Patriot, I think that Ender‘s point is this:
The CF runs courses for one reason: to train soldiers to develop specific competencies -- whether general military skills, leadership abilities, or specialist technical knowledge, etc.
Courses are not -- or at least should not -- be run to "weed out" perceived weakness. Nor, should they be run to provide "pay back time" for experienced instructors.
If 10 of 20 candidates are medically washed out of a course, one has to question the skill of the instructors. Does it mean instruction was poor? Not necessarily. But, it should prompt some investigation.
It could be that the candidates were simply unfit -- in fact, given the general state of fitness in Canadian youth today, I‘m sure they were. In that case, the task for instructors is even more demanding: how to produce skilled, capable soldiers without hurting them.
At the end of the day, the Army needs skilled, capable soldiers -- not an opportunity to brag in the mess about "how hard" the course was, or "how many people we RTU‘d."
The attitude that no course is a good course unless people get hurt and fail is/was/always has been/always will be simply asinine.
I have seen instructors who were abusive, and who knew it. I have been abused by instructors on course who were subsequently charged and convicted. I have seen instructors who were abusive, but didn‘t realize they were -- they were just "doing what had been done to them". This, particularly, happens a lot on leadership courses.
Fortunately, the vast majority of instructors I have seen are hard-working, caring and work damned hard to make sure their students learn what they‘re supposed to learn and develop the competencies they‘re there to develop in a way that maximizes their usefulness to the CF. Does this mean the coddle troops and run "soft" courses? No. It means they‘re smart enough to develop strong, skilled, fit soldiers without killing, hurting or abusing them.
And, for the "Bonafide" counters out there, I‘ve instructed, developed, supervised, and been a candidate on dozens of serials of courses, reg and reserve, including: GMT, QL2/3 Inf, QL4 Dvr wheel, dvr track, MG, Comms, Recce, JLC/Infantry ISCC, BOT, Pre-RESO, RESO Ph I, II, BIOC Ph III, IV, CFSS, NBCW Offr/Supvr, Unit NBCW, RCMP ERT field trg, Search and Rescue Management, Cliff Rescue Team Leader, Basic Financial Advisor, yada, yada, yada.