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Infantry 2011

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I know that this will likely stir up the pot a bit but I was curious if anyone else may have received some he said/she said or more credible information regarding Infantry opening up again.

Like a lot of people on here, I have been waiting for a call as I have been merit listed for a position in the combat arms, with my choices being; Infantry, Combat Engineer and Armoured (in that order). I was under the understanding that Infantry would likely not be opening in 2011 as that particular trade is saturated. My File Manager did however inform me that positions in my other two trades of preference will likely be opening up to limited numbers in April.

I just received heresay from a close friend currently in the Infantry that "word on the base is that Infantry IS or WILL be accepting again very soon". Again, I don't mean to annoy anyone with this redundant topic, just curious on the credability of this Intel and whether or not anyone else may have received the same or more credible info, perhaps from the horses mouth?
Daavdablo said:
I know that this will likely stir up the pot a bit but I was curious if anyone else may have received some he said/she said or more credible information regarding Infantry opening up again.

Like a lot of people on here, I have been waiting for a call as I have been merit listed for a position in the combat arms, with my choices being; Infantry, Combat Engineer and Armoured (in that order). I was under the understanding that Infantry would likely not be opening in 2011 as that particular trade is saturated. My File Manager did however inform me that positions in my other two trades of preference will likely be opening up to limited numbers in April.

I just received heresay from a close friend currently in the Infantry that "word on the base is that Infantry IS or WILL be accepting again very soon". Again, I don't mean to annoy anyone with this redundant topic, just curious on the credability of this Intel and whether or not anyone else may have received the same or more credible info, perhaps from the horses mouth?
What your close friend said is basically not credible.

The available positions have not been released yet, so it's impossible to try and determine what they are without them to go on.
When some member gets real information on new intake  numbers, you can be certain they will get posted. Undoubtedly they will also be asked to provide a solid reference for that information.  Until that happens, further speculation and rumour are not productive, they create false hope and confusion.
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