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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
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SupersonicMax said:
Why not get your (real) GED and apply??  That would show motivation, give you a sense of accomplishment and would really be meaningful!

You are right of course, that would seem to be my best option.I just got myself right motivated about joining the Army tomorrow (while watching basic up videos).I registered for this forum and when I went to check my email low and behold I received an email from Xerox offering a job and it just threw a loop into things.I just don't want to get comfortable at this new job and then regret not giving the Army a shot while the idea was fresh.
Nobody here can make that decision for you.  Talk to a recruiter about your options, and don't hold anything back.
Lying to get into the Canadian Forces is not a good way to start out what you hope to be a long career.
what trade are you wanting to get into in the military? I only have my grade 11 and I am in the middle of my application process for Infantry. But sending in a fake diploma to a government job is fucked.

To answer your question, the minimum education requirement for entry into the CF is completion of grade 10.  You mentioned that you finished half of your grade 10 year and that later you got a bump up to do some grade 11 courses.  Did you complete any of those courses?  If so, I would suggest that you may just barely meet the education requirements, which is potentially good news.

Now to answer your other question.  You cannot use your fake diploma to gain admission into the CF.  Not even a real diploma will work.  The Canadian Forces Recruiting Center requires your highschool TRANSCRIPTS.  It is these transcripts that are used to verify your education.  So your fake diploma is useless insofar as entry into the CF is concerned.

In order for the recruiting center to open your file they demand the following items from you.

-Highschool transcripts
-SIN Card (its not good enough to memorize your SIN number, they insist on making a photocopy of your SIN card)
-Birth certificate
-Drivers licence if you have one.

If you do not bring in ALL of the above items, the recruiting center will simply not process you.

Here is what I suggest.  Contact your former highschool and request a copy of your transcripts.  Gather up your SIN card, drivers licence and birth certificate and head into the recruiting center.  Show them what you have and ask them if you qualify for entry.  It is my beleif, based on what you have said (assuming that you have been truthful) that you will likely be deemed to have acheived the minimum education requirement for entry into the CF.  If that is the case then your all set.

If they determine that you do not currently meet the minimum education requirements you can appeal that decision and use previous work experience to substantiate your appeal.  You may even be able to write the CFAT test.  If you write the test, and do well enough on the test, and you have half of grade 10 completed, I would think the recruiting center would be very hard pressed to turn you down.

However, if they do declare your education to be too low, even after an appeal, you then have the opportunity to ask them exactly what courses you need in order to rectify the situation.  The solution is then simple.  Take the courses and re-apply and the recruiting center will be extremely enthusiastic about processing your application.

So there you have it.  If you take my advice, I beleive you will find yourself with a decent prospect of getting in.  If you do not take this advice and you attempt to fool the recruiting center with your fake diploma, you will fail, and any chance at serving your country will vanish.  Is that what you really want?

Now that I have gotten all of the advise out of the way.  A few questions for you.  The impression I am getting from you is that you have no interest in completing any highschool requirements PRIOR to joining the CF.  Is my assumption correct?  If so, why?  I am sure you are sick of hearing this type of sermon, but you must understand that you will only hurt yourself in the long run if you do not take steps to complete your formal education.  Even if you gain admission to the CF, what will you do if you happen to fail military training and get kicked out?  What will you do if you injure yourself and are no longer suitable for employment with the CF?  These are serious questions you need to consider when making decisions about your future.

One other point I would like to make...  You seem to be trying to gain "our" approval for your fake diploma tactic, or in effect talk us into it.  It is a useless venture.  Even if you succeeded in convincing us that this is a good idea, you will still fail to gain entry into the CF.  None of us have any say in the matter, the only thing we can do is give you our advice.  I strongly recommend that you follow the advice given to you here.

The CF is in dire need of new, motivated recruits.  Work with the system honestly and I beleive you will succeed.

Good luck with your application.

ltmaverick25 said:
To answer your question, the minimum education requirement for entry into the CF is completion of grade 10.  You mentioned that you finished half of your grade 10 year and that later you got a bump up to do some grade 11 courses.  Did you complete any of those courses?  If so, I would suggest that you may just barely meet the education requirements, which is potentially good news.

