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Hearing (Merged) Including Hearing Tests and Hearing Categories

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I cant get ahold of my recruiter so i need some help...i got my medical results back today they seem to be fine but..they said my hearing does not meet the the common enrolment standard but says at the bottom the canadian forces recruiting centre detachment regina cab advise of the final decision concerning my application..help plz what does this mean?
It means that unless there are administrative procedures that will necessitate a waiver of the common enrolment medical standards (CEMS), you are SOL The waiver can be asked for if the applicant is a reservist and is are skilled in the trade they are going into.   Are you a reservist?
no im not a reservist..i was applying for signal operator...i dont mean to sound stupid but i didnt quite get what you were saying..it sounds like its up to the reserve if i can join up?
No, it's up to the CFRC to give you the bad news (if any), not the medics.
Michael O'Leary said:
No, it's up to the CFRC to give you the bad news (if any), not the medics.

So that's a better thing, if your well liked and seemed well suited by your recruiting office then
rather then going threw the medics :P
Okay I see that I am not getting through here.  They put that in the letter in case there are any administrative procedures that could be used to enrol you even though you don't meet the CEMS.  However,  the only available administrative procedures to possibly enrol someone who does not meet the CEMS are for serving reservists who are doing a component transfer and are skilled in the occupation they are transferring to.  It has nothing to do with whether the CFRC/D likes you or not.

If you get a letter and you are not a reservist than you are sh#t out of luck until your medical condition is rectified.  So contact the CFRC/D and they will tell you that you are SOL.  Clear as mud?

First and foremost a little history.... I am 25 years of age in good health living in Comox British Columbia. Over the past year and a half I was employed by SNC Lavalin PAE as a firefighter. My position as a firefighter with the company had me posted to Camp Julien in Kabul Afghanistan working for the Canadian Forces as a civilian contractor. Before beginning my employment I had to do a hearing test and have it submitted to the company doctor who then passed along the results of the medical testing to the military. I was approved for employment in Afghanistan and worked there for 1.5 years upon which I came back to Canada and applied with the military. I have my medical and CFAT testing coming up on Tuesday the 8th of November. I am applying for armour, infantry and artillery NCM and I'm a little concerned

I am concerned over the hearing test as I have approx 40 percent hearing loss in my left ear due to a cyst when I was 1-2 years old. Having this hearing loss from such a young age has allowed my body to adapt and I function exactly the same as anyone else. In reality nobody I have ever known could tell that I have a hearing deficiency unless I told them. I don't read lips and I can hear anything from any angle it comes at me within reason.

I know for sure that the military will ask for a referral from a specialist in the otolaryngology (spelling?) field. I know that I must have at least H3 for the fields I have chosen. The military orderly at CFB Comox told me I had H3 at the time I applied with SNC Lavalin.

My question is this. Have you ever heard of this type of a problem before and if so what was the outcome. Also is it really something I should be fretting about? It just seems a little bit strange that the military would allow me to serve in Afghanistan as a civ at Camp Julien and various other sites and yet I could be denied to serve as a soldier.

It is just so easy to make one tiny mistake on the hearing test and be denied.

Thanks again sorry for the lengthy explanation any answers or suggestions would be great.


H2 is the minimum standard for enrolment and H3 is the minimum for the occupation.

It just seems a little bit strange that the military would allow me to serve in Afghanistan as a civ at Camp Julien and various other sites and yet I could be denied to serve as a soldier.

Of course there are different standards for civilians and they would be lower. Good luck.
thank you

It is nice to get an honest answer. Well all I can do now is hope.

I am reapplying for the CF and did all the tests already last year. I have to redo them and I remember last time I did the hearing test it was a bit weird. They sit you in this little booth with the headsets and play a bunch of beeps for you. After a while your hearing so many beeps you start imagining them. Or they get so quiet to the point where you dont know if its a beep or just the ringing in your head. It happened to me last time where I ended up just spamming the button at the end becasue I coudlnt tell it it was faintly beeping or if my ears were just ringing or if I was imagining beeps.... heh. Should I say something this time around? I dont want to fail it and not be let in the CF over something like that.
Chances are its not a ringing in your ears but actually the noise from the test, since it doesn't beep, it sounds like a long low ringing sound, because it is, if your not sure there is a sound though, i wouldn't recommend just randomly going buckwild on the button, it might look odd if your hitting the button when theres no sound. Goodluck to you.
Just take the test. If you think you hear a tone, press the button.

Every tester is different. The tone is not generated until the tester presses a button themselves,
Thus it is very easy to see when someone is just pressing the button.  Speaking for myself, I will back up
the test and re-start at an earlier point on the chart if I suspect that.


Spitfire said:
...They sit you in this little booth with the headsets and play a bunch of beeps for you. After a while your hearing so many beeps you start imagining them. Or they get so quiet to the point where you dont know if its a beep or just the ringing in your head. It happened to me last time where I ended up just spamming the button at the end becasue I coudlnt tell it it was faintly beeping or if my ears were just ringing or if I was imagining beeps...

LMAO It's SOOOO true!! I did the test barely 2 weeks ago and its the same thing for me. Except that I was sitting in a room with the door closed, so I was hearing everything on the other side. And then - wait for it... the PHONE starting ringing. Oh man, even though it was simply pushing a button, it was one of the hardest things I ever did in my life  :'(. Ha ha ha no I kid, but seriously, I wasn't told how well I did so I assume I made it.
Good to keep a record of your hearing tests. I know for my previous job they brought the hearing truck around every year and after failing the first test miserably, it was a huge relief to find out that it improved slowly over the next 3 years because I started to make an effort and wear hearing protection.
Hi everyone,

I have my evaluations (interview, medical, fitness, etc) for joining the CF scheduled for Sept., and have been training for two months now. I'm very confident that I'll pass the fitness exam, I've been studying for the aptitude test, and have practiced the interview process and questions.... however, I'm concerned about the medical evaluation.

I'm in great health, but at age five, I had bacterial meningitis that stripped me of all hearing in my left ear. Recently, I went to get my hearing tested to see if a hearing aid would help, but learned that: a) I have absolutely no hearing, and no way of correcting the loss in my left ear; b) I have above normal hearing in my right ear.

I spoke to my recruiter about this, and he forwarded me to the doctor that gives the medical exams. The only answer he gave me was to simply apply and see what Ottawa decides.

I'd love to be a part of the Canadian Forces, and have applied for INF. I crave the order and discilpline, and would be honored to serve my country. But I don't want to get my hopes up just end up with an offer to be a steward or cook.

Have any of you been in my situation, or know of anyone who has? What do you think my chances of being accepted are?

Any replies would be appreciated! :)
Apply and see what happens. You will never know until to you try.

You can read up on the hearing standard here:


I had my medical today and my hearing was not up to par in my left ear. Something is wrong with it, and my right ear must have compensated as I never knew until today.

I was told it would affect me, but go try anyways and best of luck.
After reading the standards, I think I would be an H3... which is the minimum for my selected trade (assuming I'm reading the charts right).

Thanks for your input  :)
All I can add is, I can still hear out of my bad ear, and was told it would still threaten my joining the CF.

You may wish to call the medical staff at CFRC, they have always been helpful to me.