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Jeremy Clarkson, on Cars


Army.ca Dinosaur
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We like Jeremy ….


"I'm sorry, but having a DB9 on the drive and not driving it is a bit like
having Keira Knightley in your bed and sleeping on the couch. If you've
got even half a scrotum it's not going to happen."

"We start tonight with the highlight of my childhood. It's the Ladybird
Book of Motorcars from 1963, and as you would imagine it's full of rubbish
really. Just endless boring grey shapes, until you get to page 40, where
you find the Maserati 3500 GT. Now this for me, when I was little, was
like kind of Jordan and Cameron Diaz. In a bath together. With a Lightning
jet fighter. And lots of jelly."

"[about Porsche Cayman S] There are many things I'd rather be doing than
driving it, including waiting for Bernard Manning to come off stage in a
sweaty nightclub, and then licking his back clean"

... "the last time someone was as wrong as you, was when a politician
stepped off an aeroplane in 1939 waving a piece of paper in the air saying
there will be no war with Germany"

"America: 250 million w@nkers living in a country with no word for w@nker"

On the Alfa Romeo Brera... "I only have to imagine this in black, with tan
leather and I'm nursing a semi!"

Illustrating the lack of power of a Boxster - 'It couldn't pull a greased
stick out of a pig's bottom'

On the Vauxhall Vectra VXR: "there is a word to describe this car: it
begins with "s" and ends with "t" and its not "soot".
Hammond:"So its fairly terrible then?"
Clarkson:"Oh no...losing your leg is fairly terrible: this is another
league of badness!"

"Some say, that he used to throw microwave ovens at homeless people - and
that he long before anyone else realised that jade goody is a racist pig
faced waste of blood and organs ......... all we know, is that he's called
the Stig!"

"the Suzuki Wagon R should be avoided like unprotected s*x with an
Ethiopian transvestite"

"Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary ... That's
what gets you."

'The air conditioning in Lambos used to be an asthmatic sitting in the
dashboard blowing at you through a straw'

"Koenigsegg are saying that the CCX is more comfortable. More comfortable
than what... being stabbed?"

"The only person to ever look good in the back of a 4-seater convertable
was Adolf Hitler"

(Fed up during the caravaning trip) "You aren't allowed to have a party,
you aren't allowed to have music, you aren't allowed to play ball games,
you aren't allowed to have a camp fire, you have to park within two feet
of a post, you have to keep quiet, you have to be in bed by eleven. This
is not a holiday, it's a concentration camp!"

"This is the Renault Espace, probably the best of the people carriers. Not
that that's much to shout about. That's like saying "Ooh good I've got
syphilis, the BEST of the s*xually transmitted diseases.""

(mercedes CLs55) "Braking in this car is so brutal, it would be less
painful to actually hit the tree you were trying to miss."

"I don't understand bus lanes. Why do poor people have to get to places
quicker than I do?"

Clarksons highway code on cyclists: 'trespassers in the motorcars domain,
they do not pay road tax and therefore have no right to be on the road,
some of them even believe they are going fast enough to not be an
obstruction. Run them down to prove them wrong'

"I was reading The Mirror the other day and came across a letter from a
reader who wrote, 'I was riding my bike to work when this red Ferrari
pulled up next to me. Out of the window, Jeremy Clarkson shouted 'Get a
car', and drove off.' What I actually said was,
'Get a car you hatchet faced, leaf-eating N**i"

"Britian's nuclear submarines have been deemed unsafe ... probably because
they don't have wheel-chair access"

1) "If we are being honest HIV is a pathetic virus, it can only live in the
air for 6 seconds and it does what ebola does to you in 10 days in 10
2) "Mandela just doesn't deserve his pedestal, I'm mean the blokes a bit
3) On Mandela's claim that Cuba is a good advert for democracy! "Well Mr
Mandela why don't you go and ask one of the 12 year old cuban prostitutes
which way her parents voted"

"Now we get quite a lot of complaints that we don't feature enough
affordable cars on the show ... so we'll kick off tonight with the
cheapest Ferrari of them all!"

On the Lotus Elise: "This car is more fun than the entire french air force
crashing into a firework factory"

"Now as you can see I lost the battle to have two engines on the back
because of three very important reasons. One: weight. This is 600 Lbs and
that's the same as having a whole American sitting on the tailgate ..."

"I would still buy the DB9 over this, and save myself the £60,000. The
problem with this car is its gearbox, its just ..."
Hammond: "THAT bad is it?"
Clarkson:"Oh no. Robert Mugabe is bad, this is in a whole different

In the olden days I always got the impression that TVR built a car, put it
on sale, and then found out how it handled. Usually when one of their
customers wrote to the factory complaining about how dead he was.

"the DB9 has rear seats but no mammal yet created, not even when God was on
the LSD trip that gave us the pink flamingo, could fit into them."

