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Is this normal?

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I don't know for sure who IS man enough to be combat arms. But I can sure spot the ones that aren't.
mainse-event said:
I bet nobody that posts on this forum is actually in the COMBAT arms.

mainse-event said:
I don't know for sure who IS man enough to be combat arms. But I can sure spot the ones that aren't.

I spent 11 years as a combat engineer and 2 tours overseas...........you have done what ?
You really have no clue to the calibre of the people you are talking at.....they've walked the walk, you never have. Just because your juvenile nose is out of joint, you would be wise to listen to the veterans who have walked in the shoes you so disdainfully dismiss.... ::)
If you guys were leaders you wouldn't come in here to run me down and jump on every word and tell me I won't cut it in the Army. That's the ONLY attitude I've seen from you folks, you wouldn't act this way if we were face to face. You would see I'm a real person with noble intentions and a good motivation. Pisses me off to no extent.
mainse-event said:
you wouldn't act this way if we were face to face.

I dont believe i ever said you couldn't cut it but my office is always open if you want to see what i am like in person.

I was talking to the guy that said I would be working in mcdonalds, and thinking about the past when I posted about joining and mentioned I left highschool and the replies i got were OMFG IF u ArEN't DEDICATED enUfF 4 SkeWlL hOW uGunAA GeT Thru BasiCz OMFG BBQWTFz!!!1111!!!1111!!11
I'm done posting here, expect to see me again in about a year to tell you all the stuff it.
Kid, do yourself a favour a take a deep breath. The army is going to come at you like a ton of bricks.
Earlier in the thread you were discussing threats to Canadian security as the reasons of you wanting to join the Canadian forces and using the concept of fighting terrorism, to my understanding its not the job and duty of Canadian Forces to fight terrorism/terrorist organizations. 

My understanding of the Canadian Forces was to be a largely Peace Keeping type military as well the normal at times of war and protection of Canadian sovereignty.

It's also my understanding that canadian forces in afghanistan combat-involvement will end soon and will change to non-combat involvement in the region potentially until 2014, mostly revolving around helping the afghanistan military training and what not. So if you were thinking of joining and going to
Afghanistan to "fight terrorism or terrorist organizations/etc", I feel you will be largely disappointed in this when you realize that the Canadian forces are not the United States Military.

perhaps this organization interests you :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Safety_Canada  (Canadian version of Homeland security)
mainse-event said:
I bet nobody that posts on this forum is actually in the COMBAT arms.


Go back to school.  You'll need it.  Joining the CF will mean that you need those skills, and also mean that you are back in school learning how to be a professional.

As for who on this forum is actually in the Cbt Arms; well obviously you wouldn't know one if they hit you in the face.  I wonder who you think you have been yakking at?
mainse-event said:
most people can't cut it in the ARMY. I know I can

Playing WoW and other video games does not necessarily make you able to "cut it" in the Army.  ::)
RabbitSwiftness said:
My understanding of the Canadian Forces was to be a largely Peace Keeping type military as well the normal at times of war and protection of Canadian sovereignty.

Sorry.  Wrong.  I am not sure where you are getting your information from, but the Canadian Forces are not "a largely Peace Keeping type military".  They are an ARMED force capable of fighting wars, and thus able to tone it down and do Peacekeeping.  They are first and foremost trained for WAR.
mainse-event said:
I was talking to the guy that said I would be working in mcdonalds, and thinking about the past when I posted about joining and mentioned I left highschool and the replies i got were OMFG IF u ArEN't DEDICATED enUfF 4 SkeWlL hOW uGunAA GeT Thru BasiCz OMFG BBQWTFz!!!1111!!!1111!!11

Calm down bud, Im 100% positive that the poster who mentioned that had incorrectly presented it. Allow me to interpret  it in a way  we understand:) Stay with me brother/sister.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but:

What he said reflects upon today's employment statistics: The more "sheets of paper" you have, the more likely you are to be employed.
AND THIS IS  ALSO TRUE  in the forces, the more qualifications you have in the civil field, the more trades you are eligible in the forces. For example a young individual such as you and I would love to join the forces whether it be Regular or Reserve, and that our specific trade requires some qualifications in the civil field for example: You want to be an officer, but your education is at the absolute minimum for the trade eligibility. On such example is an infantry officer which requires a university degree and occasionally college diplomas(Source forces.ca). Now its always possible to go up the ranks but that would take you years of service and rare opportunities. We want to maximize those chances thus we have to achieve a higher level of education. And supposing you get into the forces, didn't like it and  got a voluntary release or dishonorable release due to misconduct or what not, and you find your self back on the civil street looking for a job that can pay the bills for your beautiful wife and junior there. Now this is just a random scenario but close to realistic i can think on the spot.

Bottom line: That person wants you to maximize your opportunities in the forces and the general workforce so that you have the flexibility to adapt to the dynamic workforce in Canada that requires qualifications and at the same time be eligible for the many trades available to you in the forces. I personally don't need anyone telling me that, because I live in it and I'm preparing for it.

I can see your honourable intentions, and I respect and admire that. However you must also listen to the veterans who speak in this forum, Like in this thread all the experienced ones are talking to you. Consider yourself lucky you have so many suggestions and answers. Every mistake you make is an opportunity to learn, let alone all the experience these guys have to share. I understand and admit that the flashy emblems and titles under their usernames are pretty intimidating, but their objective in the forum is to help people like you and I who need help being admitting into the forces, Its only fair that we listen and reply politely.

Best wishes Brother/sister.

I'm going to give you a reasonable response to your otherwise unreasonable comments.

mainse-event said:
My motivation was boredom. Infantry does not require a high school diploma, and it has no effect on your career. The only reason they suggest it is because most people can't cut it in the ARMY. I know I can, and have no need for a diploma.
Infantry does not require a high school diploma, but you will be less competitive to those applying for infantry who already have one. In addition, it will hinder your career in the CF because there are many roles and jobs down the road that will exclude you from pursuing if you do not have a high school diploma. You don't need one for infantry, but much of your later career will be hindered for your lack of one. That is, if you even get accepted in the CF considering you may be less competitive for a position than others who have applied for the same trade.

mainse-event said:
There's never any HOORAH, never any congrats for wanting to serve your country, you guys are constantly condescending. I take it most of you are actually navy or air force if you're in the army it's probably as a postal clerk or something. Thanks for your constant pessimism, you are a shining beacon of hope for our country.

Thankyou for preparing me for the kind of attitudes I'll face from the officers coming out of RMC. ******* know it alls. Peace.
The fact of the matter is, as in the CF, to gain respect you have to earn it. You've just spent this entire thread trying to tell us that what we're doing is wrong, and you've then jumped on board with offending serving members of our Forces. Many of the people you have offended have been overseas more than once. And those who are Air Force, Navy, or even a postal clerk take offense to your obvious ignorance on how our military runs.

mainse-event said:
I don't know for sure who IS man enough to be combat arms. But I can sure spot the ones that aren't.
How can you do that? How many years of experience do you have in Combat Arms? Have you served the country in any way? Will you even be accepted and can you pass your initial training? If you can't prove any of that, you absolutely should not be judging anyone who already has.

mainse-event said:
If you guys were leaders you wouldn't come in here to run me down and jump on every word and tell me I won't cut it in the Army. That's the ONLY attitude I've seen from you folks, you wouldn't act this way if we were face to face. You would see I'm a real person with noble intentions and a good motivation. Pisses me off to no extent.
It's good that you are motivated. But this thread is just you complaining that you aren't in yet, disguised as a discussion that you are unqualified to make. Additionally, any advice that you have been given in this thread has been very solid advice, and you've ignored it all or responded with even more evidence that you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

