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LCIS - something wrong here?

It does seem to have that ideal mix of technician-soldier and the career path seems quite flexible and ,overall, excellent.  I know Im pretty psyched about it. I've done alot of research on it so I would say go for it, it seems tops.

Re Occam: it matters because I want one of those spots. :)
tsokman said:
Re Occam: it matters because I want one of those spots. :)

As CFR_FCS said so eloquently here, the information that Major Malfunction passed on is now a week old.  There could be NO spots left at this particular moment in time.  Knowing how many spots there are will not move you any further ahead in the process, as you have no idea where you stand in the grand scheme of things.  You're driving yourself (and others) crazy trying to find out information that just isn't available.

My advice to you is to pour yourself a coffee, and hurry up and wait.  There is nothing you can do that is going to speed up your enrolment, and information you do find out really is useless to you.
OK...thats what Im worried about that the spots will fill up as I had to provide some supplementary med docs and my process took a bit longer. Plus originally I was suppose to enter as NCM-SEP applicant but changed my mind which chewed up another two months.  But my military counsellor said he was pretty sure Id be selected.  So far its been about 6 months since I handed in my application and 1 month since I completed all the application criterion.
tsokman said:
OK...thats what Im worried about that the spots will fill up as I had to provide some supplementary med docs and my process took a bit longer. But my military counsellor said he was pretty sure Id be selected.

If the spots fill up, the spots fill up - there's nothing you can do about it, nor will knowing whether they're filled or not make a difference in how fast your med docs get processed.  The process will take as long as it takes.
Yes I understand that. Thanks. I dont think it bothers me if it takes a bit longer as I dont really want to do BMQ in the summer.
Well obviously if the offered me a summer BMQ I would take it but Id prefer mid-spring or early fall.
You don't get to pick and choose what time of year you do your BMQ.

Yes it does actually....Ive never been to Montreal but I know in Toronto it can really boil and be humid.
In the Recruiting Centre we will always try to find the best fit for you and the CF. If you qualify for and want Infantry but don't want to wait until there is an opening then we will suggest a trade we have open. If you choose not to go that way then you'll wait. However, it IS our job to make sure you have ALL the information and can make a well informed decision on your occupation choice.
tsokman said:
Yes it does actually....Ive never been to Montreal but I know in Toronto it can really boil and be humid.

You know another place that gets pretty hot? Afghanistan. You might end up there during the summer, where it makes Toronto's summer look like the Arctic. I hear Haiti and most African countries are pretty hot, too.
So can most duty centers if you cause enough problems. Just remember as a recruit, you aren't entitled to anything posting / employment wise once you graduate your QL3. The ARMY will send you where you are needed, not accommodate your every wish. In my opinion every QL3 LCIS Tech should go to 1 of 3 Places, 1,2 or 5 CMBG. Sending any QL3 off to a Comm Sqn/Base posting is a total waste. You don't gain very much knowledge there to enable a deployment to the 'Gan. LCIS is an ARMY based trade, so get used to the color GREEN.
I never said I wouldnt do BMQ in the summer just I would prefer it in the spring or fall :).
tsokman said:
I never said I wouldnt do BMQ in the summer just I would prefer it in the spring or fall :).

No problem sir.  We'll schedule it between your 9am pedicure and brunch.  Would you like extra towels?
Swingline1984 said:
No problem sir.  We'll schedule it between your 9am pedicure and brunch.  Would you like extra towels?

I never said I wouldnt do BMQ in the summer just I would prefer it in the spring or fall .
How do you feel about the cold or rain while you crank out push ups in a puddle at 04:30?

If you want to be picky about when your training takes place then maybe your local Maytag dealership is a better place. Repairs don't always take place between 0800 and 1600. If you don't want that kind of work schedule then i suggest that you don the Blue suit and wait to fix your next Maytag.
I am not sure why everybody is picking on tsokman. Everybody has preferences. I would like to do my BMQ in spring too. I applied for the Navy, I would like to be posted to Esquimalt not Halifax. I would like to be NES Op more than NCI Op.

This does not mean I will ask for a VR if I get posted to Halifax. It does not mean I will reject NCI Op offer. It does not mean I wont do BMQ in Winter...

I am pretty sure everyone is allowed to have their own preferences....

What would you say if I asked, " If you could do your BMQ whenever you want, when would you want do it? " I am sure people will have different answers for different reasons...
Cool thing about being Canadian and even in the military you always have a choice. You can CHOOSE to do your training when they tell you OR not at all. You can CHOOSE to take the occupation offered OR not at all. You can even CHOOSE to do as your ordered once your in OR not. Just remember every choice has an outcome that you may or may not like. Like unemployed/employed, lose up to 1/2 your pay and spend 2 years less a day in CFDB/free to have a beer after work.

Always a choice ans always your and your alone to make!

PS: as of right now: 1315 on 29 Jan 2010 there are 178 LCIS positions open. However I don't know how many applications there are for the rest.

I never said I would refuse any period or type of training necessary for LCIS Tech...just maybe the spring or fall is more ideal...:)...I hope I get one of those spots!!