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How did you meet your spouse?

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She was a PAT working in the unit canteen and the female staff thought we would make a good couple. Had a wonderful long conversation over coffee and afterwards she told her friends she had just met the man she wanted to marry. Slight complication as I was a MCpl instructor at the same school she was student at but different training companies. When I told my CWO I had gotten engaged and told him she was a student we had words (actually he talked I listened). She ended up getting out, her Airforce trade and my Army trade weren't a good match for postings. We have been happily married 25 years. 
Awwww....I never heard that story before... it's sweet!

You two are the image of a perfect couple.
My story was posted long ago.  I'll repeat part of it here:

Roy Harding said:

I joined the Army (regular force) in 1977, at 17 years of age - I was infantry and was sent to Dundurn as, basically, a labourer supporting the Militia Concentration taking place at that place that summer - I imagine this was some "summer tasking" that my Battalion needed to fill.

The regular force Station Warrant Officer (also known as a “Base Chief"? or “Base RSM" in other places/times) in Dundurn was an Engineer MWO, who happened to have two daughters (the plot thickens!!).

During one of my regular JR's “incidents", I was placed in custody, after having struck the Camp Orderly Corporal.  The “Duty Field Officer" that night was none other than the Station Warrant Officer.  One of the duties of a Duty Field Officer is to check in on incarcerated folks to make sure they're OK (not committing suicide or some other nefarious activity).  The MWO in question took a shine to me (for reasons that remain unknown - unfortunately he has now passed on and cannot be asked), and invited me to lunch at his PMQ later that week.

I attended his PMQ and had lunch, and met his daughters.  The younger one was just 18 and had recently graduated high school.

Three months later, the younger daughter moved in with me - there's a lesson here for Fathers of daughters who meet dashing young soldiers - the lesson being NEVER take a “shine" to a dashing young soldier and invite him home!!

Well Roy if your still with his daughter, maybe the shining wasn't such a bad thing...  ;)
gunshy said:
Well Roy if your still with his daughter, maybe the shining wasn't such a bad thing...  ;)

Still with her.  We married in 1980 - next year will be our 30th anniversary.  Her Dad became one my best friends and a primary influence in my life.  It tore me up when he passed away - I was in Afghanistan and couldn't make it to his funeral.
Congrats for next year's anniversary...that's a long time to be with someone... Heck it's longer than i've been alive!!  ;D
Jingo said:
Congrats for next year's anniversary...that's a long time to be with someone... Heck it's longer than i've been alive!!  ;D

If you're mostly having fun, it goes by pretty damned quick.  Hopefully, the next thirty will be just as fun.
That is awesome yet rare! Good tip as well, that along with marrying your best friend... that friend is hard to find. I thought I met that person in 1991, I couldn't have been (at that time) anymore opposite but he seemed different then all other men, very respectful, intellegent and handsome too boot! Life has continued to have our paths cross but never evolve into anything other then a friendship. Women were always around him because he was a man of uniform but he always seemed genuine so I kept my distance hoping he'd see I had more to offer then what the other's were offering. I have always wished him well and hoped he's found a life of happiness. We connected in 2007 and I had hoped both being single etc. something may come about... but his life had changed and he had joined the Army. We had communicated for a bit but apparently our interest wasn't at the same place and time in our lives? I still think of him often and I don't really know if any time or distance will change that but I hope he remains safe and well, doing what he's doing.  :yellow: Maybe that's why I stumbled onto this website. ???

My current GF. been together going on a year. Met at a bar. I was drunk, she was drunker. This gave her the impression I was a good singer and dancer >:D, which I am clearly not :P. By the third or fourth date rolled around and she realised I could do neither, she was already hooked ;D...
patriot1112 said:
Met at a bar. I was drunk,
Similar story here. Remembrance day 1994. Late evening and a group of us were making the rounds of the local establishments.
She was a waitress that took a liking for me.
I keep teasing her that she picked me up when I was drunk.
Her reply is "your still around".
I reply back that "I just haven't sobered up yet".
What I could do with all that money I spent on beer over the almost last 15 years.
Sometimes that's all you can do Gunshy... 

Thanks Jingo...  ;)

Life goes on and continues to do so but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him, want him or just hope he'll show up or call unexpectedly. Eventually... I guess my heart will figure it out what my head keeps trying to tell it! lol

Don't get me wrong I'm in no way desperate! Just pathetically in (love, lust, like?) with an Army man!  >:D

:yellow: Gunshy :yellow: