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How long did you give it some thought before enlisting?


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I am just wondering how long the thought of joining the Army ran through peoples minds before they made their final decision and enlisted.  :cdn:
first wanted to join at 16... life got in the way... doing it now...  so 14 years.
Personally I thought about the concept of joining the armed forces off and on with frequency most of my adult life. I am 32 now, so at least 12-14 years. Growing up I lived in Barrie Ontario, happens to be very close to Base Borden. My parents had friends who were in the forces that would visit quite often. This allowed for a small degree of admiration and early awareness of due respect for persons in uniform. However, as I became an adult I was a little more concerned with short term goals and instant reward. I pursued objectives that demanded the least investment gave an easy degree of high return. This lead to a career in long haul truck driving. While there have been many positive experiences and opportunities like being a business owner with this chosen path. There have also been a significant amount of personal disappointments. Not the least of which is the awareness that life can not be summed up as a success simply because you chose to bench your health and wellbeing for the sake of a paycheck. So in all, this is a very wordy response to your simple question. Perhaps I am reading a little more into it. Perhaps I am just justifying my own course of action and using your question as an excuse to reaffirm how glad I am to have made the choice at this point in my life. Either way my overall intent is simply to share the inclination I have. That is, regardless of the point in your life you come to the conclusion, that serving your country is a commitment your ready to make. It is essential that you be as educated as best you can and prepared as mentally and physically as possible. At the same time understanding that your joining a team that at its very core represents the values and pride of a nation, and your role with in that team is to exemplify these principals. The end result is that it doesn't so much matter how you got to your conclusion or the amount of time spent in deliberation, but that you are committed and ready for the consequences of the choice made.
Being in the army was a dream ever since I was 8 or so, but I seriously considered joining for about three years then did it :)
I first walked into the CFRC Hamilton the day I turned 17 to enlist in the Reserves. I did that for 2 years and realized that what I really wanted to do was to be an officer in the Regular Army so I put myself through University. 10 years later, I'm going to my BMOQ in January. This has been something that I've been wanting to do my whole life. That being said, once I made the decision to walk in a apply as an officer, I did take about 6 months to make sure that it was something that I really wanted and not just some romantic idea. I also took the time to bring my family on board and prepare my fiance.

My advice is that if you are seriously thinking of enlisting, go down to the nearest recruiting center and get started. This site is filled with people talking about how long the process takes. You can always apply now and if you change your mind withdraw your application later.
Roughly 15-16 area, I am almost 19 now. So do the math ^^
Yeah I'm the same Marshall. Never really looked into it quite a bit until the past 2-3 years though.
The Beaver said:
Yeah I'm the same Marshall. Never really looked into it quite a bit until the past 2-3 years though.

Mhm. I'd say most are a few years. Some never try it and thus think about it for decades.. but I am not going to give myself a chance to back down. lol
Grew up with my Dad in the CF so it was always something I had in my mind to get into. Worked for a couple years after high school and got sick of working where I was at so I went and applied. Definitely a great choice.
5 minutes.........

I got off the subway at the wrong station. That station hapenned to be right next to the CFRC. I looked at the doors, went in and now here i am.
CDN Aviator said:
5 minutes.........

I got off the subway at the wrong station. That station hapenned to be right next to the CFRC. I looked at the doors, went in and now here i am.

I've had the idea in the back of my mind for a couple years, but I just started really thinking about it in the last year. However, I still have to finish college, so I probably won't apply till the fall or next summer.
About 1.5 years.  I went overseas and did some traveling for about year and when I got back I still wanted to join. So i applied online 2 days ago, and went in today to hand in the rest.  I booked my aptitude test for next week.  Here I go ....
psy said:
About 1.5 years.   I went overseas and did some traveling for about year and when I got back I still wanted to join. So i applied online 2 days ago, and went in today to hand in the rest.   I booked my aptitude test for next week.   Here I go ....
That's pretty quick!
I got sworn into the CF on the 7th of October 08, exactly 6 months after my 16th birthday, but i have wanted to join for about 2 years prior.
Started thinking about it summer of '05.  Didn't proceed because I knew I couldn't meet the fitness requirements.

December of '07, decided to change that.  Lost 70 pounds.  Application submitted last week.
I joined when I was 18 so I guess I thought about it for about 17 yrs.  All I ever wanted to do.  ;)
always been in the back of my mind as an option, then started thinking about it more seriously during spring of this year.  Figured I may as well apply seeing as how the app process can take quit a while (bout 5-6 months for me), so still plenty of time to change my mind.....Didnt change my mind, start basic Dec.1, too good of an opportunity to pass up!