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Islam and Western Society

Meanwhile, here in BC...

Vancity Buzz

Vancouver Island teacher reprimanded for calling Muslim student "Taliban"
Lauren Sundstrom
11:09 AM PST, Fri January 29, 2016

A Vancouver Island teacher is facing punishment after he admitted to repeatedly referring to a Muslim student as “Taliban,” according to a ruling from the BC Commissioner for Teacher Regulation.

Grade 11 math teacher Matthew Pell, who’s employed by the Sooke School District, would also make comments like “don’t make her angry, otherwise she’ll bomb you” and “she’s going to blow everything up,” the ruling says.

They should have deported this pervert!


Calgary imam wanted on sex charges in U.S., to stay in Canada

February 13, 2016

A high-profile Calgary imam, wanted in the United States on sexual assault charges, will get another shot at keeping his refugee status in Canada.

S.M.A. said:
They should have deported this pervert!


To quote General Norman Schwarzkopf.....That is utterly "Bovine Scatology".

Deported....Extradition would be more likely and appropriate.  We do have "Legal" agreements with the US.
Trudeau's reaction to graffiti targeting Syrian refugees and him:


Trudeau reacts to anti-Syrian graffiti on southeast Calgary school
February 15, 2016

The Calgary Board of Education rushed to clean off hateful graffiti on Monday morning, but for far too long this weekend the words "Syrians Go Home and Die" and other slogans stained the brick walls of Wilma Hansen Junior High in southeast Calgary.

The graffiti also targeted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
, who took to Twitter to condemn the vandalism. 

"Canadians have shown the best of our country in welcoming refugees. That spirit won't be diminished by fear and hate," he tweeted on Monda

If I may, I would like to say a few words.

First and foremost I have not read all 22 pages, but I read enough to get the tenor I think. If I am repeating what has been covered I am sorry.

A few issues people have when, contemplating Muslim integration in the west is in point form;

1-Cultural vs True Islam
2-Islamic reformation movements or lack thereof
3-Extremism and rates thereof
4-Are they loyal to the country of residence or not

Now I am not a scholar, but I have some small specific knowledge on a few of these topics.

1- This is by far, bar none Islam's biggest issue. In the early days of Islam, Muslims were raped, beat, tortured and Murdered. They had their possessions stolen etc, all this was done without repercussions during the early years. Even when fighting was made permissible, it was against the Quraiysh caravans arguably taking back what was stolen from them. Then the greater fights came and Quranic ayats came down regarding it, such as the oft quoted and misquoted one close to the meaning of "kill non-Muslims were you find them unless they convert", but those ayahs are widely accepted as only being applicable to that particular battle as any good exegesis will tell you (Google Tafsir Maariful Quran in english roughly $200 buy it, if you want for a great explanation of Quran). But now we start having issues, because Muhammad peace be upon him, took over Makkah with his army and no one died, yet alleged Muslims these days partake in wholesale slaughter. So it clearly says in our holy book to kill non-Muslims albeit out of context and yet thats not how our prophet acted.

So now enter Culture, wearing niqab/burkha is culture, slaughtering innocent people is forbidden in Islam, murdering religious priests nuns etc is forbidden, the second caliph of Islam made slavery forbidden etc... but yet you see Muslims doing all these things and more and that is culture.  the mid east has been at war for so many years, that is all they know.

Our faith demands, patience, respect and love etc from us. But when you grow up and people claim that these cultural practices are true Islam, then you start to have issues. True Islam is not an issue, tribal and national culture can be.

2- Now my first point feeds into my second point. If Muslims are saying that Islam isnt the Issue and its just this culture crap that is, why is there not a reformation movement going on. Well there is and multiple ones at that, I will only speak to the one I personally know.

It is called the effort of dawa'h and tabligh (Calling to God and Propagating Islam). There are more then 3 million people worldwide and thousands of Islamic scholars working almost 24/7 in this effort ( ive personally spent 150 days away from my family in this effort). What we do is go house to house visiting every single Muslim, in every single community in the world. We talk to them about the importance of prayer, being conscious of god, being a good person and exhibiting a good character... but we also try to connect brothers and sisters, with scholars who teach proper Islam. which directly combats extremism in our communities. Because the majority of extremists in our views are self radicalized, via the internet or they are only nominally religious persons to begin with. So if a Muslim is learning from a proper scholar, instead of Mufti google, the chances of him wanting to Murder people is reduced to nil.

