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Harper wants a pretty white plane ...

GAP said:
Meh....I don't see a problem with our PM having a distinguishable airplane.....part of the image...
Neither do I. Some folk are just plain plane mean.
I'm with CDN Aviator; it seems to be the "accepted thing" at head-of-state/head-of-government level. That being said, I prefer the simpler, more elegant, middle design (Rev 150-002, below). But, like OGBD I think that if the RCAF is going to fly it then it ought to say RCAF somewhere. Additionally, Jim Seggie is right - this is another issue that the government wants to get off the (public) table as soon as possible. Make a decision, today; authorize the money, today; give the orders, today ... next topic.


Do something like this with "Royal Canadian Air Force"/"Aviation royale canadienne" somewhere on the hull.
Jim Seggie said:
Neither do I. Some folk are just plain mean.

Mean isn't the word I'd use Jim...some people just don't get that a head of state or representative of such shouldn't look like Mr Bag O'Shyte The Irish Hobo, when they arrive on international business.  I remember when I did the Airbus orientation for my Airevac course, we actually used the PM's plane - there were what you'd expect on board, like a shower, private office area, areas for staff and press, but it was far from extravagant (was in the Chretien era).  They should look rested, tidy and ready to do what they're there for.


E.R. Campbell said:

Do something like this with "Royal Canadian Air Force"/"Aviation royale canadienne" somewhere on the hull.

Right by the valves for the honey tank?
Of the three, I like the second the best.  Although, I would prefer something simpler.  No fancy "waves" or logo-ised maple leaves.  Just white, big roundel, CDN flag/coat-of-arms, and "Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada" (though I would prefer "Dominion of Canada/Dominion du Canada" ;D ).

The other two are...well, "ugh".
Jim Seggie said:
In many peoples minds, a rickety DC 3 is too good for politicians and VIPS ie the GG and they should have to travel with the rest of us, in economy on Scare Canada. :2c:

Actually, the DC-3 was a pretty reliable aircraft.
I thought we were going through rough times? Cut's left right and center...but we need a plane painted fancy?

I personally don't understand this government at all anymore.
I have no problem with a dedicated aircraft in special livery for use by the PM, GG or others representing our country on the international stage.  I am, however, irritated by the (reported?) efforts of the PM's staff to have that image be a reflection of the current party in power.  If the livery of the aircraft (or of any other government advertising campaign) is to be close in design to existing logos, then legal protection should be enabled that precludes the use of such logos (or similar enough as to be confused) by any political party (or other such organizations).

Wavy lines, representations of majestic mountains (and the majority of Canadians don't actually live in/near the Rockies), stylized maple leafs and catchphrases are trendy advertising gimmicks.  They should have no place on an aircraft representing the "people of Canada".  On the same note, use of "Government of Canada" should also be dumped.  Those using the aircraft are not representing the "government", they are representing the people of the "Dominion of Canada".  Simple, traditional, identifiable and uniquely Canadian - that's all it needs.
dogger1936 said:
I thought we were going through rough times? Cut's left right and center...but we need a plane painted fancy?

I personally don't understand this government at all anymore.

I know it may be a silly question, the way that Federal financing goes, but which is cheaper; an new paint job or a new plane?  >:D
Answer: An old plane with its old paint job.

I mean come on, we are talking Airbus 320 here: The damn thing has another 30 to 40 years of life left in it.
CF planes, of all types, get painted on a regular basis for regular upkeep. Sometimes for special occasions like anniversaries, air shows, etc. Then painted back again. No one bitches. Why? Because it just isn't that important in the big scheme.

It's a fucking paint job ::)
Blackadder1916 said:
On the same note, use of "Government of Canada" should also be dumped.  Those using the aircraft are not representing the "government", they are representing the people of the "Dominion of Canada"
I agree on disallowing similarity to party logos!

As for text, how about just "Canada" -- makes it easier for the translators.
Journeyman said:
As for text, how about just "Canada" -- makes it easier for the translators.
And when did you start believing all those Plain Language SME's saying less is more and simpler is easier?  ;)
Before we spiral into figuring out if Aggressive Salmon is a better shade than Fuchsia, what was wrong with just changing gray for white in the PM's Airbus again?  It has the "Canada" logo on the side (which stops the "should it be seen as a Gov't of Canada plane or not") and since the inside of the plane is different than the other CC-150s anyway, what's the problem with it permanently being painted white (and whatever colour the words/flag would be)? 

All that to say, the German VIP Airbus is nice.  Direct and to the point. Which I suppose fits with Germany and Germans in general.    :D
dogger1936 said:
I thought we were going through rough times? Cut's left right and center...but we need a plane painted fancy?

I personally don't understand this government at all anymore.

Airplanes are repainted at certain intervals in their maintenance cycle. What was being proposed is that the next time she goes in, she gets repainted, just as it normally would, just in a new scheme.

Oldgateboatdriver said:
I mean come on, we are talking Airbus 320 here:

The CC-150 is an Airbus A310, not an A320.
Given all our recent turn-back-the-clock exercises, why not look to our own history for some paint ideas?