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Injury Question

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I am tottaly bummed out. I applied in 2009 and have been waiting since, knowing it could take a long time to get into any combat arms.  Anyways, I have had a 100% clean bill of health until a few months ago I strained a muscle in my forearm at work. Ive been on WCB for a few months now, doing physio and healing. I am almost back too 100%.  My question is,  how will this effect my application?        I have already written my aptitude test in June 2010 and qualified for my choices, etc.     

I have read some bad stories about small medical problems denying people recruitment.....
I bet you'll be 100% before any combat arms trades open up.
I doubt a muscle strain is going to ruin your career.
You should still disclose all of this information to the medics at your recruiting centre.  You may or may not need to get a letter from your doctor saying you're all healed up.  Better to tell them sooner and get the paperwork out of the way than to delay an offer down the road.
Thanks guys that makes me feel better to hear it from people that know...        and yeah Puckchaser.. I bet  I will be 120% before any open up!!        HAHAHH.

I understand I have to tell the medics everything so would it be smart to maybe get a note from my doctor and all the needed documents saying I am 100%  before... or if.... I get a call for my medical and interview ?

Also, since I am on the soap box, I will unleash some more stupid questions and thank any responses in advance.  I applied back in Sept 09, Ive written my aptitude test but thats it.  As far as I know none of my references were contacted.  I also only have a grade 11 education with bad grades (bad kid) but have gone to trades school as an adult (college) and got an 84% GPA. I've also jumped jobs quite a bit trying to find something I enjoy ( leading me to the army)  My aptitude test; I met the requirements for combat arms, but was told I would need to re-write for any technical trades. My question is this; with those black marks against me ( bad highschool, kinda random work history, low aptitude score, being 25 years old)  should I even plan on getting a call? Or is it so competitive that people with better education and higher aptitude scores will keep filling the spots, and my file will just sit there being out scored every time ?    Or does it not work exactly like that ?    I know I have alot to offer and would be willing to do anything it takes to get in, be it upgrading my highschool... or anything really. Should I keep my chin up and keep working on this? Or should I focus more on how I can make myself more competitive and re-apply in a year or two ??

Any advice is greatly appreciated and thank you very much for your time.

- Shawn
You've been waiting for quite some time now and I assume you've been preparing for the day the phone rings so just keep it up!
As for your chances to get a job offer, I'm in no position to tell if your education will play against you. However, upgrading your education is always a good idea whether you get an offer in the CF or not.
You can't go wrong with that.
Good luck!