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Hummers and Apachies

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    Now this is more than likely scuttle but, but I still would like to know for my own intel.

      Someone tell me if it is true that Stephan Harpers new government wants to purchess used or new Hummers and Apache attack Helicopters.  I just want to clear that one up, so please someone tell me if this is true or not.  If so I think that'll be awesome, if not...Oh well don't think the americans would like the idea of us Canadians showing them how to PROPERLY use their own weapons.

Chris.  :salute: :cdn:
Oh well don't think the americans would like the idea of us Canadians showing them how to PROPERLY use their own weapons.
scm77, to answer your "huh?", what chris is trying to say is that Americans are idiots. They need instructions written on their weapon systems WITH pictures to show the soldiers how to use them. Now Canadians are smarter than that, thus we would be able to figure out how to properly operate the american equipments and show the americans. :p

Now I don't think we're going to buy the hummers though, we already have the G-Wagons, don't we?
spock said:
scm77, to answer your "huh?", what chris is trying to say is that Americans are idiots. They need instructions written on their weapon systems WITH pictures to show the soldiers how to use them. Now Canadians are smarter than that, thus we would be able to figure out how to properly operate the american equipments and show the americans.

I would say that Chris is the idiot, and since we use the same weapons (for the most part) that makes him look even dumber.

Where did you get this Canadian superiority idea anyway? The US dominated the entire planet in what, 225 years? You don't accomplish that by being stupid...
Chris and spock - I advise you dispense with the internet chest thumping.....

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