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Heavy Gunners


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I've had this on my mind for a while.  While at my local recruiting center doing my tests, I had 3 people tell me that I'd make a good heavy gunner because of my size.

I've had a few questions on my mind ever since then.  Is that position completely optional or do they 'suggest' it with a bit of pressure?  Are there any main differences from a general infantry role other than having a different weapon in your hands?  Which gun would they be referring to?  There seem to be several "heavy machine guns".  I heard the terms "heavy gunner" and ".50 cal" mentioned by the recruiting staff.

I'm going full time PPCLI infantry.  Thanks!
Quagmire was probably right.  Most likely lugging around a C6.  Which is quite a bit heavier around 25+ lbs, than the C7 which is about 8lbs.
Quagmire was probably right.  Most likely lugging around a C6.  Which is quite a bit heavier around 25+ lbs, than the C7 which is about 8lbs.

Lol, IIRC, the belt for the C6 alone is heavier than an unloaded C7  ;D
As an infantry soldier, you will learn to become proficient in the use and application of all of the weapons you posess in your platoon. A tasking, or job which may be given to you could be as an LMG (C9) gunner or carrying the C6, GPMG which provides much of a a dismounted platoon's firepower.

As mentioned above, you'll go where you're told to go, and your bosses will find you a position in whatever niche needs filling at that particular time. It's one of the things that makes the Canadian soldier great. Mastery of many battlefield skills.

Good luck in the Patricias,


Most infantrymen and Sappers take on the characteristics (if not the personality) of pack mules.... between body armour, personal & support weapons, offensive & defensive stores.... you'll have more than enough oportunities to "shine" as the fella who can carry the "mostest".
HollywoodHitman said:
It's one of the things that makes the Canadian soldier great. Mastery of many battlefield skills.

Jeez, that sounds like it came right out of a recruiting brochure :)

Have you ever noticed it always seems the scrawny little buggers become machine gunners?
ExSarge said:
Have you ever noticed it always seems the scrawny little buggers become machine gunners?

Runts of the litter tend to be mean littl' buggers  ;D
ExSarge said:
Jeez, that sounds like it came right out of a recruiting brochure :)

Have you ever noticed it always seems the scrawny little buggers become machine gunners?

Add scrawny little buggers with smart mouths and attitudes and i'd agree ;D

Former "pig" humper and proud of it.

ok that last part came out wrong :-[
Danjanou said:
Former "pig" humper and proud of it.

I always thought there was something strange about you guys...

I mean we've all woken up the next morning with a thick head and regrets, but we sure as hell don't brag about it! ;D
you have just described my son to a tee. I don't really know if his weight has gone up much since he went to A'Stan but when he left he was at around 170-180 and at 6'3 he is very skinny. He is also a heavy gunner . Why is it that the scrawny guys pack the big guns?
Why?... cause the bigger guys are straining under even bigger loads?
Padre, God will get you for that.

Whenever I assigned important wpns (GPMG, C2/C( 84mm etc) to members of my section/platoon whatever it was solely based on the best person qualified to be carrying using it. If he was a big guy that was a bonus and as noted earlier there are plenty of pack mule jobs to go around.

I presume and hope that earlier in my career when I was assigned said weapons to carry/use by my superiors it was for the same reason, my ability to use it effectively, not my big mouth.

Also I will admit to some poor Friday night judgement calls, often as a result of injesting too much hops and barley, in my less than puritanical younger days :-[
Danjanou said:
Padre, God will get you for that.

Sure.. I've already added it to the list.

I don't know why, but as previously stated more small guys want the gunners course.

Me.. no thanks.  At 150 lbs.. my kit already feels like it weighs more than I do.

Pillows and helium balloons is all I'm allowed to carry now.