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IAP in Kingston

how likely do you think it is that they'll tell me after first year "well in fact you're gonna stay here for the remainder"
nizfiz said:
how likely do you think it is that they'll tell me after first year "well in fact you're gonna stay here for the remainder"
From my understanding of things, which is admittedly limited, it is quite unlikely that that will be the case. As I understand it, CMR will be offering a 2 year program, possibly three, which will cover prep year to a maximum of second year (though I believe it is only first year), after which time you will be sent to Kingston.
If you were told your first year will be in St. Jean, when were you told you were accepted? Just curious, because I was told I was in on the first round of acceptances, and I was told I'll be going to RMC in Kingston in August. I guess there's a reason for everything, but I guess that's only for people with bars on their uniforms to know eh! Oh well, as has been said on other threads by the directing staff, no point worrying about the details and small stuff, there will always be things we don't know, and everything usually works out just fine. :)
i got the offer april 2nd or something.  I think I got in on the second round because I was late with my application
Here's a tip nizfiz:

If you want to last long enough at CMR to find out whether or not your will move on to RMC or stay at CMR, then I would suggest you work on you spelling and grammar.

I'm not teasing, I'm offering honest advice, take it as you will.

Cheers and Good Luck!

nizfiz said:
am i the only person who's been told they're going to st.jean for 1st year and to report for duty on august 3rd for indoc at st.jean?

Nope. I'm in the same boat as you are.

I don't think being French has anything to do with going to CMR as  've heard of a few people going to CMR that know little to know French.
Has anybody received their information packages? It's supposed to tell us the important dates and contain other valuable information. Someone at CFRC Vancouver said something about it being sent out through email.
I thought it would be in the mail. In fact, I don't recall giving them my email, but who knows, we had to fill out so many forms.
I distinctly remember there being a line for our email adresses on at least one of the forms we had to complete.
It's the first one we did called RMC Questionnaire or something to that effect.
Does anyone have any ideas when we should recieve this additional information package?
Of course we all want our packages soon so we know what's happening, but I think if anyone actually knew any concrete details, they would have already posted it. Better get used to the military motto, hurry up and wait. You'll get your package when they send it to you. :salute:
Ok, slightly off topic, as this has more to do with getting our enrolment packages than with IAP, but since some were asking for info, here's some of what I just got emailed:

"The recruiting centers have been dealing with you verbally to date and you probably don’t have any documentation at this time.  Although you may feel uncomfortable not having your offer on paper yet, letters will be in the mail in May, together with information on the enrolment procedure. All official employment documentation will be completed at the enrolment ceremony. "

I was told there would be enrolment ceremonies in Vancouver on July 1 and Victoria on July 10. For those of you elsewhere, I have no idea. Anyway, I just got asked for extra info in case I wanted to participate in a recognition ceremony at my high school graduation (no, I graduated in 1990), and info about myself for a press release in the local papers if I wanted. So, looks like everything is moving ahead!  ;D :cdn:

Congrats Breezie, I'll be at the July 1st ceremony in Vancouver.
Thanks man, I think I'll be at the Victoria one, but if I decide to go to Vancouver instead, I'll PM you. :cheers:
breezie said:
I was told there would be enrolment ceremonies in Vancouver on July 1 and Victoria on July 10. For those of you elsewhere, I have no idea. Anyway, I just got asked for extra info in case I wanted to participate in a recognition ceremony at my high school graduation (no, I graduated in 1990), and info about myself for a press release in the local papers if I wanted. So, looks like everything is moving ahead!

.....You graduated when I was born........

I called my CFRC yesterday, and my PO said that the enrollment date for Edmonton and area would be around July 25. I would rather be enrolled much earlier, but thats not a big deal.
Cheeky monkey, if that's your way of calling me old, I'll bite your kneecaps off! Just kidding, I'm thankful I'm a little older that the average recruit. I'd hate to be 17-18 again, it was hard enough going through all that the first time round!

Good luck all on your enrolment! I hope all your nearest and dearest are able to attend your ceremony! :)