I never really had â Å“the callingâ ? for the military. However, I did have the calling to be a police officer. Ever since I was very little I watched every police show and movie I could. I loved, and still do, everything about policing. When I was in my second last year of university for my B.A. in Criminal Justice, I started exploring which departments I wanted to work for...but every time I thought I found the right department something bothered me. Little departments had not enough action, or promotions, or opportunities for training, and generally did not pay enough. On the other hand, larger departments had good pay and action, but if you want to advance you are generally forced to either stay for numerous years as a police officer or specialize into only one area (ie: forensics, swat, etc.) Then there was the option of the RCMP, which are generally posted in rural areas with not much action, and you don't really get to do anything interesting like specializing for at least 7 years.
When I was pondering :-\ all of my options I was talking to my professors, most of which are in or retired from the US Military, FBI, or US police departments. Every time I mentioned that I wasn't sure they all told me the same thing....The Canadian Forces!! They all told me how in one time in their career they worked with the CF and in their opinion the Military Police are the best police in the country.
Anyways, at the same time I was looking into my options, I found an HRDC ad for infantry soldiers in the reserves, which I figured I'd try out. I was sworn in this past summer and will start basic training hopefully this weekend.
Since talking to my professors, being sworn into the reserves and talking to people, reading all I can on being an MP, and taking related UNITAR courses, I realized the Canadian Forces and more specifically the Military Police is everything I am looking for and more. I totally 100% want to be an MP!
I'm planning on component transferring in March when I finish my first year of my Master's degree.