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Homosexual marriage (social & military implications, and related events)

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So, if 2 men or 2 women is fine, how can we say no to a polygamist? What "marital" rights do we offer to several wives? There are very committed polygamists and polyamorists in the world - surely, they have rights too? I think that this may be a more reasonable example than pedophiles...

I tend to agree with Gunner... to me "marriage" has a religious connotation. Insisting on gay marriage would be like me insisting on receiving communion at a mosque - apples and oranges. I do agree that somehow, someone has to come up with a reasonable set of guidelines for "civil unions" or some such thing. I'm as conservative as they come, but a gay person not being allowed to visit their sick partner in the hospital because their dire condition requires "family only" visits is ludicrous.
If gays have to have "civil unions" then why dont we call that for hetero's. What if a church wants to marry them, then it is a marriage but will it still have to be called a civil union. Why is it one thing for one group and another for the other. Why is a three thousand year old book dictating our world in 2005? I don't get the whole issue. People are people, they love each other, who cares what its called as long as its the same for everyone. Isnt that what we want, equality?
Why is a three thousand year old book dictating our world in 2005?  ::)....which book, cause I don't think all of them are that age.
Every coupling should be a civil union.  A lawful union sanctioned by the state and taxed accordingly!  If a church wants to "marry" someone in the eyes of God, that is for the church to decide.  As I mentioned before, get the state and religion out of marriage for all people. People get hung up in the religious aspects of marriage, and they (and the government) shouldn't.  If Roman Catholics don't want to marry you as a gay couple, find another church or denomination.  Why should they change for you?  It's there beliefs.

 They are not same.  If you think they are, then please explain it to me, because I don't see the link.
Why bother?You have been fully indoctrinated by the Socialist MSM,thus it's a waste of my time because you have failed to see my point.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Why is a three thousand year old book dictating our world in 2005?   ::)....which book, cause I don't think all of them are that age.

You missed the point completely. I'm saying that most people who have a case against homosexuality use the bible and religion as their excuse. Well I'm prietty sure that texts from thousands of years ago have most definatley been changed to suit the needs of whatever person happened to be in power.
LowRider said:
. Why bother?You have been fully indoctrinated by the Socialist MSM,thus it's a waste of my time because you have failed to see my point.

What planet are you from.......not only did you make some rather screwed up statements but now you can defend them ?  
muskrat89 said:
I tend to agree with Gunner... to me "marriage" has a religious connotation.

Can't a Justice of the Peace or a judge perform marriages? Doesn't sound too religious to me. In line with what camochick was saying, this separate but equal stuff smacks of the treatment of blacks in schools in the US before desegregation.

No, churches wouldn't have to perform a gay marriage ceremony but why shouldn't they be able to married outside of a church? It's not like heterosexuals have done such a great job with the institution. How many marriages have Larry King and Liz Taylor had? How easy was it for Britney to get plastered, get married, then unmarried? What is the percentage of hetero marriages in North America that end in divorce? Please, it's not like gays can do any worse.
LowRider said:
. Why bother?You have been fully indoctrinated by the Socialist MSM,thus it's a waste of my time because you have failed to see my point.

What is this Socialist MSM that you refer to? If I've been indoctrinated, I'd like to know by what.
In some countries, such as Germany, a couple have two weddings; one Civil and one Church.  In Canada you have a choice of one or the other, Civil or Church weddings.

Did not our law about marriage come into effect many years ago to condone the marriage of one man to one woman, in order to put a stop to polygamy?  If that is the case, we still have a choice of what type of wedding we want.  Does a Civil Union between two same sex people have to be called a "Marriage"?

If the Government has stayed out of the business of the Church; why is it now dictating what happens in CF Chapels?  Are CF Chaplains not recognized by the state as being ordained members of the Church?

Getting back to pedophilia; how did we get off on that tangent to begin with?  What is the legal age of conscent in this country?   Perhaps Bruce should have said "21 year old spinster daughter".

George Wallace said:
Getting back to pedophilia; how did we get off on that tangent to begin with.  What is the legal age of conscent in this country?


We got on that subject because someone decided to equate pedophilia to homosexuality.His contention was that the charter protects then as well because pedophilia is a "sexual orientation". I guess with this guy " the lights are on but nobody's home"

At ay rate....like JTF threads....this has gone to shits....Mods ?
Exactly Gunner.  

camochick, I guess what Gunner and I are saying is to reverse or change the semantics already in place. My wife and I were married (unioned  ???) in a courthouse. In the eyes of the "state" we are legally married, or - fast forward - we have formed a "legally recognized civil union". Now, if we want to be "married", as in a Christian marriage - we have to get our Union blessed in the Church. Which would be voluntary on our part.

Can't a Justice of the Peace or a judge perform marriages?
sigpig - in a roundabout way, we agree...  What we (Gunner and I) are saying is that (as far as I know) marriage, in the beginning, was a Christian/religious principle, which over time, the Governments chose to recognize. If Government wants to change the definition of marriage, then they should probably change the name of it too....

George hit it on the head.....
My husband and i got married in the JRC by a marriage commissioner, not very religious  :P

GIJANE said:
My husband and i got married in the JRC by a marriage commissioner, not very religious   :P


Same here..........and then separated legaly by a mediator payed by the military !!........mmmm.....wait, i see a patern forming.........
George Wallace said:
What is the legal age of conscent in this country?GW

Horribly worded part of section 151 of Criminal Code:

Sexual Offences

Consent no defence

150.1 (1) Where an accused is charged with an offence under section 151 or 152 or subsection 153(1), 160(3) or 173(2) or is charged with an offence under section 271, 272 or 273 in respect of a complainant under the age of fourteen years, it is not a defence that the complainant consented to the activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge.


(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where an accused is charged with an offence under section 151 or 152, subsection 173(2) or section 271 in respect of a complainant who is twelve years of age or more but under the age of fourteen years, it is not a defence that the complainant consented to the activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge unless the accused

(a) is twelve years of age or more but under the age of sixteen years;

(b) is less than two years older than the complainant; and

(c) is neither in a position of trust or authority towards the complainant nor is a person with whom the complainant is in a relationship of dependency.

Much clearer wording from the Interpol site:

Canada - Canadá

I. Ages for legal purposes

Age of simple majority

    There is no set age of majority throughout Canada. The age of majority is generally fixed by each province. According to section 1 of the 'Age of Majority and Accountability Act' in Ontario and to section 153 f the Quebec Civil Code, the age of majority is of eighteen (18) years. In Alberta, Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island and Manitoba, the age of majority is also eighteen (18) years. In Newfoundland, the age of majority is seventeen (17) years and in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Northwest territories and Yukon, the age of majority is nineteen (19).

Age of consent for sexual activity

    According to section 151 of the Criminal Code, the legal age for consenting to a sexual activity is fourteen (14) years

    'Every person who, for a sexual purpose, touches, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, any part of the body a person under the age of fourteen (14) years is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.'

Age of consent for marriage

    The age of consent for marriage can differ from one province to another. In Ontario, according to subsection 5(1) of the 'Marriage Act', any person who is eighteen (18) years or older can obtain a licence or be married under the authority of the publication of banns. Furthermore, subsection 5(2) maintains that a minor cannot be married except if the minor is of the age of sixteen (16) years or more and has the consent in writing of both parents. The federal 'Marriage Act' was repealed.

I am surprised to see the age of consent for sexual activity is 14. Would have thought it was 16.
The armed forces has to reflect the social values of the nation it is sworn to defend. If the Canadian people, by and large, support gay and lesbian unions, then the CF will have to adapt. Just like women in the combat arms(which I happen to strongly disagree with) or on board ship, or anywhere else women were excluded. Thats the nice thing about the CF, its a play army, not terribly capable, so we can endevour in these social engineering experiments.
Locked while we decide what to do with that last post, .....   kapyong we will talk.

EDIT ...unlocking as I have to go away for an hour ...mods..?
kapyong said:
The armed forces has to reflect the social values of the nation it is sworn to defend. If the Canadian people, by and large, support gay and lesbian unions, then the CF will have to adapt. Just like women in the combat arms(which I happen to strongly disagree with) or on board ship, or anywhere else women were excluded. Thats the nice thing about the CF, its a play army, not terribly capable, so we can endevour in these social engineering experiments.

ohhhhh boy i wish these were unedited boards right now.  >:(

GIJANE said:
ohhhhh boy i wish these were unedited boards right now.   >:(


Realx Jane, don't waste the energy, this guy isn't worth it.
What is this Socialist MSM that you refer to? If I've been indoctrinated, I'd like to know by what.

Mainstream media-ie:Television,movies,music etc.The catalyst for societal norms and pop culture,such as it is.Violence and crime is glorified in movies,Gangster rap&video games,and youth violence is rapidly climbing ,just one example,the point in all this is that society is changing.What is considered a horrible atrocity by todays standards may be the norm in a decade.Not convinced?How did Hitler steer a nation down the path to genocide.
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