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How many waiting for AEC?


Jr. Member
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I know of a few people here at some stage of the recruiting process with AEC as one of the occupation choices, but wanted to get a count.  I have heard recently that pilot numbers were down significantly, but haven't heard much about AEC numbers.
So, how many of you are out there?
I am! I finally got all the security clearance stuff out of the way, Gazoo!  ;D My MCC told me there are no more AEC positions in NS right now, though, and therefore, they are trying to get one for me from another region. I am literally waiting for him to call me back today with an update. It's too late for me to get on the Sept. 2 BMOQ, obviously, so I am expecting to be heading to St. Jean in January.
Congratulations Celticgirl!

Waiting on the call here, hopefully I'll see ya in January.
Celticgirl said:
... It's too late for me to get on the Sept. 2 BMOQ, obviously, ...

I read your post earlier today and all I could think was "the poor girl has just jinxed herself.  She's going to get a call for a last minute opening and spend the next 2 days in a whirlwind to go on course!".  Guess you're safe now.  Although, after following a bit of your story, I'm sure you would have jumped at the chance, however short the notice was.  Best of luck in your journey and if you make it to North Bay after your AEC course, drop me a line.  :)
airmich said:
I read your post earlier today and all I could think was "the poor girl has just jinxed herself.  She's going to get a call for a last minute opening and spend the next 2 days in a whirlwind to go on course!".  Guess you're safe now.  Although, after following a bit of your story, I'm sure you would have jumped at the chance, however short the notice was.  Best of luck in your journey and if you make it to North Bay after your AEC course, drop me a line.  :)

Haha! I said something to that effect to my fiance today after I got the call...that I would be running around like crazy and probably wouldn't show up at all prepared, so this will actually be a bit better for me. Plus, it's not much notice to give my daughter. Come January, I should be completely ready and relaxed. :)

Re: North Bay...Only if I don't get my first choice, which is Air Traffic! ;)
Celticgirl said:
Re: North Bay...Only if I don't get my first choice, which is Air Traffic! ;)

You might find yourself up here regardless, possibly for your pre-OJT.  Besides, it's not too bad in either season: Winter or Shadfly.
airmich said:
You might find yourself up here regardless, possibly for your pre-OJT.  Besides, it's not too bad in either season: Winter or Shadfly.

Now who is doing the jinxing? You shush!  ;D
I've been waiting for like forever, more or less. Why doesn't they call? I can't go on like this :crybaby:
koopa said:
I've been waiting for like forever, more or less. Why doesn't they call? I can't go on like this :crybaby:

Are you waiting for AEC or pilot? The vast majority of your posts here indicate that you are vying for a pilot position.
Celticgirl said:
I just got the call...I've been selected for AEC. Woohoo!  :)

Another happy customer.  ;D

Congrats!  You have lots of time to prepare and still get a Holiday season before fun and games at the Mega.  While maybe being on course and climbing the stairs at the Mega isn't fun, the area is actually pretty decent, IMO.  I miss it (but I was there as an Instructor...so a bit of a different life than candidates...we were allowed out at night  ;D).
Well, you's sees, I applied as pilot and logistics. But Mr. Interview Guy said I did so well on my CFAT that I should try out for AEC and sold that to me. Sometime later, I was told they aint gots nothin' but AEC and that they'll put me through some sort of super-speedy express process. Then told me to get my medical shiznits together so I can on course in August (lol, yea right). I'm expecting December at this point.

BTW, I know I present myself as an idiot but I'm not. I got a serious job in finance and just feel the need to be my goofy self sometimes. Sorry
Eye In The Sky said:
we were allowed out at night  ;D.

What the....?  >:(  :rage:

Yeah, it should be "fun and games" all right. I am looking forward to it!  ;)

koopa said:
Well, you's sees, I applied as pilot and logistics. But Mr. Interview Guy said I did so well on my CFAT that I should try out for AEC and sold that to me.

I hope it's what you really want, then, because from what I hear, the course at CFSACO is pretty brutal.  ;D
Celticgirl said:
I hope it's what you really want, then, because from what I hear, the course at CFSACO is pretty brutal.  ;D

I hope it would be. We just can't have anyone controlling supersonic jet planes and such
That's only four so far...me, Sterling Dyer, Koopa, and Kruggle. What about Grando and KJL? I know they were hoping to get AEC as well. Where are you guys?
Celticgirl said:
...the course at CFSACO is pretty brutal.  ;D

Yes, but the cushy accommodations help soften the blow!  Nothing like maid service on your first trade course to help you adjust to AF life!  ;D
airmich said:
Yes, but the cushy accommodations help soften the blow!  Nothing like maid service on your first trade course to help you adjust to AF life!  ;D

Yeah, I guess that'll be all right.  8)