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Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

  • Thread starter Thread starter LMackenzie
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This sounds crass but poop happens,........do not make those porn pictures of yourself just in case while he is away he decides he is no longer your boyfriend.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
This sounds crass but poop happens,........do not make those porn pictures of yourself just in case while he is away he decides he is no longer your boyfriend.

Especially considering, whether by the recipients choice or not, pictures have a tendency of making their way through the platoons hands
Bruce Monkhouse said:
This sounds crass but poop happens,........do not make those porn pictures of yourself just in case while he is away he decides he is no longer your boyfriend.
either through malicious intent (on the ex-boyfriend/husband's part, or some jerk who thinks he's funny) or by accident, I have seen many photos of my buddy's/troop's wives/girlfriends in various stages of undress.

For any jerks out there: THIS IS NOT FUNNY.
For the careless out there: CLOSE YOUR DAMN LOCKERS/BARRACK BOXES. I don't want to see them. I have to look her in the eye when we're back, and I'm playing tag with your kids.
>hijack ends
Dee said:
Hey everyone. My boyfriend recently started basic training in St Jean Quebec. And I was wondering what I can send him. and what I shouldnt, cuz I know that there are a lot of things you can't have in Basic. So any ideas or advice would be so great. Thanks!
I haven't done basic yet, but if my girlfriend sent me a picture with all my best friends and their signatures on the back that'd be super awesome!
lol thanks everyone. Ya I won't be sending him any nude photos or anything. I would be really afraid of that getting around. But I will send him regular photos often. I'm also sending him a disposable camera so he can take pictures and show me what its like, his friends, room, and himself. Anymore ideas would be great. Thanks.
When you send him the camera, send him a pre-paid envelope (like Priority Post or something) so that he can send it back to you for developing.  He probably won't get too much of a chance to get it done himself.  And maybe include some stamped, addressed envelopes too, for letters from him to you.  It will make it easier on him, and then all he has to do is find a mailbox.
Ya, I've sent him stamps, the only thing is, he hasnt been able to send me letters cuz he can't get to a mailbox. But it says thay they are able to write letters but how can that be when he's not allowed to get to the post office on base? That kinda makes me angry, but at least  I get a phone call now and then, so I get to hear from him that way.
They should be allowed to pass letters on to their staff, and the staff will mail it out for them. That's how we did it
He mention something about trying that. I hope it works  :-\
Now that he's been there a while, I get more nervous and nervous. I was wondering, Do a lot of the men there change when they join and for better or worse?
Change for the better.....course that depends on what your defination of better means. 

We can't answer a question like that for you, thats between you aqnd him.

He's going to finish that course changed;

-He's going to be more neat freaky............ Alot more neat freaky
-He's going to walk different, head up, shoulders squared back.......... A much more proud and confident way of carrying himself
-He's going to finish meals much quicker than he used to............. You'll be on your 4th or 5th bite and he'll be done eating
-He's going to be more helpful to others.............. Every car on the side of the road with a flat, he'll pull over to help
-He's going to be more selfless............. He'll put others wants and needs before his own
-There will be a new aura about him that you just can't put your finger on what's changed about him............. All for the better

These are just a few of the changes you'll notice in him. Oh, that and a may swear alot more than normal.  8)

Oh and Dee, he'll also have a Halo over his head and a new set of fluffy white wings.  :P
Serious though, the halo isn't far off really, when he gets back to you he'll have been stuck with a stack of guys for ages and have missed you a ridiculous amount. Treat him like he does have a halo there and make him feel welcome back home as much as you can. He'll appreciate it more then you know and love you for it. It can get mighty lonely being away from a girlfriend for long periods and some people do some strange things...reccebydeath know what i'm talking about.
Send the letters and remember that he'll have heaps of time to read them, over and over again, so aim for a bit of length. It doesnt have to have a point, but length is great and will give him something to think about. Tell him you miss too, tell him lots.
Ya'll have fun now,
Oh thanks, thats great info. and I already know what you mean by eating really fast. He's eaten like that all his life. And being selfless he's definitely already like that so much that sometimes it annoys me. But in a good way. I love it about him. Thanks for the input everyone. If anyone wants to keep chatting or has anything else to say, I'm always here regularly.
Dee I found with my son that he seemed to be the same but totally different, if that makes any sense. He grew up, not that he wasn't mature and responsible before he left he was just a lot more mature when he got back.A little quieter and kind of watched what he was doing and saying in mixed company. One example is after his Grad ceremony he was allowed to come with us for a few hours and we took him for supper and back to the hotel and he and I took a long walk, about two hours, and he just put him arm over my shoulder never saying a word and we walked. This was very unusual because before he left he would have talked my ears off, but he said about ten words in those two hours.

I found when my boyfriend went off to Basic he was very much like Granny said, "the same, but different". He was still himself, but sort of seemed to think a lot more I guess. He was a lot more independant too, and really enjoyed time to himself. I also found him to be a bit snappy when he first got home. Little things seemed to get to him. Piece of advice would be to give him his space when he gets home. My boyfriend definitely wanted time with me, but I made sure it was him asking for it, and not me over-crowding him. As for maturity, I didn't really notice a change there, but he was still an 18 yr old guy, so I can't expect that to change too much.  ;)

It's been a while since then, so I am sure I am forgetting a lot. I'll post back if anything else comes to mind. Good luck to you and yours, and just make sure to support him however you can.
On days that you don't send him letters, just send him postcards, every couple of days. Don't need to say much, but he'll appreciate them when they have the mail call.

Of course, on my basic, we had to pay a price for every letter, package, or postcard. Generally push-ups, and the number of them dependant on who it was from, the size, and if it was perfumed  ;D
Sig_Des said:
Of course, on my basic, we had to pay a price for every letter, package, or postcard. Generally push-ups, and the number of them dependant on who it was from, the size, and if it was perfumed  ;D

I had forgotten about that LOL  ;D
Sig_Des said:
Of course, on my basic, we had to pay a price for every letter, package, or postcard. Generally push-ups, and the number of them dependant on who it was from, the size, and if it was perfumed  ;D

So.. send large, nice smelling, letters labeled with purple/pink pen.  ;D