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How many infantry does the CF have at it's disposal


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Always wonderd how many infantry could be sent to a warzone like iraq.

Say you're storming Fallujah and you need 2,000 of our infantry.  Would we have enough?

I got thinken this because reading about Afghanistan when we had 2,500 some odd military personal there how many were just infantry (Or was that the number).  Because you hear about hwo the CF is so stretched thin (I know we are on other missions too) but when it comes to how many deployable infantry we have and I read up on the .gov sites we had like 3000 deployed personal this year (number is probably off) and I hear we are spread thin... ouch.

(Sorry for any grammical errors or what not, In a rush  :P)
We have 9 Infantry Battalions (Regular)

About 450-500 031's per BN...

For Op Athena Roto 0 and I with the 2300 pers - figure about 1400 of them where 031's...

We are the prime example of the (logistical) Tail that wags the Dog...
There are normally around 5-6000 RegF Infantrymen of all ranks serving in the RegF. I believe we are the largest single branch between the two MOCs: 23A and 031. There are about 50 battalions of Reserve Inf, each with probably around 100-120 effective paraders, but they are not all immediately available for overseas service, for a number of reasons.

I am not so sure about the "logistical tail" comment. When I commanded Admin Coy 1PP, it was the smallest coy in the battalion, with Cbt Sp being the biggest. Admin Coy has only one org that is actually platoon size: Maint Pl. The rest are coniderably smaller than rifle platoons. There are normally six Cbt Arms units in a RegF CMBG: three Inf, one armour, one arty and one cbt engineer. There is one CSS battalion and one medical unit. That ratio does not seem out of whack to me. Cheers.
pbi said:
I am not so sure about the "logistical tail" comment.

I think he was referring to the NSE on ops.
There are normally around 5-6000 RegF Infantrymen of all ranks serving in the RegF

Yikes thats low,  I wonder why there is such a delay in recruiting its not like they can be that overloaded
Actually many of the BN's are overborne.

Problem is you only have so many line serials.

When we went back to the 3 Company entity and lost 1/2 of combat support we lost troop positions.

Keep in mind we have the schools as well and RSS and other non-regimental (or is it extra-regimental?) duties...

My point was except for OP Apollo and OP Deliverance the CF missions have been typified by a LARGE logitical tail.
My point was except for OP Apollo and OP Deliverance the CF missions have been typified by a LARGE logitical tail.

You could say the same about Op ATHENA now: the LdSH(RC) Sqn Gp is really the only manouevre element we contribute to ISAF, but we still have a full size NSE. I was on the recce party for the current ATHENA Roto (I was originally going to do a job in CJ...) and we sat down in Mirage after the recce and scrubbed hard on the TOE to try to find room for more bayonets. Not much luck. The problem is that if you deploy Canadian troops, with their own unique pers admin needs, unique vehicle and equipment types, standards of  medical care, etc, then you are going to need an NSE. If you have just a troop of Coyotes or a full sqn, you will need to be able to repair and recover all your vehicles and their systems. If something fractures on the chassis, you need a welder.  Etc, etc. You can't ask other nations to do it for you (nor, from what I have seen of ISAF VI, might you want to...). If we had full commonality of logistic stuff with, say, the UK or the US, we could just "plug and play" (and pay...) on their systems. But we don't, of course, so we must be self sufficient. There is alot to be said for the self-sufficiency of Canadian contingents: we are normally head and shoulders above many of the nations that come on these missions. If we cut the NSE, we drop that degree of self-sufficiency. Cheers.
In reality a  Militia Reg. may only put out what 2 Platoons if lucky.
Same goes for our side ;) :salute:
I've always wondered how many of the CF personell in Afghan are Infantry men too.
Coldplay said:
I've always wondered how many of the CF personell in Afghan are Infantry men too.

A battlegroup's worth.
Coldplay said:
I've always wondered how many of the CF personell in Afghan are Infantry men too.

You know, they let women in now, right?  ;)
PMedMoe said:
You know, they let women in now, right?  ;)

Lol, forgive my ignorance; I don't know much about the army, just recently interested in enlisting.  ;D :cdn:
In the 60's we could still put together a division of infantry reg.force. I wish we could go back to that one day.
How many infantry are approximately in Afghanistan right now? Sorry for the questions, I'm just curious since I want to join infantry.  ;D
Not enough.....

Though the exact number I suspect should be covered by OPSEC I am sure it is out there somewhere. The answer above is based on dominating the terrain we are operating in.
Coldplay said:
How many infantry are approximately in Afghanistan right now? Sorry for the questions, I'm just curious since I want to join infantry.  ;D





*OPSEC = Operational Security.

Therefore shouldn't be in the public domain.
Coldplay said:
How many infantry are approximately in Afghanistan right now? Sorry for the questions, I'm just curious since I want to join infantry.  ;D

There is approximately a large bunch of infantry in Afghanistan.  More would be nice.  A more detailed answer isn't necessary, as a variety of tasks are being filled by infantry soldiers. A total number might be misleading depending on your intent, and any more detailed breakdown would not be appropriate to post here for security reasons.

If your interest in joining the infantry is based primarily on your chances of getting to Afghanistan, please review this post.
The NFLD Grinch said:



Hmmm, do you think maybe the term "OPSEC" might mean nothing to a curious new member.  Perhaps you should consider more polite and explanation based ways to share your concerns.
In the 60's we could still put together a division of infantry reg.force. I wish we could go back to that one day.

A division is usually made up of 3 Brigades, ie: 1 CMBG, 2 CMBG and 5 CMBG. Only thing missing is a Divisional Headquarters...