Also feeling like a part of a community is good for your mental health... and lets face it, only people who are sick to the head support daesh or whoever it may be.

3- extremism and rates thereof... well, in a Muslim.. and I support sharia law.. I must be a extremist right? No, because Sharia law does not accept extremism. A Muslim is neither an extreme left winger or right winger, he walks the middle path  (thats a very loosely translated saying of our prophet.).

But many people look at the percent of Muslims who support sharia law or dissapprove of homosexuality, as they Must be extremist.  which I think is absurd, I disagree with homosexuality and I want to implement sharia law.. but im not a machiavellian, i dont support terror, murder, kidnapping etc to achieve that goal (the machiavellian principle of the ends justiyfing the means, is clearly forbidden in Islam). So when someone supports sharia law and wishes to blow himself up (which is again forbidden in Islam) to obtain that goal... then he is an extremist and likely going to hell but that's up to God.

So yea, I supprt the sharia, but Ill lay down my life to protect yours gladly (just dont tell my wife.. she said something about killing me.. if i die on her #womenlogic).

4- A Muslim, who lives in a non-Muslim country is bound by Sharia law to follow the laws of that country. If we dont want to follow those laws, we are obligated to leave. We are only allowed to stay in a country, if we can do our obligatory acts of worship, if we cant then we must leave or try to.

We are not allowed to be... "fifth columnist" i think it's called, we have to respect the country that is offering us protection and sustenance etc. Now its not to say we are not allowed to work within the legal framework of a country, to propagate Islamic values. but the operative part of that statement is "within the legal framework". We cant go about causing riots, looting, hate crimes etc, we  need to do it properly.

To conclude my rambling, Christian, Muslim and Jews have lived together before. They still do in Many places, but we all need to follow our religions properly to do it. we cant just follow anything blindly from any random nutbar, we need to go to our scholars and holy texts. (oh and for the atheists, I dont mean to exclude you, lets pretend your god is science and your holy texts are chemistry and evolution textbooks)

I feel safe knowing my neighbors are of 'xyz' background and my neighbors should feel safe knowing Im Muslim. Because they should know Muslims believe 1 life, one single solitary life, is worth more then this entire world and Muslims have love for all life no matter whose it is. But, these dang cultural radicals have ruined the name of Islam for us and thus people dont know this and they fear or hate us.

My point I guess, is we are trying to fix our issues. We just need time, our religion is 600 years younger then Christianity... so I ask for 6 centuries ;)


p.s sorry for my grammar, always was my weak point.
Abdullah, thank you for taking the time to present your thoughts.
Long time lurker, but rare poster here - I usually don't post much because I don't have a whole lot to say that hasn't been said ad-nauseam already.

I just wanted to say, first off, thanks for the post, Abdullah.  I've been studying terrorism and counter terrorism through academia as a hobby for the last 4 years, and as a result I am attempting to understand more and more about the true nature of Islam since these are often synonymous.  The western world NEEDS to engage in frank and open discussions on the topic for a number of reasons which might seem obvious, the least of which being that non-Muslims must be able to discern truth from fiction.  As a non-Muslim, I often advise other non-Muslims to educate themselves as much as possible on the topic, taking in opinions from all camps and coming to their own conclusions.  Islam, in and of itself, does not deserve the benefit of the doubt - no more so than anything else people see or hear - and thus what they are told by any side should not be taken at face value - what I mean by this is that people need to become more aware and informed.  Ironically, the very people who stand to lose the most, yet have the most to gain from having these sorts discussion (and working towards a reformation of Islam) is the average Muslim person, working to get through the day and who has the same problems as the rest of us.