Yes.  You should get you High School transcripts and bring them into the CFRC.  You may indeed have met the qualifications, depending on what credits you have successfully completed.  Depending on what Trade you plan on applying for, there will be different credits required.

Fake docs will not pass the scrutiny put to them.  You will go through dozens of 'Security checks' in your military career, especially in certain Trades, so your chances of being discovered as "unreliable" are fairly good.

ltmaverick25 said:
If they determine that you do not currently meet the minimum education requirements you can appeal that decision and use previous work experience to substantiate your appeal.  You may even be able to write the CFAT test.  If you write the test, and do well enough on the test, and you have half of grade 10 completed, I would think the recruiting center would be very hard pressed to turn you down.

However, if they do declare your education to be too low, even after an appeal, you then have the opportunity to ask them exactly what courses you need in order to rectify the situation.  The solution is then simple.  Take the courses and re-apply and the recruiting center will be extremely enthusiastic about processing your application.

If you do not meet the education requirements, you will be "Counseled Out" and given suggestions on what you require to come back at a later date when you can meet the requirements.  Passing a CFAT test will not get you any "Bypass" for education.  It is simply an Aptitude Test to see what Trade/Career you are suitable for.

If you are serious about joining the CF, you can check out the criteria that must be met to join on this site or the CF site.  If in doubt about any of your documentation, visit a CFRC and one of their councillors will will be able to verify or advise you on what your prospects are.  Do not falsify anything, as the chances of being outed are very high.

Glen looking at your comments here and the fact you are have a job history in IT it is laughable that you have let a high school diploma be such a big obstacle in your career goals.
Go to night school, correspondence  or as a last resort a GED. You know you have the smarts now go and get that diploma.  :)

Good luck!
Glen... take that job at Xerox.

We'll call you for service calls when our copiers break
Or a sig...

Anyways, I joined with only grade 10, and had the choice of TONS of trades (was shown what i qualified for).

So long as you have grade 10 and do well on the CFAT they aren't going to care about your education
All the trades in the CF require some level of Security Clearance.  The odds of them missing a fake diploma during the backround check are slim to none.... better off telling the recruiter the truth
From a personal perspective, I do not see the benefit/advantage about lying on your application.
Note that, if we miss it upon your enrollment ... only to spot it at a leter date - when we are doing a deeper security clearance, we will have ample grounds for dismissal.  Irregular enrollment, fraudulent enrollment are terms that come to mind.

A lot easier to sell yourself for what you have & who you are than to fabricate stories.  The stories have a tendancy of changing with time... you make them pretty OR you get vague on places and dates.... it takes a lot of effort to maintain lies....
As a complement to what has already been said, I strongly suggest getting your high school diploma, regardless of whether you will be applying for the CF or applying for jobs down the road.  It is true that education, resume, cover letter, work experience, ...  are all factors an employer uses in making a hiring decision.  An interview is still the greatest factor.  That said, if you blow them away in the interview, you may be competing with 10 other people.  Without showing you had the commitment to finish a high school diploma (regardless of reasons or excuses) I think you're dead in the water.  Use it as a goal, and even show the CFRC that it is your goal.  Go start your application, tell them you plan on finishing your diploma before proceeding with your application. Then go out and do it and come in with your transcript and a smile, proving you were committed, and did it.

I have a computer science degree, and I want to add that if you can in fact understand programming, regardless of language, you have the foundation.  You will be working backwards and I assure you the logic and mathematics will come easy to you.  Just go out and do it.  Good luck.

I'm currently in Grade 11 but would like to join the reserves before I enlist after I graduate but I seem to have run into a problem with the education requirements. The current school that I attend, I attended in grade nine only.

See, I moved to Australia for around one year, six months where I attended a local high school in Queensland. I only finished one semester before dropping out to complete an information tech diploma at TAFE (A Australian Based College).

I just recently returned back to Canada (Alone with no parents) and am enrolled in Grade 11 (Somehow my old school accepted me without even asking for records of marks of Grade 10).

