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I've always wondered... (fun game)

Can anyone on here actually remember the last time the Leaf's won the Stanley Cup?

safetysOff said:
Can anyone on here actually remember the last time the Leaf's won the Stanley Cup?


I can tell you that the last time they won it I wasn't even born and my mother and father were still in elementary school!  :evil:
If Superman is bulletproof, why does he duck when people throw things at him?
Do people sneeze while they're asleep? If so, would you stay asleep, or be woken up?
Why did they name the phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia? aka Sesquipedalophobia, aka Logophobia.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?  :warstory:

That's what I want to know!
Why arent elevator buttons double pressable? So you can say "oops! wrong floor" press it again to cancel it.
When your DWAN mailbox is over capacity, why does the server send you a message stating that "Your mailbox is over it's size limit"?  That's just adding insult to injury.

RemembranceDay said:
Logically, so the bigwigs don't get sued for being discriminative of the blind  :D

And just how would a blind driver make his way to the drive through ATM to find out that there is no Brialle keypad ON THE DRIVER'S SIDE?  Political correctness runs amok again.

Haggis said:
Why is there a Braille keypad at the drive through ATM?

Haggis said:
When your DWAN mailbox is over capacity, why does the server send you a message stating that "Your mailbox is over it's size limit"?  That's just adding insult to injury.

Not only that, but if my mailbox is full, how does the server still manage to send me several msgs "Your mailbox is over it's size limit"? 
Sapplicant said:
Is that little white thing on the side of an egg yolk a chicken fetus?

Eew. Not touching eggs for a while. And I just got over the green scrambled eggs from course this summer...
Rogo said:
If "Power" is spelt almost the same as "mower"  like a lawn mower.

Then why are they pronounced differently.

Same as Patio and Ratio.