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How Safe Are You Facebooking....

gunshy said:
My EX... In my experienced it was relentless for the time I was on it. I used all privacy blocks and always made sure no "common friends". As it turned out he did not have a profile (to my knowledge) but obviously found an avenue to access me, my comments and my movements etc. To this day I don't know where the "link" was as my friends where all from my home town High School and no one he would know. I just learned it's not bullet proof! No matter what I "shared" within hours I'd either receive a call or he would just show up where I was or where I was going to be.
The last straw... I had a weekend trip planned with the g/f's to Niagara Falls, more then 2.5 hours away. We arrived, unpacked went for supper and while I was waiting for my food got the call asking if I was there... he was across the street on the next block. :o I posted on fb that morning prior to leaving where I was going... When I returned home, I closed my account.
This was my own personal experience... it was fun  :nod: connecting with old friends etc. while it lasted... until the stalking behaviour started.  :( I guess I've just become more guarded as to what I put on the net now and live a more discrete life. If that's what it takes to keep me safe and bring peace to my life... I'm ok with it!  ;)

Since you say he was your 'ex,' is it not possible that he might have known what you 'typically' use for a password(s) and he could have actually been logging into your account?  The user ID for Facebook is simply your name, so he'd only have to guess/know the password you were using.
Since you say he was your 'ex,' is it not possible that he might have known what you 'typically' use for a password(s) and he could have actually been logging into your account?  The user ID for Facebook is simply your name, so he'd only have to guess/know the password you were using.

We had been seperated for quite sometime before I joined facebook and I had changed all passwords to everything that required one! With that said, I guess anything could be possible but I will never know!?  :-\
If he was as much of a stalker as you say he was, he could easily have shelled out $100 for a hacker to find out your new password...
he could easily have shelled out $100 for a hacker to find out your new password

Thanks for the info Greymatters!  :o I feel oh so much safer now... is it really that easy?  ??? Glad I'm no longer on it then, that is enough to make my puke. Believe me when I say, some days Mexico isn't far enough! However, lucky for me he's rarely gainfully employed, his living is made by his latest treat of the week or his current wife, which ever is available. Either way I don't give a rats a$$ as long as he's not bothering me!!!  ;D Life remains good!  8)
It sounds easier than it is - although that is reported to be the going rate, he would have to be connected with the right group to know he was getting the actual service and not getting ripped off, which reportedly deters a lot of people... 
Great info moving forward, tyvm... fb is just not that important to me and as long as my life is moving on to completely gone from his.  8) I'm good.... I'm really, really good! ;) ;D
"Montana police officer who posted comment about putting 'stupid' people in jail resigns":
mariomike said:
"Montana police officer who posted comment about putting 'stupid' people in jail resigns":

But it's true!  There should be a law against stupidity.  ::)
Some sound and sage advice from Jennifer Stoddart, Canada's privacy commissioner:

People Must Take More Responsibility for Their Online Lives: Privacy Head

Article found October 6, 2009: Canwest News

Here's an alert that came out today.  Not really aimed at Facebook but if they can hack one account, they can probably hack others.

Thousands of email accounts compromised by scammers (article link)

If you access your email online, you may want to read this notification.  How else would you access your email?  ???

Do you have an email account with AOL, Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo? If so, now might be a good time to change your password. This past weekend, thousands of Hotmail usernames and passwords were leaked onto a website. Similar information from other email websites soon followed.

Microsoft has confirmed the leak and said that it’s likely the result of a massive phishing scheme, a malicious scam that seek to gain a user’s account information. Scammers send an email pretending to be a bank, eBay, PayPal, or email provider and ask people to “update or confirm your account settings.” When someone clicks the link and enters his or her log-in information, the scammers gain access to the account.

More on link

I just changed my passwords.  :nod:
Yeah I got a message from a yahoo kayaking group I am with saying they needed to review my info.
I think the only way your password would have been let out would have been if you proceeded with it.

As for facebook,I don't even use my name.Or use the right school,place of work etc.I picked a European country and created a identity.

I also have taken myself out of the search and took away the "Add friend" button so no one can add me without sending me a message first.

Great suggestions but... what's the point of even being on it?

How could anyone ever send you a message if they couldn't search you to even ask?  ??? Do you share your "code name" with your friends or something? Are you a fb stalker or just live your life in stealth mode?  ;D

Been a long time for me and I'm giving it one more shot. Hopefully the suggestions work!

gunshy ;)
I have had facebook for quite some time now.Way I look at it everyone I care to have on it is already on there.I got rid of all the "friends" from school and "friends" from the army I did a course with once.I went from 500 down to 200.Most are family and close friends.

yeah sure if someone pops up in my life (grandkids,long lost brothers and sisters,children I fathered in the balkans)Ill add them or they can search my weird messed up name and add me after I tell them.Other than that I don't care to have anyone else but family and close friends on my facebook.

Seriously people YOU DO NOT have 1287 friends.You may know of that many people,but come on.

And no I'm not a FB stalker.I use it to communicate to family and close friends.I.E my children's school pictures etc.And don't have the want or need to add a guy I met in Bosnia in 2001.Or a girl I went to highschool with who I can even remember.
Oh totally agree! :nod: This time round I'm being a lot more cautious of "friends" wanting to be added or trying due to the same reasons you've outlined.  ;)
LOL,  8) popularity contest.  ;D

:2c: cheers,

I am always amazed at my friends friends...yes I look once in a while.  Recently I came across a CF members Photo (her profile and all details were blocked) ....But what a photo.....Unbuttoned Regimental Mess kit....and well below the cleavage line....only the juicy bits covered.  I suspect if she has an RSM on her friends list the RSM would FLIP.  But as she is a friend of a friend I have not yet commented myself. 
ajp said:
....But what a photo.....Unbuttoned Regimental Mess kit....and well below the cleavage line....

No facebook at work or I may be tempted to post.  I am SURE there are people on here who know the young lady and her family (many serving members) out of Moncton.
With all due respect to facebookers, I "deactivated" my facebook account when I found you couldn't delete it.  Yet in some ways the reaction is naive.  The nature of information is changing.  Linkage is permanent.  The people in whose proximity you carry your cellular phone, the numbers you dial, the bank transactions you make, are collected an associated in huge databases, accessible to anyone with the mind, connections and the money.

We live in an open society now.  The information is there to make the automated correlations which obviate anonymity.  On the whole what remains is the esoteric; and in an age where genetic information can be traced 10,000 years, movements for decades, this too is a frail preserve for secrets.
Obviously not everyone on facebook and myspace friends list are close friends. Most are acquaintances I at least met. Of course, since I started roller derby, my friends list as ballooned. :p 