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Joining reg force: "You're going to die there."


Send sitrep, over. (If you're in the army by now, you'll know what that means. If not... meh)
Your joining the military.
Militaries fight wars.
People die in wars.


If you want to go into the CF, its your choice and others should respect you for it.  Granted you are choosing a career that possibly puts you into harms way, but thats what you sign up for.  Explain the simple truth to your family and friends, and then they will decide whether or not to accept it.

Cheers, Kyle
PPCLI Guy said:
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
    Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Can never read that without thinking of "Tombstone" when he recites it as people are shooting the pillar beside him.  Classic.
I'm of the fatalistic bend , "Everybody dies but not everyone lives."  I've been in over 21 yrs now,17 of those with the Infantry . Theres a lot of friends that have passed away  and a lot that haven't. Of my civilian friends  less have passed away .. But of that i dont think that many have made the impact on other ppls life the way that  anyone in the CF does.  From peacekeeping peacemaking disaster acsistance to simple action from training that kicks in automaticly , ie car accidents . I believe that IF YOU want to make a impact on YOUR life serve , it may not be the end all be all but after that you will always be able to recall one day in the future "I was a soldier[sailor airman ] once and young. "
when ever i get to my old home town  and run into someone that i havent seen in years  they ask what have you been up to i hear well i sell cars .  and other mundane type jobs not that im detracting from them but they are not the job for me . even though i do the same job that some of them do  the prime differnce is in addition to the job  I SERVE. There are not many that can say that . 

In the End  only you can make the choice . :salute:
You know what I tell people when they say "you're going to die over there"?  I merely respond "ok."  Anyone who spouts off dribble like that is misinformed and will never understand your decision.  The people who DO understand will more than likley back you for life on your decision to join.  At least that's what I've noticed over the couple years I've been in.
Man, if some dude starts telling you that you're going to die in Afghanistan and that you're fighting a useless war all you gotta do is this:

Shake his hand, and then wink at his girlfriend, 'cause you both know she's dating a pus*y. ;)