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Has anyone heard of Red Friday's?

Point well taken Kat...but how can you have one without the other in this instance?

Hot Lips said:
Point well taken Kat...but how can you have one without the other in this instance?


As I understand the "Red Friday" concept, it is designed to show support for the troops - if I'm wrong, I apologize.

I ALWAYS support our troops, in any way I can, and ALWAYS will. 

This doesn't mean that I necessarily support what the Government is doing with them - troops don't get to pick their mission, they just go where the Government tells them to go, and do what the Government tells them to do once they get there.  Hell, I don't necessarily agree with all the missions I was sent on - but I eagerly went, and so do today's troops.

It is entirely possible, and not unreasonable, to show support for the troops, without agreeing with their mission - the two are not one and the same.
Roy Harding said:
It is entirely possible, and not unreasonable, to show support for the troops, without agreeing with their mission - the two are not one and the same.

Thank you for stating that so succintly.
Very well said...one does not have to support the mission to support the troops!

CBC news will be airing this today and and Daily Times (Halifax) had it as front page news.  Also, A-Channel in Toronto is on their way to a gathering of military families wearing Red.  Even the C/O's secretary here at 1 RCHA got in on it and wore red!  Me too, but I only teach here!

Look for my article and pictures done by Marie Brown of Shilo Studio is a base paper near you.
So how about the media getting behind the gas boycott of Petrocanada (or whomever)? I'd dearly love to see that happen with summer hiking season setting in and gas hovering over a dollar a litre...  ;)
This was in the can.community.military news group posted yesterday morning as well...

"Give troops show of support

Soldier's girlfriend urges people to wear red on Fridays to boost troop

By Rachel Boomer
The Daily News

DARTMOUTH - When Rebecca Verlinden's boyfriend joined the army last year,
she knew he might end up in a war zone.

To show her support for the risks he, and everyone else in uniform, takes
when they join the Canadian military, Verlinden has started wearing red
every Friday.

And she'd like you to join her.

"It doesn't matter if you support the war or don't support the war. It says
you support the troops," Verlinden, 28, said yesterday. "It's hard to let
somebody leave and not be sure if they're going to come back."

The campaign began two weeks ago on a military family support website that
Verlinden joined: www.marriedtothecanadian forces.com. Verlinden says when
she got an e-mail about the initiative, she decided to promote it on the
East Coast.

First, she wore a pair of red pants. Last Friday, it was her only other red
garments - a red shirt and ball cap. Since then, her six co-workers, several
others in her Burnside office building, and her family have joined her.

"It caught on like wildfire."

Soon, she hopes most of the city will hear about her story, and follow suit.

"We've had a lot of people say 'I don't support the war, but I support the
people who stand behind the military,'" Verlinden said, adding she thinks
military members sometimes feel "lost in the shuffle" when Canadians debate
the politics of their involvement.

Her boyfriend, signals operator Pte. John Golden, is training in Borden,
Ont. Deployment to a war zone is no remote possibility -several people from
his training group have already been pulled away early for international
missions. Verlinden says she's proud, but it's hard not to be nervous.

"I get a call every day, and I wonder 'what if it's bad news?'"

Golden, too, says he's nervous about a potentially dangerous mission, but it
helps to know family and friends are showing public support.

"It shows our people are out there and thinking of us," Golden said.

Land Force Atlantic spokesman Major Jay Janzen hadn't heard of the campaign
before yesterday, but he was all in favour of it.

"Families are so very important in our efforts. In order for our people to
keep their focus overseas, they have to know that things are being taken
care of at home," Janzen said. "I think it's absolutely fantastic that
Canadians are appreciative of what our troops are doing."
I was very happy to see almost all the staff at the gym here in Shilo wearing their RED.  ;D :cdn:
one more story

RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Canadians who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent.

We get no media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.

Many Canadians, like you, me and our friends, simply want to recognize thatthe vast majority of Canadians supporting our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that..Every red-blooded Canadian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.

By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make Canada on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who support the work our troops do overseas will share this with
acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family, it will not be long before
Canada is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent"
majority is on their side more than ever.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things
better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers.
Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear some thing red every Friday.

But now I see you are all on it!  I had promised my wife I would post this on here... as she is also a part of the www.marriedtothecanadianforces.com site, as a staff member.  Thanks for the support all!


Photos courtesy of Marie Brown of Shilo Photo!
I am going to keep my eyes open this Friday around Halifax to see if I see lots of red...the CF is the largest single employer here...so there should be lots.

Great idea, great effort...I was not surprised at the comment the Maj Jansen did know about it...after all he is just the Snr PAO for LFAA 

Like I said before we have many nurses who have military spouses around the Halifax/Dartmouth area. 
I am posting the info at work and will of course ralley as many people as possible to wear read in support of our troops.

Many people already know about Red Friday...but it will be interesting to keep an eye out for any signs of a red wave.

Well, I am please that www.marriedtothecanadianforces.com had a small (or BIG) hand in helping to get the word out!

I am proud of all of our members and how they are always up for the challenge of getting something off the ground!
I am pleased to report that even in the city everyone loves to hate(and does :D) there was more red to be seen than is the norm.

One of the guys at work wore red today; he isn't even Canadian but was a UK squaddie.
I wore red today...visible and not...and I found that a number of people at work had heard of Red Friday...
I posted the information in the staff lounge and proceeded to explain what and why it is all about.

Support your troops day...it's the least I can do  ;D

Happy Red Fridays :cdn:

It seems that the MFRCs around the country, some, not all, are on the Red Friday bandwagon and have started selling t-shirts as a fundraiser.  Way to go, MFRC.

Additionally, married to the Canadian Forces has issued a Red Friday Hometown Challenge!

What is that, you ask?  well, take pictures of yourself and frinds and family, or group, team, office wearing red and send them to campaigns@marriedtothecanadianforces.com . All pictures will be included in a book and sent overseas to my contact there.  this si to show the men and women that Canada supports them...

I have also challenged 308 members of parliament to get involved and take it to their home riding!

A sea of red is coming your way.

way to go Canada and way to go www.marriedtothecanadianforces.com
This is awesome.  My wife just told me that her friend told her the 125th Manitoba Summer Fair in Brandon is supporting Red Fridays this year!
Do we know if there are any T-shirts available at Shearwater MFRC?

Asked the wife, she says there are supposed to be T-Shirts available at most MFRCs.  She says there are some available at some already, but that there likely will be at many more, if not all soon, or at least available on-line.  She is going to check into where.... will get back to you on that.