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Islam and Western Society

At least the RCMP has been watching them...

International Business Times

Muslim Group In Canada Accused Of Supporting Hamas-Linked Militants, Allegedly Gave $300K

By  Esther Tanquintic-Misa @ibtimesau on January 30 2015 3:38 PM

The Muslim Association of Canada or MAC, is now in a hotseat after reports flaunted it allegedly gave $300,000 to a Hamas-linked militant group that had been spent buying property in Canada. The properties were said to be converted into mosques, community centres and schools.

A report by the Toronto Sun said the buying spree caught the attention of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which immediately launched an investigation into the matter. A search conducted by QMI Agency revealed MAC has bought at least 11 buildings in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta since 2006. Registered as a charity, MAC said the acquisitions were needed in order to "establish an Islamic presence in Canada that is balanced, constructive, and integrated, though distinct."

As if having to bear with past grad. school classmates, from various Muslim countries, who interrupted lectures to rant about how "evil" Israel was  wasn't enough...  ::)

Their hatred of Israel probably will never subside until Hamas achieves their goal of pushing Israel into the sea...

Free Beacon

Hamas On Campus
At U.C. Davis, Students for Justice in Palestine chant "Allahu Akbar," endorse terrorism

Anti-Israel activists at the University of California, Davis heckled Jewish students and shouted “Allahhu Akbar” at them during a vote last week on a resolution endorsing a boycott of the Jewish state, according to video of the event obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The commotion erupted late Thursday evening as pro-Israel students attempted to counter a student government resolution to divest from Israel as part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Activists waving Palestinian flags shouted at the Jewish and pro-Israel students as they left the meeting room ahead of an eight to two vote in favor of the divestment resolution, which is part of a larger movement by anti-Israel groups to attack Israel and pro-Israel students on campus.

Someone trying to promote tolerance in a community filled with a group that opposes it:

French Artist’s Calls For Peace End in Brutal Beating By Local Muslims
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, February 9, 2015, 11:33 PM


French street artist Combo was physically assaulted over his latest art work. Photo: Combo Culture Kidnapper/Facebook

It was very offensive and local Muslims demanded he take it down.

Four Muslims in Porte Dorée (the Golden door), a ghetto east of Paris, beat artist Combo after he refused to take down his Coexist street art. Combo suffered a dislocated shoulder, bruises and a black eye.



Source: Gateway Pundit
And Erdogan still believes that Muslims went to the Caribbean before Columbus... riiiiiight.  ::)

Turkey's Erdogan proposes building mosque in Cuba

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has proposed to Cuba the construction of a mosque on the Caribbean island during a visit to Havana, pushing ahead with a plan apparently inspired by his belief that Muslims discovered the Americas.

After talks with Cuban President Raul Castro, Erdogan said on Wednesday he had sought approval for Turkey to build the place of worship in Havana that would be based on the model of a mosque in the Ortakoy district on the European shore of the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul.

Last November, Erdogan told a conference of Muslim leaders from Latin America in Istanbul that Muslims had reached the Americas in the 12th century, before the European explorer Christopher Columbus did so in 1492.

I hate to disabuse poor Mr. Erdogan, but even though they had "absorbed" the descendants of the Phoenicians, the Muslims were never seaman and could barely row their way across the Strait of Gibraltar (which explains why they only ever conquered the lower part of Spain). They were land fighters and never developed any technology related to ships and seamanship, other than the local fishing and communication D'ows and Egyptian river boats that they "inherited" locally with their conquests.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I hate to disabuse poor Mr. Erdogan, but even though they had "absorbed" the descendants of the Phoenicians, the Muslims were never seaman and could barely row their way across the Strait of Gibraltar (which explains why they only ever conquered the lower part of Spain). They were land fighters and never developed any technology related to ships and seamanship, other than the local fishing and communication D'ows and Egyptian river boats that they "inherited" locally with their conquests.


While not a current "Naval Power" there has been effective Muslim sea power in the past.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I hate to disabuse poor Mr. Erdogan, but even though they had "absorbed" the descendants of the Phoenicians, the Muslims were never seaman and could barely row their way across the Strait of Gibraltar (which explains why they only ever conquered the lower part of Spain). They were land fighters and never developed any technology related to ships and seamanship, other than the local fishing and communication D'ows and Egyptian river boats that they "inherited" locally with their conquests.