mainse-event said:
I was talking to the guy that said I would be working in mcdonalds, and thinking about the past when I posted about joining and mentioned I left highschool and the replies i got were OMFG IF u ArEN't DEDICATED enUfF 4 SkeWlL hOW uGunAA GeT Thru BasiCz OMFG BBQWTFz!!!1111!!!1111!!11
Why did you quit high school? Being still young, you haven't had much time to prove that you're able to stick to something until it's completion, and being young you also have not had much time to obtain qualifications or experience to make yourself a competitive candidate in the very large sea of applicants for the trade you are applying to. Failing to complete high school is simply making it more difficult for you to 1) Get a job with the CF; 2) Progress appropriately through the CF should you get accepted; and 3) Get a civilian job and career if you are unsuccessful with the CF.

Again, if you communicate respectfully and ask questions and actually take the advice seriously, I and others here would be more than happy to discuss what you have to do to get in and provide you suggestions based on our experience that you do not have yet. Nobody is "out to get you", we merely respond in the matter that you originally approach us.
Insert Name Here said:
Calm down bud, Im 100% positive that the poster who mentioned that had incorrectly presented it. Allow me to interpret  it in a way  we understand:) Stay with me brother/sister.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but:

What he said reflects upon today's employment statistics: The more "sheets of paper" you have, the more likely you are to be employed.
AND THIS IS  ALSO TRUE  in the forces, the more qualifications you have in the civil field, the more trades you are eligible in the forces. For example a young individual such as you and I would love to join the forces whether it be Regular or Reserve, and that our specific trade requires some qualifications in the civil field for example: You want to be an officer, but your education is at the absolute minimum for the trade eligibility. On such example is an infantry officer which requires a university degree and occasionally college diplomas(Source forces.ca). Now its always possible to go up the ranks but that would take you years of service and rare opportunities. We want to maximize those chances thus we have to achieve a higher level of education. And supposing you get into the forces, didn't like it and  got a voluntary release or dishonorable release due to misconduct or what not, and you find your self back on the civil street looking for a job that can pay the bills for your beautiful wife and junior there. Now this is just a random scenario but close to realistic i can think on the spot.

Bottom line: That person wants you to maximize your opportunities in the forces and the general workforce so that you have the flexibility to adapt to the dynamic workforce in Canada that requires qualifications and at the same time be eligible for the many trades available to you in the forces. I personally don't need anyone telling me that, because I live in it and I'm preparing for it.

I can see your honourable intentions, and I respect and admire that. However you must also listen to the veterans who speak in this forum, Like in this thread all the experienced ones are talking to you. Consider yourself lucky you have so many suggestions and answers. Every mistake you make is an opportunity to learn, let alone all the experience these guys have to share. I understand and admit that the flashy emblems and titles under their usernames are pretty intimidating, but their objective in the forum is to help people like you and I who need help being admitting into the forces, Its only fair that we listen and reply politely.

Best wishes Brother/sister.

Thank you for talking to me like a human being. Appreciate it.
mainse-event said:
Thank you for talking to me like a human being. Appreciate it.

Hey no problem, we all have our problems and sometimes people just don't agree, but it takes perseverance and understanding to acknowledge small details in life.
...hmm I sound too old for my age. Whatever, hopefully your application is successful mines "gettin' reved" up after hearing one of my references were contacted.

Any-who good luck who yours.

Stay Frosty.
I apologize for the way I acted in this thread. I felt like you guys were kind of condescending, it's hard to tell on the internet what somebody is really trying to say. I was being a child, and you were all right. I never disagreed with the main fact that the army was full, to be honest I don't know why I made the thread. I was feeling a bit discouraged, and was hoping for a pick me up from you guys. It would have been awesome to hear, "don't worry man, it'll happen for you someday, just be patient, and good luck". I went about it the wrong way, again I apologize.

It's a growth experience for me, I wan't to stay present in this community because I think you guys have a vast amount of knowledge, and I would like to post now and in the future as a CF member.