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Iranians Provoke USN

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Bo said:
lol, the CIA did a pretty piss poor job at fabricating this video. "I am coming to you....you will blow up"??!!!  ::)

Just another propaganda stunt to help try to justify an illegal war. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Iran is no longer selling oil in US dollars...hmmm.

long night listening to "Coast to Coast" with Bill Norrey?
geo said:

And you back up your claim by.............. ???

I guess CNN is a good enough source. Good job. Let's believe everything we see on TV. How do we know the US ships didn't start poking at the other ships and then start recording afterwards?

I agree Bo
From a personal perspective, the Iranian Revolutionary guard and their little boats have proven what they were capable of when they did their little act with the Royal Navy... this latest episode with the US Navy in an area that Iran would consider part of their teritorial waters but that international shipping would beg to differ is well withing the realm of the believable.
Bo said:
lol, the CIA did a pretty piss poor job at fabricating this video. "I am coming to you....you will blow up"??!!!  ::)

Just another propaganda stunt to help try to justify an illegal war. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Iran is no longer selling oil in US dollars...hmmm.

Ah, a conspiracy theorist i see.

We all know what a peace-loving, non-beligerant country Iran is. This is just, like you said, another attempt by the US to start a war.


Seems Bo and bullets are ignoring about 28 years of history regarding Iranian actions and claims to this water. Everything they did is well within their own tactical doctrine as expressed by themselves, if you are going to troll at least try to be good at it.
Colin P said:
Seems Bo and bullets are ignoring about 28 years of history regarding Iranian actions and claims to this water. Everything they did is well within their own tactical doctrine as expressed by themselves, if you are going to troll at least try to be good at it.

Oh please, how dare you bring facts into this ?

Don't you know that US bashing does not require facts ?

... considering how quickly newbie "bullets" has piped in his comments,  it is entirely within the realm of possibilities that bo and bullets are one and the same..... 

That's a believable conspiracy - isn't it?
dammit bullets, you're killing me with your 1 post total ;)

Colin P said:
Seems Bo and bullets are ignoring about 28 years of history regarding Iranian actions and claims to this water. Everything they did is well within their own tactical doctrine as expressed by themselves, if you are going to troll at least try to be good at it.

Seems like you're ignoring about 50 years of US meddling in Iran's affairs, including overthrowing their first democratically elected prime minister, providing chemical and biological weapons to Iraq for use against Iran duing the Iran-Iraq war, shooting down an Iranian airliner which killed over 300 civilians....the list goes on.

The US is no stranger to fabricating evidence and/or omitting important facts when it serves their agenda.

Check the Tonkin Gulf incident  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_Incident

Iraq war...

geo said:
... considering how quickly newbie "bullets" has piped in his comments,  it is entirely within the realm of possibilities that bo and bullets are one and the same..... 

That's a believable conspiracy - isn't it?

I'm sure the mods can see our IP to prove otherwise. Though I was laughing when I saw the one guy who backed me up had just 1 post.
Bo said:
My parents aren't so much stuck on the pay as they are on the whole "military thing". They are both very liberal. My dad's a Professor and my mom's a retail store manager. Here's the kicker....they are Iranian  ;D. ...

Bo - there's no familial bias being expressed here - right?

And yes - Bo and Bullets are posting from different IPs.
Since we are going down history lane.

How about 1620 England is asked to help in a dispute between the Ottomans(empire holding Iraq) and the Persian empire over border issues, the same issues fought over in in the 1980's

Lots of Iranian miss the days of the Shah, despite some of his stupidity. It pales to what the current regime has done.

The biological "weapons" Iraq bought were dual use technologies openly for sale on the market, as were the components for chemical weapons, basically if you can make fertilizer you can make WM D's

If you read a bit more about the gulf of Tonkin incident, you find that it was not as clearcut as seems, more of a muddle than a calculated plan. Lets not forget how the NVA also broke the 1975 peace treaty and invaded South Vietnam.

Regardless, Iran has made no secret of it's plans to use high speed boats to attack enemy shipping, in fact they brag about doing so quite frequently. This was a poke and prod of the US navy and it's ROE's , plus a little grandstanding on the Iranians part as a message for Bush during his visit.

Neither the Shah nor the post-revolution leaders were any good. The Shah was a puppet, while the mullah's are religious nuts. Unforunately, it was the people of Iran who suffered execution/torture for ever questioning these leaders.

Anyways, that's another topic.
Bo said:
lol, the CIA did a pretty piss poor job at fabricating this video. "I am coming to you....you will blow up"??!!!  ::)

Just another propaganda stunt to help try to justify an illegal war. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Iran is no longer selling oil in US dollars...hmmm.

That almost sounds like stereotypical arab paronia. EDIT: Hummmmm....I too detected a bit of bias here "My parents aren't so much stuck on the pay as they are on the whole "military thing". They are both very liberal. My dad's a Professor and my mom's a retail store manager. Here's the kicker....they are Iranian  . ..."

Just where are your loyalties? We are fighting a global war against radical islam, our brothers are being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and you have the intelligence to post such insulting words. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I have seen some stupid posts in my time, and you're supposed to be an officer? A leader of men? A role model?

I used to think the most dangerous thing in the world was a Subbie with a map and compass, but Bo, you and your attitude take the cake.

You go ahead and keep believing what you want, and how you can call this an illegal war when nothing has happened (shy of the obvious) is beyond me. If you think Iran is a happy tranquil place, go there, support their cause, and become a human shield, sign in hand, as Mr JDAM comes for a visit at the reactor site!! I am sure we can get enough supporters on here to buy you a one way ticket!

I suppose the outright denial of the Holocaust by the Iranian regime, and the threats of wiping Israel off the face of the earth too is just CIA propaganda. Oh can't forget that Iran also denies there is no gay people in the country also. Ya, and the ongoing supply of rockets, arms, ammo, EFPs, etc into Iraq is also not true with the CIA doing that also.

Now Iran is seeking nuclear power. Do you support that? Come on, answer the question. No waffling. YES or NO.

How unpatriotic, Bo.

Go watch another Michael Moore movie, and turn in your kit!

Shakes head (in true disgust),

Bo said:
None whatsoever.

I'll take you at your word - there's no reason not to.

I served in Iran in 1988/1989 - it wasn't a great place to be.  The IRG scared the hell out of me and still do.

I doubt that the CIA or any other US government agency cooked up this incident - the IRG are quite capable and willing to indulge in such acts without prompting by anyone else.
At first I just thought you were just some immature jerk scratching your jock, now I know it.  ::)
Bullets said:
I guess CNN is a good enough source. Good job. Let's believe everything we see on TV. How do we know the US ships didn't start poking at the other ships and then start recording afterwards?

I agree Bo

Should change his name to Blanks  ;D
Those IRG boatcrews don't know how lucky they are to be alive, that was extreme provocation.  Somehow I suspect that if there is a next time the IRG won't be so lucky, but then again maybe that's what they're hoping for, provoke an incident and then cry bloody murder.
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