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Help With Lesson Plan

Our Officers told us that we get specialized CATOs because of the large growth, we have lower prerequisites and most people are rushed through two star levels a year. i dont know where it was but theres a chart some where that says how many of each rank you are allowed for you corps based on the amount of people and theres three notes at the bottom and the third one is some thing like " see regional cadet officers " or somethign like that..

Its not for every corps, as there arent many that are above 150.. most people i know think there corps is big when they have 70 or 80..
Well folks, looks like shes telling the truth.

CATO 40-04 said:
Note 3. For a cadet corps with a quota of 150 +, regions are to contact D Cdts 4-4.

So, yes it seems that they may have different prereq's due to their size, however, I still don't think that that would consist of different CATO's as they are following the CATO's due to their size.

However, Annex B, which deals with the prereq's doesn't mention anything based on quick growth, but it could be argued that if they spoke to D Cadets then it would be allowable. At least that what I gather.

Link to CATO 40-03
Of course DCdts can't do the sensible thing and publish something so we can argue over the internet.
I think she is just confusing the acronyms

The CATOs (Cadet Administrative and Trainin Orders) are put out nationally for every corps regardless of size

You are probably thinking of regional specific instructions, like MRO (monthly routine orders) or SOPs (standard operating procedues)
ARMYboi69 said:
Better for us to shoot in the dark and guess then just get a clear answer and be done with it ;)... I guess...

Either way, I hope that this has been cleared up - CATO's would be of no use if everyone changed them to suit their own corps.   Maybe move some badges around so that they fit better?   Change a few drill movements so that everyone can do it better?   Not happening.
Oh I'm still waiting for someone at DCdts who promised me they would write up something official on cadets wearing CADPAT specifically for posting on the internet. ::)
ARMYboi69 said:
Just to inquire, how'd you get personal contact with the DCdt's?
Forwarded by the cadets.ca info person.

No, I wasn't joking, its been about 2 months now.
Yeah, I remeber you posting that, wasn't it supposed to get back the next day or something crazy that hasn't happened?