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How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

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Piper said:
Mercer hasn't, but others on the CBC have. Both networks are utter garbage, the only time I watch the CBC is for HNIC.

I'm still with recceguy, the moral indignation rings hollow considering that you are defending Mercer and his ilk who have rubbed dirt in the eyes of Americans before on issues that they consider near and dear. He without sin...
I'm personally a Rick Mercer fan. Remembering that he is mostly an entertainer, he's really not that disrespectful. By which I mean there's tons of more offensive 'entertainers' out there than Mercer.

Bill Maher is my favorite, but he's obviously American.
Oh I just know you guys are going to LOVE this!  :evil:

Some red eye special on Fox News is taking cheap shots at the CF for Canada's political decision to pull out in 2011.  If you are in need of raising your blood pressure, then look no further (yes it is that bad):


As a civilian, I just want to say ladies and gentlemen that this nation is forever grateful for your service.  I am grateful for your service.  Don't let these grabtastic pieces of amphibian S*** get to you.  We all know how utterly glib these middle-of-the-night kibitzers are.  I post this merely for entertainment value.

Let the therapeutic venting begin.  >:D

P.S. My favorite part was when he called the US the most powerful nation in the Universe.  That's pretty laughable to an astrophysicist.

Just saw the local news here in Edmonton tonight, this whole hubbub made it as one of the lead stories on the news cast.
Blackfive blogs about this video.


Red Eye on FOX is occasionally hilarious and provides a perfect venue for Patty Anne Brown to flex her potty mouth. But the problem with any show hosted by a narcissistic runt is he will eventually step out of his pee wee league. That was Greg Gutfeld this week talking smack about the Canadian military. They appear to be prepping to take an operational break to rest and refit and Gut-less-feld seems to feel this opens them up to his weak ass mockery. Anyone who has had the pleasure of working or fighting with our northern neighbors would immediately know what a douche Gutfeld is. The Canadians kick ass and have sent plenty of jihadis on to their 72 Goat reward. Although he didn't know it when he was running his cake, his timing was even more excremental as the Canadians lost four men Friday in A-stan. So  get back in your high chair Greg and have a big heapin' spoonful of STFU! h/t reader Sarah.


The spectacularly stupid and offensive Fox News show Red Eye with host Greg Gufeld (above) sunk to new depths this week by belittling a neighbor and ally in the so-called war on terrorism. Although Canada opted out of involvement in Iraq, they have been in Afghanistan since 2002. Originally slated to leave in 2009, the Canadian government has extended the Afghan mission to 2011. At least one of the guests claimed he didn't know Canadian forces were in Afghanistan, which is typical of the expertise on the show. Certainly, conservative radio host Monica Crowley wasn't out of place.
Can we move and merge this with the half a dozen other threads on this topic.
Watching that video made me want to jump through my computer screen and just slap each and everyone of them, stupid fox news.
Hi all. Not sure if this is the right spot or not, but I felt the Army.ca forum members should see this, and hopefully write in to Fox. Enough is enough as far as I'm concerned.


I'm not a military member yet (my application is being processed though), but I take great offense to this type of 'journalism' as a proud Canadian. I wrote the an e-mail to redeye@foxnews.com, and would encourage you all to do the same in your own time. Especially those of you who have served there.

This is the third, if not fourth topic on this subject.

5 Pages.

Originally started by Trinity........Then again posted by Zell_Dietrich.......and again by KingKikapu......and once more by sumra.........and just now, but probably still not the last time, by VIChris.

Frellin READ before you POST folks. 
VIChris said:
Hi all. Not sure if this is the right spot or not, but I felt the Army.ca forum members should see this, and hopefully write in to Fox. Enough is enough as far as I'm concerned.


I'm not a military member yet (my application is being processed though), but I take great offense to this type of 'journalism' as a proud Canadian. I wrote the an e-mail to redeye@foxnews.com, and would encourage you all to do the same in your own time. Especially those of you who have served there.

Welcome aboard VI Chris! I hope you'll stick around and become a subscriber. ;D

Army.ca's covered this story from top to bottom--in fact we're so good--pretty soon the media will be coming here for their news (LOL--if they don't already)!!!

Have fun reading through the thread; and welcome!

P.S. Don't forget to read the :rules:
Sorry for the repost gang, and thanks for not jumping down my throat about it. I'm so used to the layout on the one other forum I frequent, that I didn't see it here in this forum group, as I just hadn't read that far down the list yet. At any rate, I'm glad there is discussion going on about this, as I really do find this type of garbage completely unnecessary, and hope that at some point it can be reeled in.

As for the CBC/ RMR Vs. Redeye debate. There is a fine line that is walked by all comedians. Where that line is viewed as being crossed is generally a personal matter. Some like it, some don't, so what, right? Well I think that's not the case when tragedy is involved. I agree with the sentiment of mocking our characteristics. If you sit back and think about it, we as Canadians are a pretty goofy bunch of pucks aren't we? But mocking our sacrifices should cross the line of good taste for everyone in my opinion.
squeeliox said:
What a bunch of ingorant a**holes. Idiotboy can't even pronounce LGen Leslie's rank properly either.

Americans say Lieutenant phonetically, 'Lootenant', we pronounce it like the Brits 'Leftenant'. Either is correct in its own context and local language. The only 'ignorant assholes' are the bigoted ones that display local bias and condemn someone because of their own perceived cultural norms.
recceguy said:
The only 'ignorant assholes' are the bigoted ones that display local bias and condemn someone because of their own perceived cultural norms.

What are you talking aboot?  ;)
Do you know what I found disturbing about that video?

How he knew about us Canadian soldiers getting pedicures and manicures, and walking the beaches in our white capris pants.


Don't you people know; "what goes on during decompression, stays on decompression"

Dam it people!!!! Is nothing sacred anymore!!!

On YouTube


Land on 'em.


I can't believe FOX did this - I don't even have words to describe what I'd like to do - I'd get arrested.

(who, admittedly, does get angry

If you get worked up over this, daily life must be damned near impossible to get through.
Yeah, I do when it comes to you all - ::)

and all Allied Forces.

These excreta at FOX?  Fun is fun - but these guys?  truly crossed the line.  I guess FOX is hiring people whose brain matter consists of two neurons connected by a spirochete..

Reminds me of what Nam vets went through - Canadian and American.  Just awful.

As for daily life?  I'm stick pretty much to myself <G>



ps - I did post a comment to YouTube - in my reactive way.. at least I took out the part about "scum-sucking bottom-feeders"  ;D

CDN Aviator said:

If you get worked up over this, daily life must be damned near impossible to get through.
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