What???  What about "Sinbad", you mean those bad ass movies were not factual...  man, I've been living in a dreamworld  :D
A hate crime or simply a parking dispute that went out of hand?

USA Today

Chapel Hill 'rocked' by killings of 3 Muslim students

The mayor of Chapel Hill, N.C., said Wednesday that the college town has been "rocked" by the shooting deaths of three Muslim students that the father of two of the victims calls a "hate crime."

The fatal shootings have sparked condemnation from a national Muslim civil liberties group and triggered a Twitter uproar over allegations of anti-Muslim bias.

The victims, all shot in the head, were identified about 2 a.m. Wednesday as Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, and his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, of Chapel Hill, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh, police said.

All were U.S.-born and grew up in the area.

Barakat, a Syrian-American and a second-year dental student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Yusor Mohammad were married in late December.

The couple traveled to Turkey last year to provide free dental care to students, according to a Facebook page created in their memory by friends.

Muneeb Mustafa, 23, of Cary, said he attended the same Raleigh mosque as Barakat.

The couple traveled to Turkey last year to provide free dental care to students, according to a Facebook page created in their memory by friends.

Very noble of them.
Same behavior as the charlie hebdo terrorists.
Either both tragedies are hate crimes or both are terrorist attacks. Both killers were driven by hatred.
Looks more like a 'very angry' man who hated almost everything, not just religion, and was perhaps a bit schizoid.  To me it looks like a parking dispute with a man on the edge who fell off that edge.  It is a shame that so many acts of violence in the US bring out vocal radicals like Al Sharpton, or in this case, the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR).  Their involvement tends to inflame matters rather than allow the authorities to investigate and allow justice to be fairly dispensed.
Force said:
I came to montreal canada in 2000, I grew up here and studied here. From what I learned in chemstey/philosophy/maths/etc, ALL the people they talk about come from europe, they never gave credit to any middle eastern scientist. I'm not trying to discredit the europeeans, they infact did discover many things. You can google about middle eastern scientists you will be astonished about how much science and maths the europeeans took from the middle east and got the credit only for themselves. Also keep in mind that one of the biggest reasons the west is so develloped compared to the east is because of the colonialism. Aftica/australia/america got looted for almost 500 years. This is a whole lot of resources. It is only 100 years ago that the west discovered that all humans are equal and that colonialism is terrorism.  So when claiming that the west is the most advanced/etc, dont forget that its 500 years of vandalism that got us here. Ofcourse today things have changed but im just highlighting some history that we tend to ingore often.

So we're moving forward and evolving.

They are moving backward and regressing into the dark ages. They have lost their scholars and knowledge, they continue to  treat humans, ever more barbarically.They retain slaves and have various levels of societal castes. They run their society based on various interpretations of the Koran (if they can read it) and fear. Not as a fair and just society, based on education and human rights.

What am I forgetting, what am I missing?
recceguy said:
So we're moving forward and evolving.

They are moving backward and regressing into the dark ages. They have lost their scholars and knowledge, they continue to  treat humans, ever more barbarically.They retain slaves and have various levels of societal castes. They run their society based on various interpretations of the Koran (if they can read it) and fear. Not as a fair and just society, based on education and human rights.

What am I forgetting, what am I missing?

