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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

Meanwhile, back in Canada - this from the RCMP Info-machine:
The Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) made a series of arrests last weekend in order to disrupt the plans of ten young Montréal residents suspected of wanting to leave the country to join jihadist groups. The arrests took place at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport.

No charges have been laid at this time, and the investigation is ongoing. Consequently, the RCMP is unable to disclose the identity of the persons who were arrested or any information that led to their arrests. We can say, however, that the families and friends of the young persons have been met by investigators. All ten young persons arrested had their passports confiscated.

These are very difficult times for the relatives and loved ones of the persons arrested, as the decision to leave the country was not that of the family, but of a single family member.    As a result, family members often find themselves at a complete loss and unable to understand the decision made by the youth.  It would be desirable for the media to respect the privacy of family members and friends in their search for information ....
Interesting, that a large number of recent persons of interest have also come from the Montreal area.  It would now seem highly likely that there must be a recruiter or two operating in the Montreal area mosques.  Either the local Imans are not doing anything to dissuade young impressionable minds or are just complacent, allowing subversive elements to operate in their mosques.
George Wallace said:
Interesting, that a large number of recent persons of interest have also come from the Montreal area.  It would now seem highly likely that there must be a recruiter or two operating in the Montreal area mosques.  Either the local Imans are not doing anything to dissuade young impressionable minds or are just complacent, allowing subversive elements to operate in their mosques.

Whether there is any linkage or not, Montreal also was the home of the family that murdered the senior wife and the three daughters of wife two by drowning in the locks at Kingston Mills.
George Wallace said:
Interesting, that a large number of recent persons of interest have also come from the Montreal area.  It would now seem highly likely that there must be a recruiter or two operating in the Montreal area mosques.  Either the local Imans are not doing anything to dissuade young impressionable minds or are just complacent, allowing subversive elements to operate in their mosques.

this book has a good breakdown on the recruiting methodology http://www.amazon.ca/Radical-Journey-Out-Islamist-Extremism/dp/0762791365

An interesting "what if?" in the latest edition of IS's magazine "Dabiq" (full issue can be downloaded from non-terrorist site here) ....
".... Let me throw a hypothetical operation onto the table. The Islamic State has billions of dollars in the bank, so they call on their wilāyah in Pakistan to purchase a nuclear device through weapons dealers with links to corrupt officials in the region. The weapon is then transported overland until it makes it to Libya, where the mujāhidīn move it south to Nigeria. Drug shipments from Columbia bound for Europe pass through West Africa, so moving other types of contraband from East to West is just as possible. The nuke and accompanying mujāhidīn arrive on the shorelines of South America and are transported through the porous borders of Central America before arriving in Mexico and up to the border with the United States. From there it’s just a quick hop through a smuggling tunnel and hey presto, they’re mingling with another 12 million “illegal” aliens in America with a nuclear bomb in the trunk of their car.

Perhaps such a scenario is far-fetched but it’s the sum of all fears for Western intelligence agencies and it’s infinitely more possible today than it was just one year ago ...."
Russian media highlights it here.
Greeeeeeeeeeeat ....
Britons who want to join ISIS fighting in Syria are travelling via Canada to avoid detection, it was revealed.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the tactics used by radicalised extremists to escape being caught by police were becoming 'increasingly sophisticated'.

He warned it was a 'continuing struggle' for the security services to keep tabs on people from the UK determined to travel to the region.

Some 700 British citizens are thought to have travelled to Syria and Iraq and there are growing fears about them returning to the UK to plot terror attacks here.

Airlines operating in the UK have been told to check all teenagers boarding flights to Turkey about whether they plan to join ISIS under new plans.

It followed the case of three south London schoolgirls - Kadiza Sultana, Amira Abase, and Shamima Begum - who flew out of Britain to join ISIS.

But it has emerged that to get  around the checks, some fighters are travelling to other countries before flying to Turkey and crossing the border into Syria.

Speaking in the Commons, Mr Hammond said: 'People that are trying to take this journey are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

'I have seen reports recently of journeys which are routed via Canada to get to Turkey and then into Syria rather than going directly from the UK. So it is a continuing struggle.' ....
More here
Why not tag them and then let them carry on to their "Caliphate". We get rid of a noxious problem at home, and at the same time they can "help" locating terror cells and training camps in Syria and Iraq before they play "catch" with a JDAM, which sounds like a "Twofer" to me.
If *we* ever expect to keep "lone wolf" attackers at bay, then *we* need to become a society of sheepdogs, willing to work in packs of our own against these terrorists. The takedown of the gunman on the train is one example, and there have been some in the past (the downing of the last of the 9-11 flights is probably the best example):


Terror and Surprise on the Paris Express
by Austin Bay
August 25, 2015]

Last week's attempted attack on a high-speed train traveling from Holland to Paris via Belgium involved successful concealment, up to a point. At that point, the passengers surprised the terrorist.

