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I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

lotion said:
It's funny how if you fail in other trades you can go Mars without ever doing any tests.

And you get your information for this from where?  Reading through your recent posts, you seem to have knowledge on many topics.  I strongly suggest that you fill out your profile to back that up with.  I am sure that you will questioned by many more members on this site.  As well, when you post such statements, ensure you have background and more information to your writing.
lotion said:
It's funny how if you fail in other trades you can go Mars without ever doing any tests.

Actually it is even funnier that you can register on this site and then post shyte without ever doing any tests.
lotion said:
It's funny how if you fail in other trades you can go Mars without ever doing any tests.

The things people will say online...any how as a (hope to be) future MARS officer, you have more than your share of tests and reviews to get within the field from what Ive experienced, read about and heard from various sources. Even if the comment by *Lotion* has occured or is possible, If one does not show/have the leadership skills needed as a MARS officer and the determination to lead and command then they will struggle to stay within this career field.

Any how Im looking forward to NOAB and seeing the other side of the coast, mean time spending time with friends and family and training hard for BOTP, cheers guys.
I can certainly understand your position, pay is important, especially if you have massive student loan debt. You probably want to develop a budget and see how things may look in you future. here is the nitty gritty on pay from a DEO MARS with 2 years in (not the gospel as rates have likely changed but good enough for a rough budget plan)

Expect pay to be very confusing at basic - when I went through there was little understanding of how we were being paid. It all seemed very random and the pay seemed low. Best advice - take what they give you and wait until you get to Esquimalt. Then review your pay statements closely - take any questions to the Base Orderly Room in Esquimalt.

Generally, you will receive exactly what the pay chart indicates at the recruiting site. However it can be confusing at first glance. A quick look at the current rates shows that an Acting sub lieutenant in their first year of service (You after basic training) can expect $3687 per month gross, which is $1843.50 twice a month.

Deductions  you can expect:
$25 for wardroom mess dues
$230 for quarters (if you choose to live on base)
$370 for rations (again for on base only)
Applicable taxes
SISSIP (Military) life insurance

Taxable allowences will include "Post Living Differential" used to offset the high cost of life in Victoria - this amounts to roughly $460 before tax. There is also extra pay for time spent at sea. On MARS courses expect two weeks for the first course, two weeks for the second and six weeks for the third Pay is set at roughly 9.50/day. More a bonus to offset money spent on "social activity" while at sea.

Given all the above factors, as a very general idea, expect to make between $1400 and $1500 net pay, twice a month while training at Venture.

Hope this helps, and best of luck!!

Lofty :army:

That helps a lot, its a good reference to look on  (I played around with the numbers and tax rates, I extremly underestimated how long its going to take to pay my large student loan, oh well).

Well I hope to hear some news soon, too much time on my hands with no school this year (even with all the extra time spent training)
Unless somebody made a typo...(this directly from the Directorate of Pay Policy and development site)

"Pay Level

A - ROTP (former CBI 204.2111 & 204.2151)
B - OCTP-NFS (former CBI 204.2113 & 204.2153)
C - DEO (former CBI 204.2114 & 204.2154)
D - UTP-NCM / OCTP-FS (former CBI 204.2112, 204.21135, 204.2152 & 204.21535)
E - CFR (former CBI 204.212) "

So C level IS DEO under pay allowances directive.
Well, as my file progresses, I have been handed my next date and should get all the details tomorrow morning about this next phase.

Next NOAB dates in Esquimalt, BC will be from October 14th -19th.

Anyone else scheduled for this yet?

Also, I know some of you reading this have seen the NOAB outlined week post in the forums, and I can't seem to find it anymore. If anyone of you could link it here I'd appriciate it. Thanks!

EDIT: I have found it after a bit more searching....http://forums.air-force.ca/forums/threads/52231.0.html. Thanks!
I've been scheduled for the Oct. 2007 NOAB.  Just waiting to get the paperwork/stuff at the CFRC.  Can't wait! 

You can also find the day-by-day for the NOAB (Oct. 2006) on the website; www.excelsia.org (search there by topic) for the photos and description (it's essentially the same post).
I have been scheduled for my NOAB in a couple of days . I have to say , I'm quite nervous about it. I'm going in DEO , and I'm hoping that I do get selected. It's been something I have wanted to do for quite sometime , was going to apply right out of highschool , but I wanted my university degree first and it was something I wanted to do on my own  :)

Anyone given much information about the NOAB next week ? My recruting office did not really have much for me to go on. For instance I asked what the RAF test involved and it seemed like there wasn't much information given.

Just wondering if anyone out there got any information they can share with me , as I'm quite nervous and don't really know what to expect :)
Read the above posts and check out the links presented there.

Ill see you all on sunday!
I will say JLeclerc  had more info for me, and sooner (by like 3 months) than my recruit office (information was just not sent to them for some reason until much later). Any how I will see you guys sunday after my 7 hour flight  and a few time zone changes, heh.
Hopefully I have placed this in the right forum.

I just wanted to put a call out to anyone who will be attending the March 3rd to 7th NOAB in Esquimalt.  If there is anyone on here who is going to that board, we might as well get acquainted!  I know there are a couple around, but I'm not sure how many are lurking around who are going.  It might get us a head start and make it less awkward when we finally all meet (and hopefully, if we are all successful, we can put the same information in the May 5th BMOQ thread as well  ;D)

I'll start:

Name: Chiarizia
Intended MOC: MARS
CFRC: Calgary
Age: 28

Again, hopefully this isn't excessive, just thought it would be relevant.  I look forward to seeing you all!
Hey, I got my call a few weeks ago, so I'll be there too, should be fun. 

Name: Eric
Intended MOC: MARS
CFRC: Vancouver
Age: 22
Eh Delicron (or should I say Chiarizia - is this your fist name or family name?),

Here is my own information:

Name: Andree
Intended MOC: MARS
CFRC: Halifax
Age: 33

I could also add that my entry level is CEOTP, since I will be completing my Bachelor degree in Management.

Have a great day!
Hehe, guess I should have made it more clear  ;D, cause I'm not sure if Eric is Freebird's last or first name!

Chiarizia is my last name, and I'm going in DEO!
Guess I'm up:)

My name's Kevin, I'll be seeing you all in B.C. as well

CFRC - Oshawa
Entry Plan - DEO

Thanks for starting the thread Delicron, looking forward to meeting everyone.
Just got my letter and plane ticket.
Needed to buy "business style" suit, since I only own jeans and casual pants...
Just completed my CV too. 
How you guys doing?
Looking forward to jet lag! Going Coast to Coast!!!
wow so many people wanting to go MARS :D

Good on you guys... but you do know that MARS Os eat their young right?

Better have a good fall back plan folks :) and best of luck!