As a muslim myself, I confirm all the things you have said. But I also want you to know something, our governments do not represent our people.Britain and france created our countries and installed most of our governments, and even before that, the most recent muslim governments before ww1 were in fact retarded and never gave the chance to the people to evolve. But I take myself and my whole community for example, we are all educated and live here, and islam does not tell us to kill people and get retarded. The first word in the coran is READ, and science and education is a MUST. I just want you to know that when we see groups like al qaeda and isis we are even more pissed off and we hate them even more than you do because they are killing our families in the middle east. These group adhere to the saudi wahhabism that got created in the 19th century. The muslim world is destroyed and teared apart, and geopolitical interests is the main reason, before religion. Take saudi arabia for example, the most influental country on sunni muslims with its mosques worldwide and tv channels, the royal family is protected by the Quincy accords that got renewed in 2006 by Bush. USA protects this family on exchange of oil. In my opinion this accord is against our ideology because it protects the biggest and worse monarchy in the world. In saudi arabia women cannot drive and must wear the niqab, but inside the kings palace women are not allowed to wear the veil and the king and his family buy worldwide high class whores. These people aint muslims and they are a disgrace to the human race. They do not dictate and decide what islam is, but unfortunately this is what happening and muslims are brainwashed and deteriorated in the middle east because of kingdoms like saudi arabia and Qatar.
Force said:
As a muslim myself, I confirm all the things you have said. But I also want you to know something, our governments do not represent our people.Britain and france created our countries and installed most of our governments, and even before that, the most recent muslim governments before ww1 were in fact retarded and never gave the chance to the people to evolve. But I take myself and my whole community for example, we are all educated and live here, and islam does not tell us to kill people and get retarded. The first word in the coran is READ, and science and education is a MUST. I just want you to know that when we see groups like al qaeda and isis we are even more pissed off and we hate them even more than you do because they are killing our families in the middle east. These group adhere to the saudi wahhabism that got created in the 19th century. The muslim world is destroyed and teared apart, and geopolitical interests is the main reason, before religion. Take saudi arabia for example, the most influental country on sunni muslims with its mosques worldwide and tv channels, the royal family is protected by the Quincy accords that got renewed in 2006 by Bush. USA protects this family on exchange of oil. In my opinion this accord is against our ideology because it protects the biggest and worse monarchy in the world. In saudi arabia women cannot drive and must wear the niqab, but inside the kings palace women are not allowed to wear the veil and the king and his family buy worldwide high class whores. These people aint muslims and they are a disgrace to the human race. They do not dictate and decide what islam is, but unfortunately this is what happening and muslims are brainwashed and deteriorated in the middle east because of kingdoms like saudi arabia and Qatar.

So what are you and your communities doing about it? It's one thing to say you hate them and they are destroying everything for you.

It's something else to do something about it.

That is your land, religion and people.

You say you hate them more than us? Yet, we've been the ones going over and fighting them, to protect our homeshores. Where have you and yours been during this time? Standing in front of the news reporters after each attack saying they are not Muslims and you don't support them doesn't work anymore.

Time for you and your communities to get physically busy over there.

It's not our war (yet), but yours. Start doing something about it.
recceguy said:
So what are you and your communities doing about it? It's one thing to say you hate them and they are destroying everything for you.

It's something else to do something about it.

That is your land, religion and people.

You say you hate them more than us? Yet, we've been the ones going over and fighting them, to protect our homeshores. Where have you and yours been during this time? Standing in front of the news reporters after each attack saying they are not Muslims and you don't support them doesn't work anymore.

Time for you and your communities to get physically busy over there.

It's not our war (yet), but yours. Start doing something about it.

So far the syrian army and the local civilian legions that are defending each village are the ones that inflicted the heaviest losses on isis and al nusra, followed by the Iraqi army. in bahrain for example, it's the fourth year of protests against the bahraini royal family, they are still getting shot at everyday in the protests. You think the peiple do nothing over there but you hve no idea how hard it is to make a change, people are dying every day fighting for their rights. Me for example because I got raised here and I live here and I am a canadian citizen, I want to join the canadian army because I like its values. So far the coalition against isis changed absolutely nothing on the ground exept maybe in kobani. The strikes are not effective at all. On the other hand, THOUSANDS of isis terrorists are dying each month under the hands of the syrian and iraqi people. We are living a luxury life here we don't know what its like to live poverty and a survival life. World powers are playing geopolitical wars on the middle eastern lands and its the civil population that is paying the price, it is not true that they are not trying, its a huge mess over there.
Good enough for me, bring the F 18s home and let the locals get on with it if they're doing such a bang up job.
Kat Stevens said:
Good enough for me, bring the F 18s home and let the locals get on with it if they're doing such a bang up job.
why would you say that... I was just highlighting that its not true that the locals are sleeping on gas and doing nothing. I just said that they are fighting well. That doesnt mean that we should not help them lol.. Im just saying that its not us that are doing the biggest damage on isis and we have to give credit to the locals instead of saying they are doing nothing.