Islamist terrorist Ayoub El Khazzani managed to evade security agency surveillance in at least five countries. Despite strict Belgian and French gun- and ammunition-control laws, not only did Khazzani acquire an AK-47 assault rifle, but when the moment came to wage armed jihad, he successfully evaded rail station security and slipped his AK with 200 rounds of ammo on board an elite trans-European express.

Wait, police spokesmen are wont to say, in a free society the cops can't be everywhere all the time. Too true. And when targeting free societies, terrorists bank on it. Concealed in the open may be an oxymoron. Yet terrorists do conceal themselves in open societies by passing as peaceful members of that society.

Khazzani passed as peaceful. He intended to surprise the train passengers, and he did, sort of. Reliance on surprise makes terror attacks a type of ambush. By definition, in an ambush, attackers strike from concealed positions. In a military ambush, where soldiers ambush soldiers, the attackers must remain concealed until the second they trigger the ambush. If surprise is lost and the ambush is discovered, the ambushers lose their advantage.

Khazzani muffed the transition from concealment to attack. A French banker, identified as Damien A., saw him in a lavatory with his weapon. He grabbed at Khazzani. Khazzani ran into the rail car where passenger Mark Moogalian (an American living in France) accosted him.

Now Khazzani is targeting unarmed civilians. Blown ambush? Shouting? No problem. He has firepower. He shot Moogalian.

But other passengers had more surprises. Instead of cowering, they responded heroically. First one, U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, got to Khazzani, and then a second, and then four were on him. He could not aim the weapon. In the hand-to-hand struggle, he pulled a pair of box cutters and wounded Stone. He drew a pistol. But Stone's friends, Oregon Army National Guard Specialist Alek Skarlatos and California college student Anthony Sadler, kept battering him. British businessman Chris Norman joined the fight. They disarmed and pinned Khazzani. To emphasize his disapproval, Skarlatos used the AK's muzzle to make repetitive metal impressions on Khazzani's head. Did the message get through? Khazzani was a finger twitch from eternity.

The en masse quick physical assault on Khazzani was somewhat like a tactic the military calls an instantaneous counterattack on a close-in ambush. In the ambush's kill zone, the defenders have little chance, and so they instantly turn and assault the ambushers. Penetrating the ambush positions brings the battle to the ambushers. In the resulting melee, the ambushers lose the advantage of surprise.

It takes confident, trained and well-led combat units to respond that coolly and cohesively. But the comparison is instructive. Sadler, Stone and Skarlatos are lifelong friends, a cohesive group of people who depend on one another. That's a unit. Stone and Skarlatos have military training. Skarlatos pulled a tour in Afghanistan. He told authorities that going after Khazzani "wasn't a conscious decision. ... We just acted." Stone said Skarlatos said, "Go get 'im." He and Skarlatos went; Sadler followed. Norman said he fled until he saw the three Americans tackle the gunman. Courage instilled courage. Now there were four.

Stone is an Air Force medic. He staunched Moogalian's bleeding and saved his life.

Can you train people to respond en masse to a terrorist attack? Sure. Group action by unarmed civilians can stop a lone gunman. A suicide bomber is another matter. Best be in a state that allows people to carry personal firearms. But an effective group response to any threat requires leadership, and in most situations, that means leadership by example. On the Paris express, I count five examples of leadership. One leader jostled in the lavatory. One gave warning. Three struck in a pack. Norman had the guts to follow. Free people in free societies can surprise you.
Interesting development in Repentigny, Quebec:


The language gestapo in Quebec will be happy to note the jihadis are using French.
PuckChaser said:
The language gestapo in Quebec will be happy to note the jihadis are using French.

Well, they wouldn't want to be breaking the laws now would they. ;D
Update on the "Toronto 18" story.  (Link in Title)

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

Canada revokes citizenship of Toronto 18 ringleader using new anti-terror law
The National Post
Stewart Bell | September 26, 2015 9:40 AM ET
More from Stewart Bell | @StewartBellNP

TORONTO — The government used its new power to revoke the citizenship of convicted terrorists for the first time on Friday against the imprisoned ringleader of the 2006 al-Qaida-inspired plot to detonate truck bombs in downtown Toronto.

Zakaria Amara was notified in a letter sent to the Quebec penitentiary where is he serving a life sentence that he is no longer a Canadian. He still holds citizenship in Jordan and could be deported there following his release from prison.

“He’s Toronto 18,” a source said, using the name by which Amara’s terrorist group was known. “They plotted terrorist attacks against downtown Toronto, they were convicted. They should not be citizens.” The decision was made by a senior official at Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Legislation that came into force in May, over the opposition of the NDP and Liberals, allows the government to revoke the citizenship of Canadians who have been convicted of terrorism offences — provided they hold citizenship in a second country.

The law also applies to dual citizens convicted of treason and spying for foreign governments, as well as members of armed groups at war against Canada. A little more than half-a-dozen Canadians have been notified so far that the government was considering revoking their citizenship.

Although the revocation process began in June, well before the federal election was called, the decision to strip Amara of his citizenship comes during a close campaign in which the Conservatives have tried to distinguish themselves from the NDP and Liberals with a platform that emphasizes national security.

