooting a picture of a young adult with her ar15


Hey good find there Jarnhammer. God bless America. What a hypocrite eh? Going around trying to get sympathy for her brain damage and everything. Obviously she's only against guns now because she got half her head blown off. I mean that's not fair.
Pencil Tech said:
Hey good find there Jarnhammer. God bless America. What a hypocrite eh? Going around trying to get sympathy for her brain damage and everything. Obviously she's only against guns now because she got half her head blown off. I mean that's not fair.

Thanks I thought it was a good find too. 

Here's another good find.
California Teacher Placed on Administrative Leave after Pointing Out Political Nature of School Walkouts

How dare she.
School administrator here, imho not the best to arm teachers.  Certainly isn't going to happen in Canada and I suspect that it's not the best idea in the USA either.

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RocketRichard said:
School administrator here, imho not the best to arm teachers. 

If there was a bonus, I wonder how many would consider / accept the offer?

Multiple sources,

mariomike said:
If there was a bonus, I wonder how many would consider / accept the offer?

Multiple sources,
Good question. However, pretty sure arming teachers in Canada is not on the table. Perhaps in the U.S.  Personally, don't think it's the best idea for a whole host of reasons.

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[quote author=RocketRichard] .  Personally, don't think it's the best idea for a whole host of reasons.


How come?
Came across this today. No comment

RocketRichard said:
Another good question. Maybe see you in Wainwright this summer and we could chat over beers;)

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It's a date.

Jarnhamar said:
Okay I'll start.

Gabby Giffords

Also gabby giffords-shooting a picture of a young adult with her ar15
There was no need to repeat the posted photo, so I deleted it from the quote.  Her AR15?  Are you sure?  Did you adequately research?

Interesting photo.  However, it doesn't look very professional, poor framing, almost like a bad crop job; I wonder what was left out.  Well, it is on Ms. Gifford's Facebook page.  Her explanation of the photo speaks for itself.

Here are two photos of me that a conservative blog has dug up. I remember both of these days fondly. The first is at the Tucson Police Department firing range. They invited me to test rifles and tasers that they bought with federal funds, which I helped secure. The second was in Afghanistan while I was visiting with our troops serving abroad. My work as Southern Arizona's Congresswoman frequently put me in close contact with some of the world's most powerful and deadly weapons - supporting police departments, advocating for the Border Patrol, standing up for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and supporting my constituents' and my own Second Amendment rights.

I grew up with guns, and I like owning them. So does my husband Mark. It's an interest we've shared ever since we met. It's part of my heritage as an Arizonan and it's my right as an American. Being able to shoot a gun is something I haven't been able to do since I was shot - because my right arm is paralyzed, and I'm less mobile than I was.

As I member of the House Armed Services Committee, I proudly spent a lot of time with our military, border patrol and state and local law enforcement. I guess the intention of those who have publicized these photos is to somehow call into question my belief that military style assault weapons should be more strongly regulated with background checks and other safeguards. I have never wavered in my support for those who serve our country. I fought to make sure they have the weapons and safety gear needed to carry out their mission, and proper health and mental care when their service ends.

Both sides of the gun violence debate usually miss the point. We don't have to choose between owning, using, and enjoying guns, on one hand, and preventing gun violence, on the other. Both sides need to come together to support common sense solutions to gun violence, like keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people like the young man who shot me. That's why I'm fighting this fight. That's why I'm working to bring people together to support gun rights and reduce gun violence. I hope you join me.

Now, I had not been very knowledgeable of Ms. Gifford other than the event that brought her to wider attention both nationally and internationally; the shooting at her speaking event.  However, from what I gleaned from the very abbreviated research of this photo, her political (i.e. gun control) views are much the same both before and after her wounding.  But, I would give anyone who had been shot in the head some leeway in changing their mind about gun control without insinuating hypocrisy.

What does disturb me about the photo, especially the uncropped version, is the use of what appears to be a Hispanic looking youth as the target on the Tucson Police range.  Maybe that is the typical armed individual they encountered and thus, like the FBI and their Dillinger target and us with an Eastern European carrying an AK47 Fig 11, it prepares their officers mentally.



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So, just as a side bar, is the Figure 11 target now considered to be racist because it depicts a crazed USSR soldier charging at you with mayhem on his mind?  8)
It doesn't bother you that the ejection port cover is open? Not even a little?

If you're going to post a picture of her and the police officer anyways was there really  a need to point out how you're not including her picture in the original quote?  Isn't that virtue signalling?  Just a little?

It does sound like I didn't give her enough credit. I'll own that. That post of hers sounds balanced and thoughtful, I'll just dig a little and see if it matches what she's actually pushing for-stay tuned.

*took a quick look. She actually seems fairly moderate in her views. Lots of ambiguous statements about responsible gun control and keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. (no disagreement here) She doesn't seem to mention banning specific rifles at all. Her group did seem to oppose making sound supprrssors easier to obtain. Lots of mention about the gun lobby, less about law enforcement failures. Still  I should have did more research before posting that  :nod:
Jarnhamar said:
It doesn't bother you that the ejection port cover is open? Not even a little?

Actually, I didn't even notice it.  While, I have handled and fired the CF version of that family of weapons (quals only)*, I'm of the generation that has fond memories of the FN and SMG, both of which I carried as my issued weapon (at different times, of course).  By the time we adopted the C7, I had been commissioned, gone through any and all basic or leadership courses that required the carrying of a rifle for ceremonial purposes and when I went back to field units or on ops tasking, my issued weapon was the pistol.  Even when I asked for a rifle (I prefer something with a bit more reach), all they would give me was a pistol.

*  I did carry (and qualify) on the M16 while in Texas with the US Army, but the main purpose of that exercise was the Expert Field Medical Badge test, so the weapon was primarily a heavy stick.

. . .  Isn't that virtue signalling?  Just a little?
  What's the virtue?  An abhorrence of continuing to repeat other's poor research?
Negative. Virtue signalling is kinda like making a pun then feeling the need to point it out to everyone.

But you're right she doesn't seem half as bad as in assumed. Point to you.
Let's try some Ben Shapiro on the school.
walk outs.

First part from 00:00-04:00minutes. Some Hillary Clinton observations then  second part  7:00-11:20minutes.

Tragedy and age don't confide any expertise on any issue

World of difference between "arming teachers" and "allowing teachers to carry".  People should be specific about what exactly they are supporting or objecting to.
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