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I think you're both going off topic. Didn't mean to start a flamewar with this thread.

ps- I asked a few other questions and some of them still hasn't been answered.  ;)
Hugo said:
I called the RC and they told me to show up tomorrow morning for a medical update. Started physiotherapy today to get all chances on my side. Are you eligible to the army insurances right when you are sworn in or do you have to success the BMQ before? If so do you think they're going to pay for physio? This thing cost a b*tch... like 50$ per session   :-[


Tomorrow during your medical update they will give you any details that you need regarding whether you are covered or not. Ask any questions that you have to them for they are the experts in this field. Good luck again.  ^-^
From Pte Joe "Well folks, looks like we have a real winner here! She'll certainly fit in with the army...  
If you're actually the age in your profile, act like it. Grow up. Especially if you are going to join the forces, otherwise don't bother."

I have to ask you Pte Joe. Who are you to tell people to grow up and act their age? Who are you to decide who will or will not fit in with the army? and really Who are you to tell someone not to bother?

From your profile I see that you have less than a year in the Forces and have done only BMQ, SQ, and BIQ. I hardly think that qualifies you to make an assumption on any one individual. No, I am not making an assumption on either you or your character but on the same token you too should not make assumptions about others. Do you know her? Have you ever spoken to her? I doubt it.
good one gramps love ya..lolllllll  i agree wiht you on that one ,he doesnt know nothing about me.Im all grown up believe me. yes english my first language ,german is  but i do speak 3 languages as for some people here in canada,ok.


I'll draw your attention to the above message from Mike Bobbit.

Included in it, you'll find conduct guidelines, as follow

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There are several other posts on this subject included in the thread.

Please familiarize yourself with the behaviour expected of posters on this private site, and respect Mike's right to set the rules expected on his site.

Yes, in fact, I am a Sergeant.

I've given you the benefit of the doubt on this;  I've politely drawn your attention to the conduct guidelines on this site.

I have a sneaking suspicion that your time on this forum is limited.

Have a nice life.
soon_to_be_army_05 has been given a verbal warning and has already been directed to the guidelines, I trust that will be the end of the matter.  I won't lock this up as there may well be useful discussion.
Redeye, I appreciate you not locking this up, as I have something more to add. Hopefully we can salvage this one away from this childishness.


With regards to injuries, it is infact best to inform your local CFRC about them. I had bursitis in my right shoulder and received a steroid injection for it. The doc said take some time off work and let it heal for a few days. That doesn't mean go at the pushups when I figure it's healed. I followed doctors instructions and well... it seems fine. I'm going to undergo some physio in the next few days before I leave just to make sure everything's ok.

You don't want to ride BMQ or any other training with an injury that could put someone or the whole platoon in any kind of danger whatsoever.

After re-doing the entire medical test at the RC, they figured injuries has to be reported to your UNIT and since they are only a medical 'detach' they couldn't do anything with me. They sent me to Valcartier (CSV) and I got to see a doctor there. I am pretty happy with the service in general. Didn't wait at all.

They are going to pay for physio and I start it tomorrow at the Valcartier base too. Kinda happy about it. I have to fill an Injury Report (CF-98), I asked the Valcartier medical staff about it. They said to report to my unit and that they don't handle CF-98 anymore. The problem is that my unit is CFRC Quebec and I was told they don't handle that neither. I'm confused what do to. Gonna have to sort this out. Is the CF-98 form available on-line? I google'd a lil bit and couldn't find it.

Also I'm still confused if they are going to pay me if I don't recover before my BMQ date. My biggest fear is that they get me CF100 for other month(s). That would be a problem b.c funds are slowly going empty.

I'm going to try to get this sorted out tomorrow and tell you what's going on. Until then if one of you can help me, go ahead it'd be appreciate. It's getting complicated because I am not familiar with the "military machine".

Stay tuned.
Update = If I am not completely healed before BMQ date they will offer me a job at the recruiting center. Wonder what it is. I asked the medical staff about it, they laughed and said "b*tch work". Duh
YOur going to have to verify just how many sheets there are in a box of computer paper. ;) I seriously hope you are better by then.  ;D

It will all come out in the wash....and before you know it you will have a MCpl screamin his face off at you in St. Jean. Good times.


Hugo, hoping that you are recovered! I'm glad you did the right thing and told them about your injury. Now you can spend the time you need to heal and be ready for the physical requirements of bmq.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!
Hee hee ...

I also have to point out to the usually, oh-so-accurate spelling police, that they missed another one!!! :P

Being INJURIED is much worse than just INJURED :)

Best of luck in a speedy recovery!!
Hugo, If you have a wrist injury, you should also lay off the typing...