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january basic?

Congrats Spade. See you there.

After The Call, they called to go over the info for the Swearing in and all that.
While the Cpl. was talking about all the stuff, and doing the paperwork... I felt like a dream or something. This is actually happening.
Like you said, it's probably too early for this, but heck, it feels GREAT. I'll ride this out till the pain kicks in on Jan 10th! :-)

hey guys just wanted to update ya, i my call 3 days ago, i leave January9th for basic :warstory: see you all there :cdn:
For those interested (and going to Borden) I asked the CPL today:

Rations will be aprox. $375/month and Quarters will still be worth 25 cents  ;D 

Sorry still excited and acting childish! I promise it'll wear off.

Quarters will be$75/month.

I still wonder why some of us are going to Borden while others are going to St. Jean...Perhaps Borden is being used as overflow? Also anybody know where the Soldier Qualification course is held?
SQ is run at lot of different bases, like Wainright, Gagetown, Meaford, etc.
I went in last Thursday for my paperwork (Regular Force, Infantry), I'm in the process of training for my pre-enrollment PT.
I was told by a Sergeant at the CFRC that I wouldn't be going for the BMQ course until February.
Is this correct? Shouldn't I be going in January, too?  ???
BSmith, it takes some time to go through the enlistment process. By the time your sworn in, it's could be to late for you to get on a January Basic, or the January basic courses could be filled up.
Especially around the christmas I would think the process would be longer.

I *heard* (sorry if this info in inaccurate) that the next selection board was on the 28th of November, and that that was for January 9th Basic.
I already know of some that have been offered a position in the infantry and their basic starts January 9th, but then again I heard infantry selection happens a lot.

If you haven't completed your physical test yet, nor had your medical come back from ottawa and THEN been merit listed, I wouldn't hold your breath for getting in on January basic.

February seems about right.

(Although I could be completely wrong about the dates i've given, i'm sure thats what i heard. A quick search and i'm sure you could find the next selection dates/Bmq dates)

Good luck,

I can finally complete my application tomorrow, because I got delayed on the medical part. But now I have the note from my doctor, and I will be going in to the recruiting center tomorrow. I already completed the CFAT, the physical test, and the medical has sorta gone to and from Ontario, several times now (they keep finding imaginary things wrong with me). But I will finally find out what is happening.

Hopefully I will make the January BMQ. *Fingers crossed*
Hey fellos,

My name is Dan and I just got an offer as well (Reg Air Force - Comm Resea Op). Thought i could drop a line or two since I will see most of you at BMQ in Borden Jan 9th. I been doing some research and reading in the recruiting section and want to say good luck to all and see you there.   :salute:

PS - Dec 14th being sworn in at TO recruit centre

I will be in St. Jean for a January 9th start date for my BMQ.  And for the record, rations are $399 or right in that area.  i know they are between $390 and $400 for sure and quaters are $74, each month.
Ordinary Dummy said:
I will be in St. Jean for a January 9th start date for my BMQ.   And for the record, rations are $399 or right in that area.   i know they are between $390 and $400 for sure and quaters are $74, each month.

Do you know if you still pay for rations once your BMQ is finished. Once your occupational training starts is it the same deal ?
Do you know if you still pay for rations once your BMQ is finished. Once your occupational training starts is it the same deal ?

Are you going to be living in the shacks while on trade training ? If the answer is yes then you will pay for rations ( if you are single that is)
Yes I'am single - so does that leave me with 2 options only = Shacks / residence. I take it you have been part of the CF for some time, what would you suggest?