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HMCS Huron To Be Sunk

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You will need two people, a combat operator to paint and the Bosn to supervise.  Don't forget the green helmet.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
You will need two people, a combat operator to paint and the Bosn to supervise.  Don't forget the green helmet.
And don't forget the gun tape to patch the holes first
Fair dealings, Copyright Act and all that stuff.


VICTORIA (CP) - A Canadian warship has been sunk by artillery fire.

The Canadian navy spent more than $7 million cleaning up the decommissioned HMCS Huron to ready it for its final voyage and to ensure that nothing toxic was left aboard.

It took two days to tow the engineless, weaponless hulk to a spot about 100 kilometres off the coast of Vancouver Island and then only five hours to send it two kilometres straight down to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Lt.-Cmdr. Mark MacIntyre says the Huron sank just after 1 p.m. local time as part of a joint, international naval exercise.

He says the navy and air force, as well as allies from the United States, got some very realistic training.

Originally plans were to have the warship targeted by naval gunnery, then hit by missiles and at least one submarine-launched torpedo.

But MacIntyre says that proved unnecessary since the ship was sent to the bottom by the barrage of artillery.

Artillery??  :rofl:
Cheeez... those M777s have quite the range, don't they?
RIP old girl....memories of some excellent days at sea will never be sunk in my mind. :(
geo said:
Cheeez... those M777s have quite the range, don't they?

I can see it now - Aeroquip strapped to the flight deck, instant "Y" gun. ;)
She was indeed sunk yesterday. She was not, however, sunk by ship's guns. She was put down by a laser guided bomb that was dropped from a CF-18.

It was a great experience to fire on a "live" target for only the second time in my career (the first was a US Knox Class FFG off the coast of Washington). I will post videos and pics once we get then all processed. She really took a hell of a beating from the 9 ships that fired on her, but she remained afloat through all Naval gunfire (5in, 76mm, 57mm, 40mm, 25mm, 20mm and .50 cal) and missiles. Well done HURON.
I heard this on the radio on the weekend.  Apparently one of the captains of one of the ships had mixed emotions about it.  He said though the training would be excellent, it was a bit heartbreaking, as he earned his "ticket" on the ship.  (Bridge watch ticket?  Does that sound right?)

RIP Huron.  :salute:
Captain Sensible said:
...as he earned his "ticket" on the ship.  (Bridge watch ticket?  Does that sound right?)

BWK, bridge watchkeeper, is what they are, and yes, it is a "ticket" that they earn to be qualified to stand the watches.

It is things like this that make me miss sailing, and being involved in evolutions like this.  Cronicbny, I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures and videos that you have.  That would have been amazing to have been there, what an opportunity!
JDnav said:
hha... Wouldnt it serve better purpose if it was salvaged for steel and parts rather than sunk for practice
ships used to be towed out to India - to be stripped down by the wreckers... (remember the Bonny?)
now, those same doo-gooders feel that the labourers who toiled at wrecking the ships were being exposed to all sorts of nasty things as they did their work ... and so we don't send our ships over there anymore.
Ex-Dragoon said:
How many Harpoons and/or other missiles were launched against her?

AFAIK, There were no Harpoons fired upon the Huron. The plan was to engage it with Sea Sparrow Missiles operating in surface mode, but I don't know how many firing serials there was before it sank. Apparently (unsurprisingly) the damage done to the ship by these SA Missiles was negligible.

Its too bad they didn't get to unleash the Mk48... that would have been some good footage
From briefs we have had in the last couple of days the Sea Sparrows used were not even warshot, just telemetric warheads to collect data.
Cronicbny said:
She was indeed sunk yesterday. She was not, however, sunk by ship's guns. She was put down by a laser guided bomb that was dropped from a CF-18.

It was a great experience to fire on a "live" target for only the second time in my career (the first was a US Knox Class FFG off the coast of Washington). I will post videos and pics once we get then all processed. She really took a hell of a beating from the 9 ships that fired on her, but she remained afloat through all Naval gunfire (5in, 76mm, 57mm, 40mm, 25mm, 20mm and .50 cal) and missiles. Well done HURON.

Any luck getting a hold of these videos / pictures? Everything I've read/seen in the media and people I've talked to onboard the REGINA state that the Huron was sunk by a second volley of shots from Algonquin's 76mm and that bombs were NOT dropped on the Huron.
I've seen a few pictures and video from various sources (the periscope one, a few from A-Channel Victoria) but I'm specifically referring to anything from the CF-18's that would lend credence to Cronicbny's assertion that laser guided bombs sank the Huron.

Also mostly because I'd really like to see any video of the strafing run.  :)

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