NDP leader Tom Mulcair has said he would scrap the citizenship revocation law, and on Friday Liberal leader Justin Trudeau repeated his pledge to repeal it. “The bill creates second-class citizens,” he said. “No elected official should ever have the exclusive power to revoke Canadian citizenship. Under a Liberal government there will be no two-tiered citizenship. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.”

The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, together with former Toronto 18 member Asad Ansari, are challenging the citizenship revocation law in Federal Court, arguing it is unconstitutional and creates “two-tiered” citizenship by treating naturalized Canadians differently than those born here.

But the Conservatives have said the law would target only the most serious cases. Among those who have received formal notice they may lose their citizenship is Hiva Alizadeh, an Iranian-Canadian who plotted al-Qaida bombings in Canada.

Born in Jordan and baptized an Orthodox Christian, Amara moved to Saudi Arabia when he was four. He converted to Islam at age 10 after his friends told him he would go to hell if he didn’t. From age 10 to 13, he lived in his mother’s home country Cyprus until immigrating to Canada in 1997.

A university dropout who worked as a gas jockey in Mississauga, Ont., Amara emerged in 2005 as one of two leaders of a terrorist group that trained on a rural property north of the city and, inspired by al-Qaida, began planning attacks they thought would convince Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

Amara led a faction that was acquiring the components for large truck bombs that were to be detonated during the morning rush hour outside the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service office beside the CN Tower. An Ontario military base was also to be attacked.

Justice Bruce Durno called the plot “spine chilling” and said “the potential for loss of life existed on a scale never before seen in Canada. It was almost unthinkable without the suggestion that metal chips would be put in the bombs. Had the plan been implemented it would have changed the lives of many, if not all Canadians forever.”

In a letter produced at his sentencing, Amara vowed to transform “from a man of destruction to a man of construction.” He asked the judge to “not close the door and give me a chance that one day I’ll be able to pay for the moral debt that I still owe.”

While he was serving his sentence, however, the Conservatives brought in the new citizenship law. In accordance with the revocation system, Amara was given 60 days to make submissions about Canada’s plan to take away his citizenship. His arguments were considered by the official making the decision. He can appeal to the courts.

The decision capped a busy week in counter-terrorism in which: a Toronto youth was arrested on a peace bond over his alleged online activities in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; two extremists who plotted to attack a Toronto-bound passenger train were handed life sentences; and a Calgary man in ISIL was charged with terrorism offences.

Two Pakistanis arrested in Toronto on national security grounds — one of them for plotting a suicide bombing in the downtown financial district and at the United States consulate — were scheduled to be deported as early as Sunday.

National Post with files from Canadian Press

• Email: sbell@nationalpost.com

Video and more links on LINK.

I really do not agree with Mulcair and Trudeau both taking the path that they are proposing.  If a refugee/migrant/immigrant to Canada is a threat to Canadian society as a criminal or worse, as a terrorist, they should be removed from our society and sent back from whence they came.  Imprisonment is only a short term solution in removing them from our streets, and also may offer them the opportunity (not the Edmonton spelling1  ;D ) to spread their criminal or barbaric philosophies.  I believe, that in the case above, we are seeing the best solution.

1  http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/edmonton-mayor-not-happy-with-typo-on-city-signs-1.2582182
Marine Le Pen for standing up in Brussels and saying what we all know.


If you don't access FaceBook, here is the LiveLeak link:

A terrorist gets his due after attacking Australian police.


Australian officials say Sydney police HQ shooting 'linked to terrorism'
Fri Oct 2, 2015 9:58pm EDT

By Lincoln Feast

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian police said on Saturday they believed the shooting of a police worker by a 15-year-old boy in Sydney the previous day was "linked to terrorism", the latest in a series of attacks blamed on radicalized youth.

Australia, a staunch ally of the United States and its battle against Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria, has been on heightened alert for attacks by home-grown radicals since last year.

The teenager was shot dead by police on Friday afternoon after he gunned down, at close range, a police employee leaving the headquarters of the New South Wales Police, police and witnesses said.


Police said they had identified the gunman as coming from an Iraqi-Kurdish background, and having been born in Iran.

"We believe his actions were politically motivated and therefore linked to terrorism," New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione told reporters.

Belgium on a high alert against terrorism:

Defense News

Arsenal Discovered as Belgium Capital Enters Lockdown
By Martin Banks 11:05 a.m. EST November 21, 2015

A terrorist arsenal has been discovered during overnight searches in a suburb of Brussels.

Chemicals and explosives were among the items found in the Molenbeek suburb, a rundown neighborhood where Paris attacker Abdelhamid Abaaoud was suspected of operating a terrorist cell.

The find came as Belgium’s capital entered a security lockdown. The government has warned that there could be a repeat of Paris-style attacks in the country’s capital, prompting the closure of subways in Brussels and the deployment of heavily armed police and soldiers.

Not surprised that the barbarians within the gates have stashes here and there like this. 

There were six British suspects stopped trying to take used ambulances and gear "somewhere" too. 
