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Latest Foot found off the Shores of BC seems to be a Hoax.

Bzzliteyr said:
They were asking if anybody recognized the shoes from a loved one that may be missing..

Can anyone here honestly tell me they know what shoes there significant other wore today??  They are really reaching for answers..

And maybe they are getting some answers in that reach.

New leads emerge after B.C. police reveal shoes that held severed feet

VANCOUVER -- The RCMP are following three new missing-persons files they hope are connected with the five feet that have washed up off the southern coast of British Columbia in the past year.

Five calls came in to the RCMP's information line after the police revealed the brands and size of the shoes the feet were clad in, said RCMP Sergeant Tim Shields. Two of the calls were hang-ups and three look like legitimate leads. "They're being taken seriously, they appear legitimate and we're following up as quickly as we can," he said. "They all related to missing people - [the callers were] people who believed they had further information based on the shoes."

Sgt. Shields said police have been in contact with the shoes' manufacturers - Nike, New Balance, Reebok and Campus - so they can establish a time frame as to when the shoe's owner could have gone missing.

Investigators are not trying to find what stores sold the shoes and to whom, which Sgt. Shields said would be "extremely difficult."

Nike Canada spokeswoman Jane Shaw said the RCMP contacted the company recently for information regarding the two matching size 11 Nike shoes - one found on Valdes Island on Feb. 2, the other on Kirkland Island on June 16. Police said DNA analyses showed the pair came from the same man.

Ms. Shaw said she couldn't say when police contacted them, but it may have been as recently as this week. Nike shoes have information on them that would indicate where and when the shoe was made and possibly where it was sold.

New Balance spokeswoman Amy Vreeland said the RCMP have run a check on the model number for the New Balance shoe found on Kirkland Island May 22 - the only one of the five belonging to a woman.

Connecting the feet to a missing-person file is investigators' best bet; coroners' and forensic anthropologists' investigations of the feet have yielded little information aside from DNA samples and the victims' sex.

Mark Skinner, a forensic anthropologist from Simon Fraser University, said it's possible to determine a person's age, height, origin, occupation and even diet from the bones and nails of their feet, but so far analysts have not succeeded. He said the rash of washed-up feet on B.C. shores - and a shoe-clad foot found on a beach in Tylosand, Sweden, on Tuesday - is forcing forensic anthropologists to rethink their field.

"These standards are better developed for other parts of the body than the feet," Prof. Skinner said. "This find of five feet is something we really, I think, should have anticipated but haven't adequately, and we're going to have to respond better to it."

He thinks feet will continue to wash up because more people wear sneakers made of rubber or other floating material. "There is this natural phenomenon of wearing footwear that floats," he said.

Not sure if this is possible, but  maybe they are from a natural disaster from far away.  I know it's hard to identify how long a body has been in the water. But, if it's in a running shoe maybe that might 'preserve' it better than if it wasn't. 
I know when I lived on the Queen Charlotte Islands as a kid, you could find the glass balls with nets still attached that where used for fishing somewhere in Asia.
It is very strange.  Hopefully the mystery will find a conclusion soon. 
It must be hard for family members that have a loved on missing wondering if this is maybe their loved one.

It would take years for objects, feet to float across the pacific.  And in that time it is more than likely animals and other taphonmic processes would cause the feet to not be perserved.

Another severed foot washes up on B.C. shore
Updated: Tue Nov. 11 2008 23:48:25


CTV News is reporting another development in a case that has baffled police and the public for over a year, drawing worldwide attention to British Columbia's southwest coast.

Another severed foot has washed up on B.C.'s shoreline, this time in the Vancouver suburb of Richmond, where it was discovered by a woman on Tuesday morning while she was walking near the banks of the Fraser River with her dogs.

"It had been brought up by a high tide,'' said Diane Johnston. Since she was too scared to climb down the river bank to fetch a running shoe that was sitting up on a rock, she notifed her husband Ken, who later phoned Richmond police.

RCMP Const. Annie Linteau has confirmed that the New Balance running shoe contained the remains of a human foot. Those remains will be sent to the B.C. Coroners office for further examination Wednesday.

It is the seventh foot to have been found in a coastal region -- that includes the B.C. west coast, and the northwestern tip of Washington State -- since August of 2007.

The first foot was found on Jedidiah Island, in the strait that divides Vancouver Island from the mainland. It was a right foot inside a Campus-brand men's size 12 running shoe that was mainly distributed in India.

Six days later, another right foot -- inside a man's size 12 Reebok running shoe -- washed ashore on Gabriola Island.

A third -- a right foot in a Nike sneaker -- was found in the area on Feb. 8 on the east side of Valdez Island.

The fourth and fifth feet were both found near the Fraser River.

The fourth came ashore on Kirkland Island on May 22 and was the only one of the five that came from a woman's body. It was found in a New Balance running shoe.

The fifth, a size 10 left foot, was located a kilometre away on June 16. It was later determined to be a match to the foot found months earlier on Valdez Island.

Then, on August 3, a newspaper in Washington State reported that a running shoe, containing bones and flesh had been found at a Strait of Juan de Fuca beach, just south of the U.S-Canada border, about 40 kilometres west of Port Angeles.

Police are expected to answer media questions about the Richmond discovery later today.

"The shoe looked to be in pretty good shape,'' said Ken Johnston during an interview with CTV. He said it was found near the mouth of the Fraser River, behind an old paper plant in Finn Slough.

With reports by CTV British Columbia's Renu Bakshi and Jon Woodward.
WTF? This has got to be the 4th or 5th time a severed human foot has washed up on the BC coast!

Vancity Buzz

[UPDATED] Severed human foot found washed ashore on Vancouver Island
Lauren Sundstrom
8:18 AM PST, Wed February 10, 2016

Update: The BC Coroners Service says the foot detached naturally from the body as a result of being immersed in water for an extended period of time. They determined based on when the shoe was manufactured that the person died somewhere between March 2013 and December 2015.

A severed human foot was found washed ashore on Vancouver Island, BC Coroners Service has confirmed to Vancity Buzz.

S.M.A. said:
WTF? This has got to be the 4th or 5th time a severed human foot has washed up on the BC coast!

Vancity Buzz

I attended a conference on missing persons held in Victoria not too long ago and conservative estimates put 100's of bodies "missing - presumed dead" off the coast of Vancouver Island in the last decades. Most would be through accidents (death by mis-adventure) or by suicide or other natural causes. It doesn't feel that odd to think that one such foot will wash ashore from time to time. We (most of us) have two and that puts 1000's of feet in the water off the left coastline...