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Juice crystals in canteen, split from Re: Gun stolen from CFB Gagetown


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however I had witnesses confirming I had my rifle laying across my lap while pouring juice crystals into my canteen. I was known as a dangerous man with a beverage for a bit

Why on earth would you be pouring juice powder into your canteen?  Your canteen is for water and water only.  What if your buddy gets injured and they need water to clean the wound?  I guess coolaid would have to suffice huh?

A little tip.  The packets are water proof.  Pour the water from the canteen into the packet and stir.  Not vice versa.
Not only that......but have you ever smelt what a canteen smells like days after you have poured juice crystals into it.......and that taste will permeate the plastic and ruin your water for a lllllloooooonnnnnnggggg time.
Not really. I've never been dumb enough to actually pour the juice powder into one..
Lost_Warrior said:
Why on earth would you be pouring juice powder into your canteen? 

Another reason why I and others suspected this guy, and instead of a decent or even a semi decent explanation, I/we got a blast of shyte from this so called 'trained soldier'. In over 30 yrs of service in TWO armies the only times I observed such stupidity was by a few new guys back in dear ole Canada, who had been in just a matter of days.

Anyways, although I may have been a little forward or direct in may query to his authenticity (and I still am wondering), I am sure you understand why I did not respond to this "trained soldier's" rather tasteless post.

I am happy however to see that the pistol was returned.


Lost_Warrior said:
Why on earth would you be pouring juice powder into your canteen? 

Well my guess he is part of the 'new' army of today and they were in fact Gatorade crystals or one of the other similar in vogue health products. My question is only one canteen, we usually through begging, borrowing and visits to the local army surplus store usually had three to four canteens. And in the days when Christ was a corporal the biggest problem was not drink crystalls but "distilled" eye openers. Got a real good education in trying to explain to some life time Centurion/Corporals/Sargent why they could no longer carry the national product of Barbados when out to do battle with those wily Fantasians. But back then I was 'new' army.
Nothing makes me feel better than pouring water melon juice crystals from the IMPs into my canteen  ::)

I don't see a huge problem with it.  I remember someone somewhere telling me that the sugar in in the juice will make bacteria grow in my canteen or something.
Also remember being ordered to fill my canteen with shitty brown water from the water buffalo's and then being ordered to drink the canteen.  2 canteens and hours later we get told the water is not drinkable and to pour the water out. Numerous times at that.  Doesn't make the gatoraid in canteens seem so bad to me. Maybe the bacteria from the sugar will copmbat the bacteria from the water buffalo's :)
I have to admit that I did use one of my many plastic canteens for something that was not pure water...Although in my defense, Bushmills contained the purest... but it was clearly marked...with the XXX...

All knew, but no names no pack drill, and was always a good pick me up...hehe



One Very Hot Day A Long Time Ago in Canada:

The cast, a section, led by a Cpl, in Battledress with 1951 pattern webbing, WW2 helmets and metal watter bottles, circa spring 1971.  The Cpl walks up behind a Pte.

Cpl: "Pte ______, give me your canteen, I am out  of water."
Pte: "But Cpl..."
Cpl: "I got it."
Pte: " But Cpl.."
Cpl: (After pouring half a canteen of rancid chocolat milk over his head) "Ahhhhh!"
Pte: "But Cpl, I tried to tell you..."

True story.

I don't see a huge problem with it.  I remember someone somewhere telling me that the sugar in in the juice will make bacteria grow in my canteen or something.

It doesnt matter if you "see a problem with it" or not.  It's a safety concern as well.  Like I said, say you're training and your buddy gets wounded.  Are you going to pour gatoraid on his wound because you "saw nothing wrong with it"? 

INO, If you want gatoraid, carry a bottle separate.  I was always taught on course, your canteen water is not only to hudrate you, but to clean wounds should something happen to buddy.
I suppose spraying the wound like a porn star with my camelback hose is out of the question?  ;D

I'd sooner use an antiseptic solution on a wound than canteen water but I do see what point you're making. 
I think we're flogging a deceased equine, but I'll chime in. There are many types of beverage recepticles:

1-Canteen (1 or 2Qt)of water. Don't put anything else in it as the plastic absorbs.
2-Thermos - go ahead and put your hot tottie/choc/tea/joe or cold whatever. Steel lined, IIRC, but regardless, doesn't absorb.

Now, the non-issued kit (for the most part):
3-Camelback - treat as canteen. Plastic absorbs, water only.
4-Nalgene bottles - hard plastic, doesn't absorb, fill with whatever.
5-Flask - Filled with your choice of single malt, rum, or other spirit. This is completely theoretical of course, and is never actually carried.

I don't care what you carry, as long as it's enough and you poour the contents of # 1, 3 or 5 on any gsw I have. As well, in that case, I would also appreciate the contents of #5 (both mine and yours) down me neck.

We use a lot of kit that has been abused or simply worn out... adding juice crystals to a canteen that has seen them before is the only way I've found to cover up the stanky taste water gets from such a canteen.

