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Maritime Officer Selection Test ( MOST ) - merged

Hamish Seggie said:
Red crayons are the tastiest ones. Green is second.

lol, for bonus points, could label the red crayon 'starboard' and the green one 'port'.  Getting mars bars spun up is pretty straightforward.

I am new here, and will also be writing the MOST next month. Once I confirmed my booking time for the MOST test I was advised to study the following; Math, Memory, Velocity, and understand the terms 'high tide' and 'low tide'. The first three are self-explanatory, but what are they referring to for the last one?

I was also told I scored pretty high on my CFAT, so I'm wondering how different in difficulty it is compared to the MOST? Thanks!
The MOST test was surprisingly easy. I passed! 馃榿

The best strategy for me was doing the same thing I did for my CFAT - Skip the harder questions that require advanced calculations, and finish the easier questions first (i.e How many turns/blocks does it take to get from point A to B?). Good luck to future applicants for NWO or other Navy officer positions!
I completed my MOST test yesterday in the morning. Felt rather good about it.
The MCpl. conducting the test simply told me that the test is done and I can go about my day.
Said the BPSO will contact me later.
I was not told if I had passed or failed the test.

Has this been the case with everyone else as well?
I completed my MOST test yesterday in the morning. Felt rather good about it.
The MCpl. conducting the test simply told me that the test is done and I can go about my day.
Said the BPSO will contact me later.
I was not told if I had passed or failed the test.

Has this been the case with everyone else as well?
Disregard. I emailed the BPSO and he said I passed!
But if you want to know your score, you just have to book an appointment with a PSO to find it out.
Saw this in Ask a CAF Recruiter today,

MARS DEO - Most Test Subject Matter?

I include it here for future reference,

Maritime Officer Selection Test

'MOST' aptitude exam for MARS officer applicants

MOST sample questions?
how to read the thread that you listed here?
how to read the thread that you listed here?

Click on the link, or copy / paste it into your browser.

The post you quoted is from 12 Jan., 2016. The information may be a bit dated.
I was reading through this thread before writing my MOST test the other day and since there haven't been too many additions to this thread for a while, I thought I'd add my two cents.

If I'm being totally honest, the MOST was much more difficult than I was expecting. Definitely harder than the CFAT. There are a lot of small details to pay attention to throughout the test and your time is very limited. I took the advice of other folks from this thread - I remained calm and focused, I kept an eye on the time, and I basically answered to the best of my ability given the time restrictions.

After the first set of questions, I was sure I was going to fail... but I kept my head up and continued on, and to my surprise... I ended up passing. Of course, the recruitment centre won't tell you your score and we don't know what score is needed to pass... but regardless it was a pass.

So my message to anyone reading this and stressing about the MOST - Just remain calm, pay attention to the time, eat beforehand and try to get a good nights rest the night before so you can focus (and use the restroom before the test!). If, at any point during the test, you feel like you're failing or you're going to fail... don't let that negativity get to your head. Just keep going because you just never know. Don't leave any question unanswered.

If you pass afterwards, go out and do something fun. Treat yourself! Because you're now one step closer to a rewarding (yet challenging) career.

I hope this was helpful. If I could share specific details about what type of questions are on the test, I would. However, I'm pretty sure we aren't supposed to share details/specifics.

Gave my MOST today and passed. You will not find any resource on the web for MOST and that's the way the navy intends it to be. To give you an idea it is more advance than the CFAT. The only thing you would require for the test is mental math and attention to detail. Mind it - it's not an exam to test your math ability but it's more catered to test your mental fitness and the way you react to things when there is literally no time.

So trust your experience, if the recruitment centre asked you to write the MOST, you must have done fairly well in your CFAT and they believe you could pass MOST too. Do not get phased if you feel the test is not going well, take deep breaths and try to complete the exam with the best of your ability.

Definitely celebrate if you pass. Having a cold one on a Tuesday afternoon feels right :)

Best of luck to all my comrades.
Gave my MOST today and passed. You will not find any resource on the web for MOST and that's the way the navy intends it to be. To give you an idea it is more advance than the CFAT. The only thing you would require for the test is mental math and attention to detail. Mind it - it's not an exam to test your math ability but it's more catered to test your mental fitness and the way you react to things when there is literally no time.

So trust your experience, if the recruitment centre asked you to write the MOST, you must have done fairly well in your CFAT and they believe you could pass MOST too. Do not get phased if you feel the test is not going well, take deep breaths and try to complete the exam with the best of your ability.

Definitely celebrate if you pass. Having a cold one on a Tuesday afternoon feels right :)

Best of luck to all my comrades.
Thanks for this. I have MOST exam in next few days.
Hi all ,
As other fellow members mention it earlier you should just follow the instructions during exam its all about mental math and decision making its that just MOST is very competitive because of time limitation whoever is going for the test just attempt every single question just follow the information and trust your best guess for the answer. Thanks for the other members above me who recently put information for the same. I just cleared my MOST today. All the best for others whoever is going to attempt in future.
Hey everyone,

My experience was much the same as most people have stated so far. I just thought it'd be a good topic for my first post on here since I just passed today. Here goes!

The biggest thing is definitely the time crunch and just preparing yourself mentally for it. Even if you knew exactly what the test consisted of (which of course we are not allowed to divulge), there is pretty much no way to actually prepare for the content itself. It's primarily meant to test innate things like time management, attention to detail, and how well you do under pressure.

The best thing you can do to get ready is to be well-rested and well-fed before you write. There are a lot of details to pay attention to and you have to equip your brain the best you can to write. It sounds clich茅, I know, but it's genuinely true. I got around 8 hours and I still found myself forgetting information and missing important details.

During the actual test it's all about managing use of time and the inevitable stress that comes with the time crunch. You likely won't have enough time to provide well thought out answers for every question. Make sure you're checking the time often. If you see the time start to run down and you still have a few questions ahead, try to at least guess the remaining questions; rushed guesses are better than empty questions (I didn't keep track of time and didn't complete the first two sections). Just go in knowing that you will be rushed and think accordingly. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the speed, but if you just focus and answer what you can you'll do great. Don't get disheartened if it feels like you're not doing well, it's what the test wants (I got all 3 practice questions on the first section wrong. All 3. I still passed). Just trust yourself, watch the clock, and pay attention to the details.

Not sure if this helped, but I just thought I'd give my two cents. Good luck to everyone challenging the MOST in the future! It was challenging but very do-able if you just keep in mind the factors I mentioned. They'll tell you how you did usually the day of, so you can hopefully look forward to the good news then. I was sent the new SEAF form following the test. It's nothing to worry about just a history of fitness and accolades and such.

Good luck! I'll post about the rest of my process as it happens.