I found a very topical article discussing such a thing.  Although it has more of an American slant to it, I thought I might share it here:



Good insightful post. I have on my own studied the history and basic understandings of Islam. I find it interesting the strong differences between Shia and Sunni . It gets nasty when you look at the fierce fighting between the two. I also know their is an Indian sect of Islam (Ahmadiyya Islam? I think).

Another interesting view I have is That Muslims are from Christians are from Jews. If I am not mistaken, the second book of the Quran is basically the new testament. I believe if I understand correctly that the prophet Esa (is Jesus) and that muslims do not believe he is the son of God but will in fact return some day. Correct me if I am wrong, many hours of reading translated passages of the Quran can lead me to mistakes.

Ironic that these religions are intertwined and connected. 

The head covering thing (Niqab, Burkha, Hijab, etc) I personally believe was more of a survival thing from living in an hot arid climate. IF we had a time machine and could go back to a thousand years before Mohhamed, we would probably see people wearing similar clothes in the same environment. Thoughts?

Personally, I believe the one thing we have done correctly is the Charter of Rights and freedoms here in Canada. Religion and state must remain separate. I also believe corporation and state should also be separate but thats another story.   
Not sure what to think about this:

Yahoo News

Row As School Tells Pupils To Imagine Converting To Islam ‘For The Better’
[Yahoo News]

February 22, 2016

A school in Guernsey has sparked a huge row among parents after it told pupils to write them a letter explaining how their life had improved by converting to Islam.

The students - aged 12 and 13 - were asked to write the letter by their Religious Education teacher in an attempt to consider what it would be like to become a Muslim.

Pupils were told to explain their decision to their parents and to say how their life had been changed for the better as a result.

The homework, for children at Les Beauchamps High School (above), came with a clarification that stated: “Please also note this is a piece of creative writing and completely fictional YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY CONVERTING TO ISLAM.”

It is not in Sask.

The controversial homework was set as Guernsey announced it would not be accepting Syrian refugees on the island.
Thanks guys and I'll try to give another reply albeit some very in depth things were brought up, which sad to say are above my pay grade to explain.. but i will try. I actually had to bust out a notebook to jot some notes down, so i can properly reply.

I have heard of Islam and Terrorism being synonymous before and I whole heartedly disagree that they are, but that doesn't mean Islam is not used for terrorism. Now if we take a look at what terrorism means, it essentially means to use fear to obtain a goal. Which I hate to say it, but some "so called" Muslims use that ideology. But we are not alone in it, people who shoot up Planned parenthood outlets are terrorists, same with school shooters etc etc

But when you see these acts in the media (as unbiased as it is), a guy claiming to be christian who shoots up a planned parenthood clinic is labelled mentally sick. Same with churches, schools etc. I think that terrorism is perpetrated by all groups be they extremist sikhs, hindus, jews etc. but rarely are they called terrorist.

we have 1.7 to 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and there are terrorist organization's that recruit from those masses. If we look at Muslim countries, most of them are poor and what better people to recruit then poor ignorant peasants? the recruitment of disaffected westerners is a different issue all together, I also note at this time most recruits are not western citizens. Now in WW1 and WW2, the Muslim nation('s) picked the wrong side, which led to the break up of the Islamic empire which accelerated the rot, because Nationalism really set in. Muslims are not supposed to want separate countries, were supposed to want to be one Ummah (Nation).. but alas to many years of my tribe is better then your tribe have gone by, that I can't see this rot reversing in my life. oops i digress.

Anyways, back to the poor and ignorant Muslims. You get some alleged scholar come to your home, after a western bomb has blown up your home or a family members, or a friends home and tells you that the non-Muslims are waging war on Muslims around the world. they are trying to destroy Islam and then he quotes a few ayahs from the Quran, a few hadiths about it being obligatory to fight against those who are fighting Muslims and the next thing you know, that peasent is a Jihadi. Then from there they quote more Ahadiths about dying in the cause of Allah and how Mujahideen of old would press in to thick of the battle, until victorious or they died. Then he gives you nice tafsir (explanation) that makes suicide bombing permissible because thats what the Salaf did.... and you have yourself a suicide bomber.

