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Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

  • Thread starter newfoundlander
  • Start date
CDN Aviator said:
it was my way of telling that kid to STFU
BTW, my 11 years as a sapper tell me that engineers at are the top of the food chain since landmines make short order of those tanks ;D
Roger on both counts. Especially the first. ;D
CDN Aviator said:
it was my way of telling that kid to STFU

BTW, my 11 years as a sapper tell me that engineers at are the top of the food chain since landmines make short order of those tanks ;D

And trucks and especially infantry
CDN Aviator said:
I disagree so please, come try and knock me out  ::)


So dose that mean we can tell him that without supporting arms he up s*** creek with out a paddle  ???  >:D

Cause this Sapper is having trouble not starting the what triad is best war again.  :cheers:
I think he gets the point, and the dogpile has gone on long enough. Let's let the thread continue shall we? Someone else will be along here eventually with something else stupid to say, and you can all play again.

Milnet.ca Staff
Of all the weapons mentioned, no one has yet to comment on one of the most important support weapons????

The good old .50 caliber.

Someone mentioned the chain gun, which is probably a very good support weapon, but it can't be sighted on the ground. A well sighted .50 cal on tripods or a pair of them on the ground with good interlocking arcs of fire is, gives new meaning to "killing ground" . Try reaching out and touching someone at 2000 metres with your C-7.

Anyone heard of the phrase "it's almost better than sex", well firing a .50 cal is the closest to an orgasm you'll ever have without actually having sex.

This is probably a crude way to put it, but it's true. Get yourselves on a MG course and try it for yourselves.
I could have sworn i'd mentioned .50cal a couple of times here. I didnt think Canadian Infantry used the 12.7mm? Australian Grunts definately dont.
Firing the .50 will change your life. It definately changed mine. I went to the range a boy, i left as a man. And the sound! Oh the sound!
the .50cal has fallen out of favour since the introduction of the 25mm on the LAVIII, to be honest it was never an excellent weapon, it was adequate for soft skin vehicles, marginal against light armour and dismal against dismounted infantry. The ROF is too low,ammunition is limited and any 7.62mm MG will put out a much better Kill zone.
At the start of the 2nd Gulf War, many people were convinced the 50 was a obsolete & would dissapear.

So far, so good, the steady drumbeat of a 50 opening up is something to behold.  I like it!

The only thing better might be firing the 50 spotting rifle AND the 106RR a fraction of a second later..... Pure orgasmic delight!
the .50cal has fallen out of favour since the introduction of the 25mm on the LAVIII, to be honest it was never an excellent weapon, it was adequate for soft skin vehicles, marginal against light armour and dismal against dismounted infantry. The ROF is too low,ammunition is limited and any 7.62mm MG will put out a much better Kill zone.

I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion ;)

Since I got out just as the 25mm was coming in, it's like comparing apples to oranges. I have nothing to say about it. As for the .50 being a marginal weapon, I do agree that the ROF was abit slow, but with the right ammunition (armour piercing) it could still do substantle damage to a target. Oh well different times, better weapons.
RG45,  regardless of what this fella was saying about the .50, it's till in use and there are NO indications that it will be withdrawn anytime soon.  YES, the ROF is slow - hell, the 25mm's ROF isn't all that rapid - when you get down to it BUT, when either of these two weapons talk, plenty of people listen.
geo said:
RG45,  regardless of what this fella was saying about the .50, it's till in use and there are NO indications that it will be withdrawn anytime soon.  YES, the ROF is slow - hell, the 25mm's ROF isn't all that rapid - when you get down to it BUT, when either of these two weapons talk, plenty of people listen.

The .50 is alive and well,there still is a role for it, but that role has diminished.
The M2 HB/QCB bridges the gap between 7.62mm and 25mm. +60yrs of service which included aircraft and ground use. Its simple to maintain, and an easy gun to learn and operate, and now with QCB, even easier.

Its quite impressive with its range, and variety of ammo. For example, +400 rds 4API/1APIT vs AIF on a January (2007) contact in Baghdad, made the AIF think twice about ambushing Australians :)

Ole Ma Duce is going to be around for decades to come.


Your question depends on what context you're talking about. Are we talking personal protection or crew served weapons?
Personal protection....C7 will do just fine thank you.
Crew served - a well maintained C6 in the Sustained Fire role is a thing of beauty. Good reach and fair stopping power. BUT....the best is the good old .50 cal HMG. It will fire burst or single rounds, and if properly maintained and has a scope mounted and zeroed, can be used as a sniper weapon. It was employed in Vietnam in this manner.
We never called it "Ma Deuce". I do believe that is an Amercian nickname. We referred to it as "the fifty" or "fifty cal".
I do love the sound of the 25mm  though. THAT tells you who the boss is! ;D
.... still love to hear the slow & steady knocking on the door of the 50 cal.
Still remember my 1st instructor on it.... use of oil... Open cap, open receiver cover, tip can... gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, rasie can, close receiver cover, Close cap & resume firing.
geo said:
.... still love to hear the slow & steady knocking on the door of the 50 cal.
Still remember my 1st instructor on it.... use of oil... Open cap, open receiver cover, tip can... gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, rasie can, close receiver cover, Close cap & resume firing.

Sounds like my first day with the C-6 in Gagetown  ;D
I love the C6 and 50 cal I'm MG qualified.I just did my RWS course for the RG31 just before xmas.I do love the distance and damage the 50 has too bad it's been phased out again for theatre I hear no ammo.Anybody hear different?
MikeH said:
too bad it's been phased out again for theatre I hear no ammo.Anybody hear different?
They have been talking and talking and talking about phasing out the 50 for years.... it's taken a lickin and kept on ticking.  There was talk that, once the Automatic Grenade launcher started getting deployed, the 50 would dissapear...

I think it was 2 yrs ago, the Brits had a ton of problems with their own 50s.... seems they had bought their ammo from Pakistan.  After tons of problems with stoppages and split casing, they got resupplied from our stash...