DP1 Inf courses can be exported to any Area Training Centre Det. Such as Aldershot, Petawawa, London, Ottawa, Shilo, Borden and probably other places out there. The ATC's are Wainwright for LFWA, Meaford for LFCA, Valcartier for SQFT and Gagetown for LFAA. There would have to be a pretty good reason to run a course outside of the normal ATC's, as we are not putting many DP1 Inf courses through right now.
Right now in Meaford, there is 1 DP1 Inf course in house and one scheduled (but not likely to run) on the books. So the chance that a course is running in Gagetown is slim to nil unless it is a Reserve DP1. There are not the same a Reg DP1.
Hope that helps!