Now if you don't know, I completely disagree with this and denounce it whole heartedly. But it is a sad fact of life, just the same as the fact that many think Islam and terrorism are synonymous. I pray that perception changes, but that is up to god. To many kids only know fighting, grew up fighting and dont know anything else... so it is hard for them to change, because killing is so easy. Which has become a vicious cycle, we need to stop the bombs, so we can rebuild these nations and yet the more we bomb, the worse it seems to get and we need to send more bombs (Not even touching on corruption etc). I am not intelligent enough to see how to break the cycle, but I agree Daesh needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

I perused the link that was offered regarding trumps comments and I disagree with quite a many things within it, but I dont have the time nor werewithal to articulate a counter arguement. I am sure google if used can do it for me, but I dont trust my google fu right now, also on my phone copy pasting etc is hard. Im currently doing this as an email draft then ill be copying it over to this site.

Now the second thing of note I saw was the Shia vs Sunni vs Ahmadiyya deal, that rabbit hole goes even deeper... you Have Shia vs Sunni vs Ahmadiyya, hanafi vs hanbali vs maliki vs shafi vs salafi, deobandi vs bralevi, tablighis vs salafis vs sufis vs takfiris... To be honest it is a right mess. To keep it simple I just go Muslim or non Muslim (even though im a Sunni Hanafi deobandi tablighi lol).

So to be a Muslim you have to accept the 5 pillars of Islam;
1-Shahada: Faith
2 Salat: Prayer.
3 Zakāt: Charity.
4 Sawm: Fasting.
5 Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca.

So if you dont believe those 5 things are obligatory, you are not a Muslim period. Now I'll also note, if you believe those acts are obligatory but do not do them yourself, you are still Muslim. Now that isn't to say whatever you believe isn't a nice wholesome belief system,  it just isnt an Islamic belief system. The scholars I follow say that there are alot of shias who are Muslim, but the way hatred develops we label them non-Muslim which is very bad. Because according to ahadiths (close to the meaning), if you call a Muslim a kafr and your wrong you have left the fold of Islam yourself.... so these fools running around calling Muslims kafr, are well in a very sketchy situation. Then you also have the ahadiths that roughly mean if you kill a Muslim, your going to hell, end of story. Heck, we are even told not to point weapons at our Muslim brothers just in case something goes wrong and we accidently kill them, even that is bad for us. So you can only imagine the position of those who make a career of killing innocent Muslims.

So all said and done, I would hate to be any of those people who have killed a Muslim. all in all I'm one those chaps who thinks all wars are stupid wastes of lives, but sometimes it is necessary, just like spanking the kids sometimes you have to do it to set them aright.

Now regarding the second book of the Quran, I have no clue what your talking about im sorry. I am guessing your talking about Makkan vs Madanian verses... but even that does not mean different books because they are all mixed together... are you meaning Hadith volumes? or the Quran as one books and the Hadiths as another? Sorry, im lost on this one.

The Hijab is compulsory, it was not set out for the arab climate. The hijab is a guideline on how to dress not a uniform. My wife when she wears hijab, may use a traditional hijab or she may just use a hoody or what have you. Our women are our Queens, we have to pay for their food, clothing, shelter, if we have money left over and they want jewelry we HAVE TO buy it for them, if our WOMEN want relations with us we have to give it (and if we dont satisfy them, they can divorce us over it. ouch eh?). Paradise is at our Mothers feet, we are to obey our mothers 3x, before we obey our father's. oh did i mention, our women are allowed to own businesses, property and whatever money they make we can not take from them. even if they are millionaires we still have to pay the bills (also education is fine for women to get, if any idiot says otherwise ask them about Ayesha the prophets wife... that should shut them up, she was a pretty awesome lady).

Also something everybody forget when discussing Hijab... is men have one too. Muslim men must have beards, must always cover the knees up to the navel. It is better to cover the arms as well and keep hair abover the shoulders, we are encouraged not to wear red. encouraged to wear white etc etc etc. I find it amazing how these idiots always point out how the woman should act, but never look to the men.