I had never thought about having clean water for use in cleaning a wound... though as stated by others, I imagine that my first choice would be something sterile with antiseptic in it, however for first and maybe second degree burns I think I would prefer water...

It's a pretty common thing to do from what I've seen... though I do own a brand new canteen that I bought from an army surplus store that hasn't seen anything other than bottled water for when I do drinking drills in the NBCD hut. I know anything other than water would be a seriously bad thing for the drinking straw.

I invested in a off brand Camel pac that I found in the West Edmonton mall army surplus store somewhere on the second floor that has never seen anything besides clean water, it was $60 and imitation cadpat and almost identical to the issue one I have here in the Golan except green and has a handle on the back of it.

Wesley H. Allen, CD, George Wallace 

I'm sorry I came on strong there, I was rather upset at being implicated as a poser because of something I said in relaxed conversation with people I consider comrades and friends, though I did at the time resent your comments, I've considered why you made them and I'm taking actions to correct myself.  :salute:

3rd Herd

actually they were from an IMP  :)
Just to tackle this from another angle guys, keep in mind it's not necessarily your buddy's sucking chest wound that might need cleaning. Ever get some horrid god awful painful dirt/dust/pine needle/CLP/whatever in your eyes? I don't know about you, but if i was stumbling around blinded by something like that, I would be kind of choked if my fireteam partner passed me his canteen so I could flush my eyes, only to get a face full of chicken noodle soup, chocolate milk or whatever nasty concoction he had put in there....furthermore I would look pretty dumb in that scenario if it was my own canteen that was the one full of soup/gatorade/etc....

-Edited for terrible, embarrassing spelling-
c_canuk said:
Wesley H. Allen, CD, George Wallace 

I'm sorry I came on strong there, I was rather upset at being implicated as a poser because of something I said in relaxed conversation with people I consider comrades and friends, though I did at the time resent your comments, I've considered why you made them and I'm taking actions to correct myself.  :salute:

Fair enough Mate, should you ROCL in Aussie, email me, always a cold beer, bed and BBQ at the ready.


the 48th regulator said:
I have to admit that I did use one of my many plastic canteens for something that was not pure water...Although in my defense, Bushmills contained the purest... but it was clearly marked...with the XXX...

All knew, but no names no pack drill, and was always a good pick me up...hehe




remember the incident on OP HARMONY 5 where a guy had naphta in his canteen at the top of SC-54 (?).  I still remember the speech from RSM Bentley.  Now that guy was a donkey alright !!
I frequently flavour the water in my canteen with IMP juice crystals and have never had a problem with the canteen retaining the taste past the first refill. Often times I do it to cover up the rank, nasty taste that seems to characterize every 1L canteen. Sure, you can pour water directly into the juice packet if you want something bordering on syrup that will induce immediate diabetes. I find 1/4 of the packet in a canteen gives an extremely diluted, yet tasty, drink that will still hydrate. I keep the 2L canteen for water only and refill as needed.

As for pouring water on wounds, it was my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that you're not supposed to pour canteen water containing the spit and upper lip sweat of you, your buddy, and anyone else you may have given a drink to on an open wound. That's saying nothing of whatever lovely bacteria, grit, etc. reside in the canteen, as often seems the case.
I would be kind of choked if my fireteam partner passed me his canteen so I could flush my eyes, only to get a face full of chicken noodle soup, chocolate milk or whatever nasty concoction he had put in there..

Umm, in that situation I'd kick the fireteam partner in the balls for being a moron and handing me a canteen of soup to flush my eyes out.

And someone with naphta in the canteen?  Obviously that's a bit of a bad idea.

Anything other than water in your canteen can be a bad idea, sure.
Your also not supposed to run in combat boots or use your goretext gloves for anything other than keeping your wingers warm (not allowed to work with them)

And besides, i seen a gatoraid commercial where the athletes were bleeding gatoraide, that stuff can't be all that unsanitary right?

Glorified Ape said:
I frequently flavour the water in my canteen with IMP juice crystals and have never had a problem with the canteen retaining the taste past the first refill. Often times I do it to cover up the rank, nasty taste that seems to characterize every 1L canteen. Sure, you can pour water directly into the juice packet if you want something bordering on syrup that will induce immediate diabetes. I find 1/4 of the packet in a canteen gives an extremely diluted, yet tasty, drink that will still hydrate. I keep the 2L canteen for water only and refill as needed.

That rank taste? Doesn't exist in my canteen and never has. You know why? I have never put anything other than water in it.

That rank taste is quite possibly bacteria.

As far as what you pour onto my wounds, well, it depends how dirty the wound is. If it's full of anothers blood/bodily material, I would rather have a little of your spittle in there.
Ghost778 said:
And someone with naphta in the canteen?  Obviously that's a bit of a bad idea.

Seems that genuis was too lazy to come down from his 40-ish foot OP to refuel the coleman.  he decided that it would be a time/effort-saver to bring naphta up top in a canteen. I guess during the night the stove caught fire and the canteen was used to extinguish said fire.  Pooring naphta on a fire = bigger fire........

"don't be a donkey......don't burn your buddy" were the RSMs words