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Just sent in my application


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Feels good, as a first Canadian born from Pakistani background I want to make a stamp in my families name that we are not to take freedom for granted. Living in the best country in the world with so much diversity and privilege, I want to continue that and am now willing to stand and fight for that.

Hopefully I get in, I applied for Electrical Generating Systems Tech, Electrical Distribution, and Infantry

Edit- I know CF isn't hiring Infantry or Electrical Distribution right now but I was told it takes about 6-12 months for the whole process of getting in and figured by then maybe they will be
They are absolutely highering infantry right now brother. I start my BMQ on Jan 11th, I applied on January 6th.

If everything goes as it should you're looking at about a year long wait, but then all of the sudden it rushes up.

Congratulations on your decision.
Best of luck.
Are you sure? The website doesn't say it is, neither for electrical distribution
AllSmiles said:
They are absolutely highering infantry right now brother.

Sk94 said:
Are you sure? The website doesn't say it is, neither for electrical distribution

I would go by what it says on the website, unless a Recruiter tells you otherwise.

mariomike is correct in saying go by the website, the website is correct and upated frequently by CFRG HQ.

The CAF is not actively pursueing people to apply for Infantry for the remainder of this Fiscal Year.

Please note that there is a difference between already being in the process for Infantry and being selected, vice applying from square 1 to be Infantry.

Even though the only trade you've applied for that the CAF is hiring for is EGS Tech, it doesn't hurt to leave the others on.  Just make sure that any trade you put in your top 3 you're willing to take.

Best of luck in your process :-)
I don't mean to second guess a member of the forces as they have much more knowledge than I do on the subjects rather I just want to give the story that happened to myself. When I went in for my interview I asked about the now hiring on the website and the recruiter informed me that the website is not always perfectly up to date. As an example I mentioned that I was interested in naval combat systems engineer officer and he looked it up and saw that it appeared they had filled their DEO spots for that trade. Also it is important to remember that the application process takes some time and the trades you apply for can close before you reach the merit listing stage. Again in my case when I applied EME O and ENGR O where also hiring DEO, however when scheduling for my interview I was informed that EME and ENGR where now closed so I was only being considered for Signals.

Also because Infantry was specifically brought up I did some snooping around and found a post I read a bit back but still relevant as from Nov. of this year:

The post of note is from Warrant Officer Roberts and reads that
"The Canadian Armed Forces is always accepting applications for Infantry Soldier.  If you are interested in this occupation, you are invited to submit your application at any time." (I don't know how to do quote boxes from across posts on this site)

Hope this helps.

Sorry for previous spelling. My phone autocorrect is atrocious.

I also applied during a time when there was no 'now hiring' near my trade.
All of what I said was second hand from a recruiter.

Applying now (if you are prepared) is always better than applying later.