That article about forcing kids to write what it would be like to convert to Islam, that was sheer stupidity. There are other ways to get the kids to think about the good parts of Islam, if my child came home with homework being for them to write about converting to Christianity... well we can just say id be pissed. So I can appreciate how others feel in this situation, it seems like the more knowledge that is out there, the less common sense we have.

Now I've been working on this for 2 hours, I just wanted to clarify a few things and got carried away. Trying to be part of the solution and not the problem, well its a lot of work some days. Usually on the internet I wouldnt waste time like this. my final thing I want to say is i worked 12 hours today and may have made some mistakes ill try to review and edit tomorrow if i see anything major.

Usually on the internet I wouldnt waste time like this.

Abdullah, please do not consider your time spent on the Internet to write this as a 'waste', quite the opposite, and we appreciate the time you have taken to provide your perspective and knowledge of Islam.

Good2Golf said:
Abdullah, please do not consider your time spent on the Internet to write this as a 'waste', quite the opposite, and we appreciate the time you have taken to provide your perspective and knowledge of Islam.

What he said ...
Thank you again, Abdullah.  More to contemplate and muse over.
Notwithstanding the value of one person's insight, the following is true: religion is everywhere and always an artifact of culture; it does not stand alone or completely transcend the cultures in which it resides.  There is no "true" version of any particular faith except in the immediate aftermath of its conception and the mind of its conceiver(s).  Even scripture is not immune to contradiction and cultural quiffs, which is why there are always "learned" editorial comments - explanatory journalism - after the fact.

The problem is cultures in conflict; in particular, the problem is permissive and tolerant cultures in conflict with parochial and strict cultures.

Followers of Islam are the pre-eminent problem children of the world today; it is no help whatsoever for the silent and peaceful majority to try to read them out of the religion.  There are many religions and sects younger than Islam which don't need more time to abolish violence.

No excuses are acceptable.  A problem exists, and must be dealt with because it will not suffer to simply be ignored by those who want nothing to do with it.  I do not visit responsibility on all those who claim to be Muslim nor even on those who silently agree with the supremacism of the violent fringe minority, but I despise attempts to pretend that the militants are not exactly what they claim to be.
Brad Sallows said:
Notwithstanding the value of one person's insight, the following is true: religion is everywhere and always an artifact of culture; it does not stand alone or completely transcend the cultures in which it resides.  There is no "true" version of any particular faith except in the immediate aftermath of its conception and the mind of its conceiver(s).  Even scripture is not immune to contradiction and cultural quiffs, which is why there are always "learned" editorial comments - explanatory journalism - after the fact.

The problem is cultures in conflict; in particular, the problem is permissive and tolerant cultures in conflict with parochial and strict cultures.

Followers of Islam are the pre-eminent problem children of the world today; it is no help whatsoever for the silent and peaceful majority to try to read them out of the religion.  There are many religions and sects younger than Islam which don't need more time to abolish violence.

No excuses are acceptable.  A problem exists, and must be dealt with because it will not suffer to simply be ignored by those who want nothing to do with it.  I do not visit responsibility on all those who claim to be Muslim nor even on those who silently agree with the supremacism of the violent fringe minority, but I despise attempts to pretend that the militants are not exactly what they claim to be.

Just to clarify, a lot of what I posted was not my opinion. It was rough translations of what our prophet said, rulings by our religious scholars and accepted traditions.

If you wish to fact check my posts please use;
Mufti Menk (south africa)
Mufti Ebrahim Desai(south africa)
Shayk Yusuf badat (toronto)
Shayk abdulraheem (uk)
Mufti Abdurrahman (detroit)
Mufti Aasim (Surrey).

Websites are as follows

For the Quran tafsir download here

Your views on how culture can not be seperated from religion, are your views and I feel no need to debate them. Following the links I supplied and searching through them will teach you about how the Quran, hadiths and Quranic teachings were preserved.

Extremists who do actions that take them outside the fold of Islam, are not Muslim. End of story. We dont deny that a problem exists, but you Must remember for every 1 non-Muslim killed by these fools, they kill 10's or hundreds of Muslims. Muslims are on the ground fighting them, Muslims are dying because of them. So to claim were doing nothing is wrong.


Anywho, thanks for the reply and the good words guys :)