Assessing Hammond's crash:
Clarkson: "You can see from the tape that the tyre is starting to come
apart. Now why didnt you spot that?!"
Hammond: "I had a lot on: i was doing 288 mph."
Clarkson: "What do you mean you had a lot on? I can be in the office on the
phone, doing the paperwork, kids are shouting at me,
wife etc, if a lion walks in, I'm going to notice it!"

"Sure it's quiet, for a diesel. But that's like being well-behaved ... for
a murderer."

"I dont often agree with the RSPCA as I believe it is an animals duty to be
on my plate at supper time."

"there are footballers wives that would be happy with this quality of
stitching ... on their face"

"Racing cars which have been converted for road use never really work. It's
like making a hard core adult film, and then editing it so that it can be
shown in British hotels. You'd just end up with a sort of half hour close
up of some bloke's sweaty face. "

"Much more of a hoot to drive than you might imagine. Think of it, if you
like, as a librarian with a G-string under the tweed. I do, and it helps."

"you cant have this car with a diesel, its like saying, i wont go to
stringfellows tonight, ill get my mum to give me a lapdance,
shes a woman!"

Tonight, the new Viper, which is the American equivalent of a sports
car...in the same way, I guess, that George Bush is the equivalent of a

Jeremy said this of the Porsche Cayenne! "Honestly, I have seen more
attractive gangrenous wounds than this. It has the s*x appeal of a camel
with gingivitis."

A couple of points.......Can NBC do it any justice with the US version? Without Jeremy? Adam Corrolla?

I love the fact that Top Gear is the number one BBC show......it must just blow some of the heads at the BBC.  Jeremy is the anti PC in one of the most PC places in the English world!!!

Jeremy Clarkson is a still a wanker himself.  Picking and choosing when to love Europeans for their cars compared to the clap trap he says that America produces.  Easy to say when everybody takes trains or buses in small little countries where traveling by car is best for a Sunday outing or going on a picnic...  I still liked Tiff and Vicky Butler on Fifth Gear over listening to Jeremy and his self-professed witticism on the re-birth of Top Gear (round 2)...

Ok I can agree Jeremy can be over the top about somethings.....But I think he saying things for effect.  He loves to get the execs at BBC going!  I bet some of the meetings they have had were mad!! 

BBC Exec: You can't say that about our EC friends
JC:  "Bollocks I can't!"  "They are "Cheese Eating........"  We are the number one show!!
BBC Exec: "But we just had culture sensitivity training classes...."
JC:  "Is that the meeting we wore the orange safety vest or the one about how are are going to reduce CO2 from the bathrooms....."
BBC Exec:  No no the meeting we had community orginizanors in to talk about........
JC: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......(Dreaming...ah the sound of v-12 supercar)
BBC:  I guess this meeting is over.........
Spencer100 said:
Ok I can agree Jeremy can be over the top about somethings.....But I think he saying things for effect.  He loves to get the execs at BBC going!   I bet some of the meetings they have had were mad!! 

This video disputes your claim he can be over the top.  It's a very rational review of a sensible vehicle that is in no way disrepectful to the BBC.
Shamrock said:
This video disputes your claim he can be over the top.  It's a very rational review of a sensible vehicle that is in no way disrepectful to the BBC.

That in no way is dispectful to the BBC!!  :o ;D  I loved that bit when I saw it on TV.  I guess he really did create a big fuss when he caught live driving the P-50 on the set of BBC world service news. 
Thank you Shamrock.  I have never seen that before, good to have a laugh.
I really have to move up from my rabbit ears antennae. I'm missing a whole other world out there.
For a citizen of a country whose achievements in automotive design are dubious at best, he's got more tongue than a mountie's boot. Hint - ask your parents and grandparents about the Hillman Minx which was offered for sale in postwar Canada.
...or the Jag E Type, or the Rolls Silver Cloud, or any Bentley, or the Austin-Healy Sprite, or pretty much any Aston-Martin, or...
Old Sweat said:
For a citizen of a country whose achievements in automotive design are dubious at best, he's got more tongue than a mountie's boot. Hint - ask your parents and grandparents about the Hillman Minx which was offered for sale in postwar Canada.

...and positive ground?  What group of bollocked-up engineers would try and make electrons flow backwards to reach neutral potential??  ???  Clarkson's a pompous horse's arse!
Easy now!  I had a 72 Triumph Trident, and as long as I carried a roll of 12awg primary wire, a spare coil, a can of contact spray, butcher's blood pads and a quart or two of oil, everything was great...and it was only ugly standing still.
Lockheed brakes, don't forget the Lockheed brakes.....60-0 mph in "Holy Shit!!"
A strip of paper off a package of Players Light was equal to .020 for setting the points on my 70 Triumph Daytona.  Lucas, Prince of Darkness!
I also loved the twin leading shoe front brake system.  I miss that bike! I still own it, I just don't know who's got it, and if i find it  :threat:
Top Gear...if you want to wet your undercrackers whilst watching...then a resounding YES

Jeremy Clarkson...a bully who has gotten too big for his britches,


James May...the thinking comic, the man is ball-bustingly funny!
scroll down to his dismissal from autocar mag
