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Kudos, and a Warning, from USA General in AFG

The Bread Guy

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Found this piece on the outstanding Defensetech,org blog, highlighting an After Action Report reportedly done by Gen. Barry McCaffrey following a visit to AFG mid-Feb 2007.

Highlights from the report (.pdf) on Canada:

" .... NATO presence in Afghanistan and their current responsibility for all of the national AOR is a political and security triumph. (37 nations and 36,000 troops---15,000 US) The brave Canadians have done well in very stiff combat in Khandahar Province. (We need to get their battalions to the NTC or JRTC for pre-deployment training). The Brit’s are as usual superb and well equipped fighters. The Dutch have left the security of Kabul and are operating in Oruzgan Province. Some other Coalition elements have done excellent service—e.g. the French Special Forces Company, Portuguese Infantry Company, etc. The US should be enormously grateful that NATO legitimacy backs our national strategy.  As a general statement, however, the NATO forces are too weak on the ground, lack essential supporting elements (helicopters, engineers, logistics, intelligence), have severely restrictive rules-of-engagement, and may lack the national political will to fight when required. It is possible that the Taliban will try to knock one or more of these NATO nations out of the war. A major blow to the Italians, the Canadians, the Dutch, the Spanish, or the Germans might shatter their weak domestic political support ...."

Kinda sad to have us lumped into "weak domestic political support " package, but he's right.
GAP said:
Kinda sad to have us lumped into "weak domestic political support " package, but he's right.

...especially as long as we have a minority federal government.
milnewstbay said:
(We need to get their battalions to the NTC or JRTC for pre-deployment training

can anyone help me out and tell me what those abbreviations mean?
NTC is the "National Training Center" at Ft. Irwin in the Mojave Desert.

Its the place we got the idea for the new setup in Wainwright.

Not sure what JRTC is.

JRTC = Joint Readiness Training Centre - Fort Polk, Louisiana

Similiar in function to NTC but geared more towards light forces.
well that about settles that. back on topic now, don't we already do training there or is he referring to we need to do more training with the U.S
I'm pretty sure the General wasn't putting down our troops, but I've often wondered why we didn't take more advantage of US training facilities.  The NTC has been referred to as the National 'Trauma' centre for the demands it places on leaders and troops.  They can simulate in real time and equipment a full Regimental attack on a full time enemy battalion with all the wrenches thrown in.

But then again, IIRC, it's been a decade since our last Bde Ex.  I'm sure the NTC doesn't come cheap.
Worn Out Grunt said:
I'm pretty sure the General wasn't putting down our troops, but I've often wondered why we didn't take more advantage of US training facilities.  The NTC has been referred to as the National 'Trauma' centre for the demands it places on leaders and troops.  They can simulate in real time and equipment a full Regimental attack on a full time enemy battalion with all the wrenches thrown in.

But then again, IIRC, it's been a decade since our last Bde Ex.  I'm sure the NTC doesn't come cheap.

This is what they are trying to simulate in Wainwright. It just started last year so they are constantly trying to improve it. Still needs a little work, but I hear it's better than when I was there.
mckee19 said:
can anyone help me out and tell me what those abbreviations mean?

Did you think of using some sort of search machine to look them up?  I am sure that they have been widely used so often that you wouldn't need to ask, if you had looked.  If I hurry I can beat you in my post count, and spell better while doing so.  ;D
my question had been answered before you had piped up
thanks though
FWIW, TF3/07 spent a month in Ft Bliss Tx doing some work-up training.
Heavies brought down from AB.
This is supposed to be followed by a swing thru our own CMTC.

Not quite a swing at NTC Ft Irwin but, not bad training... they'll be ready