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I want to become an infantry officer......

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Why won't you just give me the answers I want?

Give them to me nooooww!!!
scottyg said:
Hey there, I am in my first year of university and the infantry officer position is becoming more and more appealing each day. I would prefer to be a soldier, because they do the cool sniper/machine gunner positions, but frankly I do not want to waste a university education and get paid less....so I will stick with infantry officer....I have a lot of questions though AND I realize some of them may be answered on the CF website or by talking to recruiters, but honestly I want a first hand account, and most of these questions are too specific for the recruiters...thanks guys....any help is appreciated

1) What are the pay deductions like (in numbers $$) for an infantry officer? (assuming I lived on base and had a meal plan)
ex. If I made $50,000 a year how much would I really be taking home?

Your first question was about money? The infantry is deffo not for you. Try law school, or dealing crack out of the back of your mom's Volvo station wagon (same thing, really!)  ;D
George Wallace said:
Ah!  Now a student of sociology and economics.  So?  What are the social and economic ramifications of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in relation to current gains of the $CDN on the $US, EURO and Ruple?

porridge.... :)
scottyg said:
...from experience though do you think a girl wants to know your in the military...

Maybe before you waste money on a degree just to be a lowly soldier (machinegunner or sniper as you stated), you can learn the difference between your and you're.  ;)  Glass houses.

Not trying to be a dink, I just get my hackles up any time I see a tone that separates officers from soldiers as if they were the unwashed masses.

If you really want to be an Infantry Officer, this is the best advice I can give you:  It doesn't matter how much you paid for your education, there will always be people smarter than you under your command.
It doesn't matter how much you paid for your education, there will always be people smarter than you under your command.

Now that I can agree with...
any infantry officers here I could talk to? Wonderbread, how fun has your time been though in the RCR?
Not trying to be a dink, I just get my hackles up any time I see a tone that separates officers from soldiers as if they were the unwashed masses.

I agree.

Officers may have a tendency to be pretentious and aloof, but to cast them all as unwashed masses is an unfair generalization.  As a matter of fact, I've known a few (in the artillery) to have very good hygiene.
scottyg said:
Wonderbread, how fun has your time been though in the RCR?

Man, the army is what you make of it.

There's a thread in the Infantry sub-forum about comparing the Regiments.  You should check that out.
You have had several Infantry officers reply to you.  Some with very good suggestions.  When you joined this site, did you read the Army.ca Conduct Guidelines?  It was one of the prerequisites to joining this site.  One of the things in there is a "request" that you use correct English, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.  That is also going to help you get past only one year of university, and perhaps onto a few more and a Degree which you will require as an officer.  As an officer you will be expected to have excellent written and spoken communication skills, as you will be giving verbal and written orders, and other communications that may involve peoples' lives.  You will also be expected to write reports and evaluations.  MSN Speak is not accepted, nor is poor grammar and spelling.

Improve now, and you will have a much brighter future further down the road.
Hmmm.....didn't have time to read threads because he had an exam tomorrow, very, very busy....no time!!!

and yet, he's been chatting and questioning for over two hours here......go figure....
GAP said:
Hmmm.....didn't have time to read threads because he had an exam tomorrow, very, very busy....no time!!!

and yet, he's been chatting and questioning for over two hours here......go figure....

We've covered that several times in other topics as well.    ;D
GAP said:
Hmmm.....didn't have time to read threads because he had an exam tomorrow, very, very busy....no time!!!

and yet, he's been chatting and questioning for over two hours here......go figure....

I just got back from  the gym.....after studying for a while. Everyone needs a break. I would like proof as to how I have been chatting on here for two hours. Maybe the posts were two hours apart, but does that mean I have been here for two hours chatting? I just don't at the moment have the time to do a bunch of research on anything besides school work, which is why I made this topic so I could periodically check back on it. Stop flaming without thinking...

George Wallace, I did not realize this site required me to write like that, as most other forums I have been on do not. Thanks for the links though.
Today at 14:41:36

Today at 14:48:04

Today at 14:54:51

Today at 16:10:34

Today at 16:41:09

Today at 18:27:41

Today at 18:43:28

scottyg said:
...I did not realize this site required me to write like that, as most other forums I have been on do not...

My friend, it's not a matter of writing an essay.  Nobody is asking you to use terms like "nature abhors a vacuum", but you should know the difference between your and you're without thinking about it (as well as other gems like to/too/two and there/their/they're).

I'll give you some slack on the effect/affect one though as I still get that one wrong myself sometimes.

Deep down the mentoring part of me really wants to answer all of your questions, but the other guys are right; the answers are here already and there are just too many newcomers to this website who ask these same questions over and over.

Think of it kind of like paying ransom to terrorists; it might make you (the hostage) feel better, but then we'd have to do it for everyone and we wouldn't have time to do other things on this forum like make fun of each other and accuse people of war crimes from our couches.
scottyg said:
George Wallace, I did not realize this site required me to write like that, as most other forums I have been on do not. Thanks for the links though.

If you want to have a "professional" site, you make it so by enforcing some rules.  Good communications skills are a quality all professional soldiers must have, as lives are on the line.  To practice those skills, we encourage you to use them here.  It also makes it easier to SEARCH for topics if people use correct spelling in their posts.
GAP said:

GAP...from the 14:00's I was in bed with my LAPTOP (which I have study notes on) reading my notes and looking at this site, signing up, seeing what it is all about. From the 1600's I was preparing to go to the gym and I also added in a couple of posts. 2 hours later, I arrive back from the gym, am on my laptop studying AGAIN, while commenting here....thanks for trying your best, either way the fact that YOU'RE!!!!! arguing this is childish.

Petamocto, I have no trouble with affect or effect on most occasions, but as seen I screwed up your and you're....its the same thing you do, just different words. Thanks for the advice though, I really should have looked at the searches but again I did not, thanks for informing me.

George Wallace, I understand completely, which is why I am now trying my best to use proper grammar/punctuation.
And since this thread is really not accomplishing anything....

Locked usual caveats.

Milnet.Ca Staff
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