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London Ontario Mass Murder- 8 Dead

0.20$$ bullets ..are alot cheaper then courts and jail terms.

Yea I do know that sometimes people get caught in the crosshairs. Its truly sad when people who have nothing to do with it get hurt or killed. I just dont  have time for "Problem people".
What an interesting concept... instead of subjecting them to the criminal justice system, we give them the additional power of being judge, jury and executioners. 

While it may be great that there are 8 less Bandidos around, as far as I can tell, you don't think the people that committed these murders should be punished criminally????

Gimme a break. ::) ::)
"While it may be great that there are 8 less Bandidos around, as far as I can tell, you don't think the people that committed these murders should be punished criminally?

Gimme a break.  "

Wow....dont know how you got that but nice digging!!!

No I hope they go to jail..for a long time. That means 13 Bandidos off the street!!! 8 that shall never return.
Bikers killing bikers. Thats like pollution that cleans itself. Leaves a smell, but hey ... 
scoutfinch said:
What an interesting concept... instead of subjecting them to the criminal justice system, we give them the additional power of being judge, jury and executioners. 

While it may be great that there are 8 less Bandidos around, as far as I can tell, you don't think the people that committed these murders should be punished criminally????

Gimme a break. ::) ::)

criminal justice system legal system

I think what people are alluding to is that they were killed, quietly and without collateral damage.  If some bag wants to be a biker, they have to go through a trial period before they are fully accepted.  They know the risks, and still fully dedicate their lives (literally) to being career criminals.  The old "you made your bed, now die by the sword" or something like that. 
The only real downside to this is that the Hells power in Ontario is now consolidated and will embolden them to expand their ventures.  Look to see an increase in inter-gang violence.  HA  vs Asian, Albanian, Jamaican etc. 
Wait until MS-13 makes a thrust into Canada.  Then you will see some ugly gang war.
From Google: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-01-05-gang-grows_x.htm
Mara Salvatrucha... a gang originally of expatriate el salvadorans who were trained as guerilla fighters.

It won't be pretty when/if they cross the border for a turf war... it'll be a blood bath and there will be innocent people caught in the crossfire 'cause they don't care about public relations. 

They have already done "recce" in Toronto and Vancouver, but they tend to go to small towns to set up a "beach head".  One that only has a small municipal police force, like Guelph or Barrie.  It is not "if", but "when".  I think they will be quite delighted at the lack of enforcement of laws regarding organized crime, guns and proceeds of crime. :(
They already have a calendar day set out for "Kill a Cop Day".  Here is a pretty good link, despite some of the other hokey stuff on the web site:

Oh, but wait!  We were arguing for the rights of biker gang members, weren't we?  :-[  My Bad!
Immigrant gangs....like we need more.....but back to the biker thingy...
hmmmm.  I don't think I was ever arguing for the rights of bikers.  I was suggesting that bikers don't have the rights to be judge, jury and executioners (even though they seem to think they have the right to be a self-regulating profession).

zipperhead_cop:  I think I have tried to make myself clear before that I am firmly on the side of law enforcement.  There are far too many cops in my family for me to have any other affinity.  Just because I am a lawyer doesn't make me the bad guy.
Hey if you think this is local news think again. Its even hit the news here, and we are told its Ontario's biggest mass murder in history. Ours was Bryant's 35 in 1996.

With these 8 guys, we are told that it bike gang cleansing within the Banditos club.

Two wrongs do make a right sometimes. I don't mind when crims kill crims, but again thats my opionion, no PC here, sorry.


I know this is off topic...and if we can start a post about this MS-13...well we can throw this in there.... but how do you know they have done their "recce" in TO and Vancouver and what is Canada doing to stop people like that getting in?
Bobbyoreo said:
I know this is off topic...and if we can start a post about this MS-13...well we can throw this in there.... but how do you know they have done their "recce" in TO and Vancouver and what is Canada doing to stop people like that getting in?

Its called "intelligence", and leave it at that. 
All of my information regarding  MS-13 comes from the many police that I know.  I don't intend to put words in his mouth but I assume zipperhead_cop's source of information is professional in nature.  MS-13 is not a secret in law enforcement circles.
I know its called "Intell" and I now know is not a secret gang.....just kind of wondering why if we have INTELL ...why are we not stopping them before they set up shop is all. I just dont have a soft spot for this stuff. It bothers me like crazy that we already have these people in our country and all they are here to do is cause problems. Anyways I think we are way off topic....maybe Ill just start a MS-13 post....Id like to know more about these tools.
Try google and the internet.  Or the FBI task force on MS-13.  This is army.ca.  This is not a site that will have a wealth of info on criminal gangs.
scoutfinch said:
Try google and the internet.  Or the FBI task force on MS-13.  This is army.ca.  This is not a site that will have a wealth of info on criminal gangs.

Except the "get drunk and pee in the dryers in the shacks at Kingston" gang....those are linemen
Bobbyoreo said:
I know its called "Intell" and I now know is not a secret gang.....just kind of wondering why if we have INTELL ...why are we not stopping them before they set up shop is all. I just dont have a soft spot for this stuff. It bothers me like crazy that we already have these people in our country and all they are here to do is cause problems. Anyways I think we are way off topic....maybe Ill just start a MS-13 post....Id like to know more about these tools.

Start any topic you wish, but if it's not related to the military, start it in "Radio Chatter". That's what that ones for, and where this thread is heading, as it doesn't really belong here either. Don't be suprised if you don't get much action though.