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Interview Tomorrow


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Hey everyone,
I have my medical and an interview tomorrow. I'm not worried about the medical, but I am really worried about the interview.
I have had a few jobs in the past, but got in via connections. So in turn, I have never been interviewed before. (Actually once, but it was for CO-OP).
I need tips. I need any advice you can give me.
And if it is allowed, what are the typical questions they ask?

Hi Adrian,

Welcome to the forums.

If you read further in the thread, you will see a lot of times has this specific question has been asked, and answered.

That aside, research your trade. You will be asked the in-and-outs of the trade you picked. You will be asked about the QL3 courses or SQ.

Dress nicely, as someone mentioned in another post, a tie won't hurt.

As for questions, it differs with everyones files. They are trying to see who you are. Be honest. Trust me, be honest. They'll tell if you're not.


Mudshuvel said:
Hi Adrian,

Welcome to the forums.

If you read further in the thread, you will see a lot of times has this specific question has been asked, and answered.

That aside, research your trade. You will be asked the in-and-outs of the trade you picked. You will be asked about the QL3 courses or SQ.

Dress nicely, as someone mentioned in another post, a tie won't hurt.

As for questions, it differs with everyones files. They are trying to see who you are. Be honest. Trust me, be honest. They'll tell if you're not.


Thank you.
I'll do some searching.
thanks  :)
Mudshuvel said:
You will be asked about the QL3 courses or SQ.
I had interview.But nobody asked me about QL3 and SQ.I even don't know what is it.
Good way for preparing for interview here.  http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/34cbg_hq/entrevueen.pdf
Print it and answer questions.
sky777 said:
I had interview.But nobody asked me about QL3 and SQ.I even don't know what is it.
Good way for preparing for interview here.  http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/34cbg_hq/entrevueen.pdf
Print it and answer questions.

A fine example of 'it differs'. Haha. I was asked about where I thought my training was, for how long... etc.
I agree with Mudshuvel. Learn everything you can about your trade. Even if you don't get asked about it, it's good to know what career you are getting into.
Reflect on your past work experiences as well. Think about times you went above and beyond the normal scope of your job or were really stressed. My interview was really laid back, they aren't trying to stump you. They want to know you are not someone who is socially inept, someone who has a good work ethic, shows initiative and is all around a good candidate. Be 100% no matter the question.
Just a personal one from me: Been to my interview and just like anyone here felt nervous and even anxious about it. The Captain who had me in interview have been really nice to me and I felt comfortable talking with her. After 15 minutes out of almost 3 hours I can tell you we were talking as we were almost friends. I went very fluently as I were not feeling I was anymore interrogated so I could put feelings to what I was elaborating on. This made the conversation very human and very close to the reality of my own life. That made it, I think. The Force will need you to cover people with who you are working so they expect you to be a human.

Hope that help and good luck with your interview!
Just saw the date from the initial message, hope you did well on your interview :) "read more, post less" I know :)
I'm not sure If I'm just a failure at forum search function literacy but I can't seem to get anything more then "No matches were found" to anything I search.  So instead of starting a new thread I figure I can just post it here and hopefully still get an answer.  I've got an interview tomorrow and I plan on wearing dress pants, Dress shirt but I'm wondering if a Tie is going a bit to formal.  Interview is for a vehicle tech NCM position I know if it was officer I would for sure just not sure if its necessary for me/what I'm appling for.

Thanks in advanced for anyone with helpful advice
Why would going in for an interview to be an officer change how you would dress?  Regardless of whether or not you are applying as an NCM or an officer it's still a job interview.  I'd say wear a suit.....or at the very least a tie.
Tollis said:
I'm not sure If I'm just a failure at forum search function literacy but I can't seem to get anything more then "No matches were found" to anything I search.  So instead of starting a new thread I figure I can just post it here and hopefully still get an answer.  I've got an interview tomorrow and I plan on wearing dress pants, Dress shirt but I'm wondering if a Tie is going a bit to formal.  Interview is for a vehicle tech NCM position I know if it was officer I would for sure just not sure if its necessary for me/what I'm appling for.

Thanks in advanced for anyone with helpful advice
You don't need to wear a tie, but it wont hurt either, and make sure you polish up your dress shoes before you go. I wore a dress shirt, dress pants, and black leather dress shoes. Turned out to be the best dressed person there, some guys didn't even iron
their shirts before the interview.  :facepalm:
I wore a blue dress shirt with a suit. I would totally recommend wearing a suit. Regardless if it is right, wrong or indifferent you will be judged on your appearance.
Tollis said:
I'm not sure If I'm just a failure at forum search function literacy but I can't seem to get anything more then "No matches were found" to anything I search.  So instead of starting a new thread I figure I can just post it here and hopefully still get an answer.  I've got an interview tomorrow and I plan on wearing dress pants, Dress shirt but I'm wondering if a Tie is going a bit to formal.  Interview is for a vehicle tech NCM position I know if it was officer I would for sure just not sure if its necessary for me/what I'm appling for.

Thanks in advanced for anyone with helpful advice

This may help:
Dexen said:
I wore a blue dress shirt with a suit. I would totally recommend wearing a suit. Regardless if it is right, wrong or indifferent you will be judged on your appearance.
You can wear a bow tie and a fedora if you want, they are going to judge you on alote more then what you're wearing.
Well, it may not be advisable for everyone but i wore jeans and a t-shirt to my interview. Even though i joined as an NCM, i still managed not to drool on myself before the interview. I did get food on my shirt but that was after..........
CDN Aviator said:
Well, it may not be advisable for everyone but i wore jeans and a t-shirt to my interview. Even though i joined as an NCM, i still managed not to drool on myself before the interview. I did get food on my shirt but that was after..........
The trick is to lick the food off your shirt. If you do that, then you're allowed to wear whatever you'd like.
well for any job really...
the goal is to look clean and professional i think as long as you use common sense its fine

My experience:
I wore suit and tie. I looked like very official. I don't know it is good or bad. But I felt  myself very good with this kind of clothe.