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Guys, i've got a problem

gravyboat said:
I call BS. One day of stubble and you couldn't get a seal? Your doing something wrong. Did you do a fit test before your mask was issued?
Cpl Bloggins- You should take a better read of the Dress Manual WRT Beards.

Hey I'm just saying that's what I was taught on my basic. Not that I've had any personal experience with beards... ;)
A-AD-265-000/AG-001  chapter 2 section 2 para 5(3) pg 49 has the reasons and regulations for wearing a beard.

Just in case anyone was interested, and no chewing gum in uniform either......

My god i have no life
I seem to remember when I was in Basic having to have my razor (as well as the remainder of my toileteries) on display for inspection.  Having said that, if they say only have a standard razor there, who says you actually have to use THAT razor...  >:D Just use the electric one and have it hidden for inspection in your personal box.


medicineman said:
I seem to remember when I was in Basic having to have my razor (as well as the remainder of my toileteries) on display for inspection.   Having said that, if they say only have a standard razor there, who says you actually have to use THAT razor...   >:D Just use the electric one and have it hidden for inspection in your personal box.

There are two schools of thought on this: on some courses the DS will get quite upset if they suspect that you're not displaying the same razor you actually shaved with that morning.  On mine, however, they advised us to have an inspection razor in our lockers and a shaving razor hidden away somewhere, as you suggest.  Like so many things, it all depends on what kind of staff you have.
I would have to give you the heads up, I have taught on many a course and I always look at the shave that troop has.  If you ever plan on going on any leadership courses you best learn to shave.  When I did my leadership course they tore our kit apart.  I had an electric and they found it, oh boy!!! Never have used an electric on another course again. 

My professional opinion is learn to shave before you go away.  I have bad to teach a kid to shave before and it was not a pretty picture.  Looked like he tried to slit his throat by the time we were done.  :cdn:
If you can't shave with something like a Gillette then ... I suggest hanging your head in shame, walking to the top of a long flight of stairs, and just let gravity take you down the rest of the way.

I only cut myself once with it, and it was just a stupid little nick, nothing some aftershave couldn't handle (and burn).

How hard can it be, really? Wet face - apply lotion - drag razor against skin in areas where facial hair is present going against hair flow, repeat as necessary, have supermodel stroke your face for job well done
davidk said:
It's true. We just did our NBC practical test (gas chamber) and by some freak occurance we didn't get the chance to shave that morning (first time that ever happened). Right away I could tell that the seal on my mask wasn't perfect, even when it was nice and tight.

But we're getting off topic. Give in to gilette, it really does work.

I have a beard down to the base of my sternum, (mind you its tied up in uniform).  I've always gotten a seal.  In gas hunts.. in the field.... I've had CS gas dropped right in front of my trench on my JNCO.  I never had a problem with a seal.

Seriously, try the mach3,
It's like those plastic scissors (christ I've forgotten how to spell that word and the more I look at it the more incorrect it looks) you used to get in elementary you can not cut yourself and the razor burn is a nonfactor.
I have the skin of a poof so when it gets irritated it gets those burns and I use a mach3-with the grain, against the grain..sideways and you can't go wrong.

That being said when I was in I had a chit mwahahaha, my...precious.
The gillette m3 power is perfect for even dry shaves

dont use the the quatro if you are every useing it for a dry shave burns like Bi***

quebecownage said:
because ur less likely to cut yourself with electric


Mate, are you kidding? Listen take some advice, use a 'pull type' razor, and get over it. Beleive me, what type of razor you use will be the least of your problems.

I use an Mach 3 razor for my inpsection display while on course and i shave with a Philishave coolskin while on course, mainly because its quicker and more conveineint, while at home or for special Occasions, Parades...etc i will use a Mach 3 to get that extra close shave.

bring double of everything, One for inspections one for use.
DSB said:
I have a beard down to the base of my sternum, (mind you its tied up in uniform).   I've always gotten a seal.   In gas hunts.. in the field.... I've had CS gas dropped right in front of my trench on my JNCO.   I never had a problem with a seal.


Well after two opposing comments, I'll face the possibility that it may not just be the beard growth, it could be anything from a bad mask to improper wear. Anyhow it might need to be replaced (for unrelated reasons) so the next one may work better.