I picked up the recruitment package from the local reserve unit but it says you need to show a transcript of your marks. I don't have a transcript, seeing as I never really completed the full year of 10 and I haven’t received a report card yet for grade 11 (Won’t till june as I moved back in October).

Is there anything I can do? Cant they waiver it as I am currently a fulltime student in Grade 11? I know in the Australian Defence Forces you can sit a test if you cannot provide a transcript but dunno about the CF.
Bring in your School Transcripts, including those from Australia.

Every School System, even in Canada, has different standards and levels of Education.  For instance Grade 12 in Saskatchewan is Senior Matriculation, while in PEI it is only Junior Matriculation.  Where a person in PEI needs to complete Grade 12 to enter UPEI, a person from Sask can enter UPEI after Grade 11, as what happened to my sister.  Your Education in Australia, may be enough to fulfill your requirements to join the CF; but you will only know after you bring in your transcripts for evaluation.

At the same time, the Education Requirements to join the Reserves are not as stringent as the Regular Force, as many Reservists are still in High School or University.  Again, visit the CFRC and get this sorted out.
Did you ask the recruiter those questions?  They are the only ones that can fully answer them.  My suggestion bring in all the paperwork you have including the stuff from TAFE to the recruiting centre and see what they say.
Gumby said:
Here is my story.  I dropped out with 12 credits about 4 years ago.  STUPIDEST thing I ever did.  When the time came that I wanted to apply to the RegF, I went to my old school to see if I could re-enroll for a semester to get the 15 credits.  They told me that since I had been out of school and worked so much that they would give me 3 maturity credits. 

The CFRC said obviously that it is preferred that I had grade 12 and would make me more competitive, but he would accept my application.

In the time it has taken to get in, I have taken several steps to increase my education including correspondence courses, and I am now in the process of setting up my GED exam.  The CFRC was very happy to see this.

One last comment re: schooling vs. smarts.  Amongst the many factory and fast food jobs I have worked at, I have never seen anything to suggest that having a piece of paper called a diploma or degree, makes someone better or smarter.  I have seen university students working at Subway and as temps at the factories, and I have seen dropouts running these places.

These are all my own views and experiences and none are meant to insult or offend anyone, hope it helps.  Cheers!!
I know what you're saying, but the only reason that people who have degrees are working in low-level jobs is because they don't have the work experience that somebody who spent that same time working has. And honestly, running a Subway isn't exactly an accomplishment. In the long run, somebody with a degree could end up much farther than someone without one. While you run a Subway, I'll be investigating fraud, or have a role in corporate management.

Many respectable corporations require a degree for certain, higher positions. You're right that a degree doesn't make a person "smarter", but it doesn't at all make them any "less" smart. On top of which, they have a huge educational/knowledge advantage over an uneducated person, and for most people (me as well) that is important. Plus, their reading, writing, and grammar skills are often better based on using it more.
Hey I am also 16 and joining the reserves in 2010. Noticing your grammar I believe it would be of great benefit to you to stay in highschool and get your diploma. You can apply all you want but it doesn't mean you will get into the military, So have a second plan just incase! I would also like to inform you that you have to write tests, its just like school, and you will need your basic english credits to have a chance to pass. Listen, I decided to join reserves, I am currently in grade 11 and you can still get your credits and still be involved in the military IF YOU PASS YOUR TESTS! Just finish up highschool, and then look at joining the Regular force. You can always join reserves, see if you like it, and when your 18 (Or 17 with parental approval) take the upgrade course to join regular force. If you need any more help ask me matt, or anyone else helpful on this site. Thanks.
ajp said:
"that you have to right tests"

Thats - write tests


You missed ".......you will need your basic english credits to have a chance to past. "


"matt" should pay closer attention in English class, as he made numerous other grammatical errors, which he may find cause him grief on some future test.

The advice to stay in school is sound.
Sorry for my gramatical error. Was in a rush and wasn't really paying attention. I still beleive you should have a 2nd plan just incase so you don't get screwed over- pardon my language.
