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LPC leadership race - 2025

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Look, a new contender.

I've been going through my spam folder deleting the Liberal emails I'm getting absolutely blasted with when I came across this zinger.

Dr Ruby Dhalla said:
Let’s look at some facts:

  • Our dollar has dropped to the lowest value since 2003
  • All of our eggs have been invested with one trading partner, the United States of America
  • There are more restrictions to trade within Canada, than outside.
Why did we become this vulnerable?

No bank would finance a business with just one customer—so why are we allowing our entire economy to be held hostage by one foreign leader? This is political and economic negligence.

Let’s look at some more facts:

  • People are struggling to put a roof over their head because of the housing crisis
  • Grocery prices have increased 3% to 5% across Canada
  • Canadians are overburdened with paying so much tax
  • Crime in our country is at an all time high, with no consequences for criminals.
This is why Canadians are mad, and angry. This is why our party is at the lowest it has been at the polls.

The current leadership race is about replacing Justin Trudeau. Many Liberals across the country are wondering why Mark Carney, who was an advisor to the Trudeau administration and Chrystia Freeland, who walked out on Canadians, are trying to fix a system they broke. I agree with many of you, who have said electing Carney or Freeland would be electing Trudeau 2.0.

Enough is enough.

We need to change with the times and return our party back to the centre. We cannot be afraid.

As a Doctor, self made entrepreneur, and three-time elected MP, I am the daughter of a single mother and a born and raised Winnipegger - and I understand you.

After painting a wonderful picture of how great of a job the Liberals have done over the last 10 years, she wants your vote because "she's different".

A doctor, businesswoman, and member of Parliament, she really understands us. ;)

Here name is a bit familiar though, where did we hear it before? Oh yes.

The controversy swirling around Liberal Ruby Dhalla has forced the Toronto-area MP to resign from her critic's portfolio after accusations that she illegally hired and then mistreated two caregivers.

The accusations were made in the Toronto Star.

Two nannies, Magdalene Gordo, 31 and Richelyn Tongson, 37, said they were hired to look after Dhalla's mother but ended up washing cars, cleaning chiropractic offices, even polishing the shoes of Dhalla's brother.

What a wonderful new, totally not privileged, grass roots contender to join the race.
Look, a new contender.

I've been going through my spam folder deleting the Liberal emails I'm getting absolutely blasted with when I came across this zinger.

After painting a wonderful picture of how great of a job the Liberals have done over the last 10 years, she wants your vote because "she's different".

A doctor, businesswoman, and member of Parliament, she really understands us. ;)

Here name is a bit familiar though, where did we hear it before? Oh yes.

What a wonderful new, totally not privileged, grass roots contender to join the race.
She’s a rube to be sure. I wouldn’t be worried about her getting too far.
Watching Carney holding press conferences, doing US television, giving his plan on dealing with Trump, stumping with liberal MPs and more. Talking with BBC, CNN, John Stewart, Jake Tapper.

But not the same face time to Canadians.

I understand he's the annointed one, but he hasn't had his coronation yet.

Why is he already acting like he's the PM? And where is trudeau? He is literally doing trudeau's job.

It must really stick in his craw that he can't take trudeau's chair in the House until after a general election. Maybe.
Red info machine: almost 400k memberships in the pot.
Some Liberal podcasters say something like 1 out of 3 registered members cast ballots in the last running of the snakes. They also say all the email addresses have been shared with all the campaigns, so if you signed up, brace for inbox filling shortly :)
Red info machine: almost 400k memberships in the pot.
Some Liberal podcasters say something like 1 out of 3 registered members cast ballots in the last running of the snakes. They also say all the email addresses have been shared with all the campaigns, so if you signed up, brace for inbox filling shortly :)
Imagine if a chunk of those 400,000 are ABC? 😉
Like any other election, though - getting them out to vote is the struggle (especially if the last one was only a 33% turnout).
I believe LPC membership can vote virtually, no? I suspect there will be a good virtual turnout. I also wonder how transparent the vote is, if things head in a ‘Boaty McBoatface’ kind of way….ie. not for Carney… 😉
I believe LPC membership can vote virtually, no? I suspect there will be a good virtual turnout. I also wonder how transparent the vote is, if things head in a ‘Boaty McBoatface’ kind of way….ie. not for Carney… 😉
I would reckon Carnie is a shoo in - but as I said he won't resonate well with blue collar types.

What I see when I see him is a rich man who manipulated the system to become rich. He as far as I know has never held a job where you have to work to make ends meet.

I think alot of other Canadians will see him for that too.
Canada needs new friends, Liberal leadership hopeful Mark Carney says at Windsor border

“The Government of Canada has extraordinary powers at its disposal today to respond to a national crisis,” he said. “And Donald Trump’s aggression against Canadian livelihoods and workers constitute just such a crisis.”

"We have extraordinary powers." I wonder what powers he is referencing?

"We can use them to respond to a national crisis."

So he names Trump as the crisis.

Nice, convenient choice of words.

It could be nothing, but I trust liberals no further than I can spit. I trust "I'm an outsider. A crisis manager. Not a politician" Carney even less. He's the most greasy, opportunistic, elitist "non politician" I've seen produced here. He is just plain dangerous. Give him the chance and I believe we'll all be dead of natural causes before this country recovers.
I believe LPC membership can vote virtually, no? I suspect there will be a good virtual turnout. I also wonder how transparent the vote is, if things head in a ‘Boaty McBoatface’ kind of way….ie. not for Carney… 😉

I believe a lot of them are non liberals looking to throw a wrench into the leadership election. As well as a bunch of coerced 14 hear old foreigners.

I'm of the opinion that there are only two groups of people who take the WEF seriously. Conspiracy theorists and the WEF themselves.
And I suspect that both sides need each other more then either wants to think about it.
Oh boy...takes deep breath ...

I'm of the opinion that people don't take the WEF seriously enough - and the WED knows that, and take advantage of it.

Leaving all of the major red flags out of my argument, the fundamental problem with the WEF is that you have a small number of national leaders & industry leaders meeting in private & discussing things in private that they intend to force upon the masses.

Yes they do have guest speakers and those sessions are available for the public to view, a majority of the minutes taken there are done in private meetings in houses & hotels. Usually with an escort or 5 in the room with them. (You know, I've heard before that escorts walking around the room is REALLY good for focusing on business matters!)

Maybe they genuinely believe that what they discuss is the best thing, broadly speaking, for all of us. Maybe its the opposite. But the conspiracy theories basically write themselves man...

I believe a lot of them are non liberals looking to throw a wrench into the leadership election. As well as a bunch of coerced 14 hear old foreigners.
If our politics were cleaner, I would be against people doing this sort of thing...

But if the objective is to fight back against the WEF wrapping another tentacle around our throats & pulling us down in every meaningful way, I'm all for it!

F**k the WEF.
F**k the politicians that run in our elections but who are loyal to them, not us.

The federal government wants to commission a report on 'foreign interference'?? Well look no further than the tip of your own nose for a bright flashy example of precisely that!
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