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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
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Thanks again guys and yeah, I am not a COMPLETE idiot so I know i'll need it after military life. Some of you seem to think that since I don't have it at the age of 17 I will somehow be unable to get it at a later time in my life, I don't see it that way.
mainse-event said:
Thanks again guys and yeah, I am not a COMPLETE idiot so I know i'll need it after military life. Some of you seem to think that since I don't have it at the age of 17 I will somehow be unable to get it at a later time in my life, I don't see it that way.

Many of us just have experience with people who got "too busy" once they joined the Army to add finishing High School to the many other things they were doing or wanted to do.  What you are reading is a reflection of that reality.  Feel free to prove yourself to be one of the few who can do more, since you have already given up on school once.
Flawed Design said:
I've met a few soldiers who have gotten off work up training to deploy overseas (for various reasons) because they
-Didn't feel the work up training was challenging enough
-Weren't given the respect they deserved as a warrior
-felt they were under employed
-Should have been given more critical jobs/tasks
-Felt their skills were wasted.

Mainse, if you've felt that your college and university level classes were too easy that you're either
-too smart or;
-full of crap.

Either way. Even if you think certain checks in the box, like say high school diplomas are below you- others won't think that way.

Not having a highschool diploma won't restrict you from joining the infantry but it WILL throw you a curve ball when you attempt to get any kind of employment outside the military.
One a side note, not many dudes join the infantry and 17 and stick with it until 55. Give it some though.
Another thing to ponder.. 9 times out of 10 when someone is homeschooled and joins the military you can pick them out in a crowd.

I'll be honest even though i'm going to have people say "your not right for the army because of this". I have never once done homework or studied for a test in my life, and i have passed every class i have taken above the median. I realize this is terrible and i am ashamed of it, but i am confident that the army will give me the discipline i need because i won't be aloud to slack off.
Michael O'Leary said:
Many of us just have experience with people who got "too busy" once they joined the Army to add finishing High School to the many other things they were doing or wanted to do.  What you are reading is a reflection of that reality.  Feel free to prove yourself to be one of the few who can do more, since you have already given up on school once.

If this is the reality and i don't have the time, ill just wait till i retire from the military and then finish, would be a more up to date and modern education anyways.
mainse-event said:
If this is the reality and i don't have the time, ill just wait till i retire from the military and then finish, would be a more up to date and modern education anyways.

Well, it looks like you've got it all figured out, and weren't really looking for any advice here.  Good luck with your application.
Michael O'Leary said:
Well, it looks like you've got it all figured out, and weren't really looking for any advice here.  Good luck with your application.
Well if people could have read my original post more clearly it would have avoided alot of confusion. Going back isn't an option for me, my post was asking a specific question sorry if it seems im unwilling to listen to peoples advice, i didn't come here to get told how much of an idiot i am for dropping out in the first place because beleive me i know.
mainse-event said:
I'll be honest even though i'm going to have people say "your not right for the army because of this". I have never once done homework or studied for a test in my life, and i have passed every class i have taken above the median. I realize this is terrible and i am ashamed of it, but i am confident that the army will give me the discipline i need because i won't be aloud to slack off.

To be honest, I think you should have some level of discipline and organization before you go in. Otherwise, you aren't going to last through BMQ.
mainse-event said:
Well if people could have read my original post more clearly it would have avoided alot of confusion. Going back isn't an option for me, my post was asking a specific question sorry if it seems im unwilling to listen to peoples advice, i didn't come here to get told how much of an idiot i am for dropping out in the first place because beleive me i know.

OK, let's recap.

mainse-event said:
I have my grade 11 and dropped out of high school because nothing I was learning was relevant to what I wanted to do in life.

How do you know that?  How do you know it won't be relevant to something you want to do later in life?  How do you know it won't be relevant, or supportive in context, in the Army one day?

mainse-event said:
What I am wondering is, if I join the army will my career be forever be hindered by the fact that I don't have this little piece of paper? The army is what I want to do with my life, and I am VERY serious about serving my country and being all I can be, its just a weight on my mind that I might not be able to achieve my full potential as a NCM all because I stupidly left high school.

As you were told, it might have an effect.  That effect may be subtle and something you may not realize until it is far too late to change course. A few missed opportunities because you are not rated as highly among your peers as you might have been can have a significant cumulative effect.  Your mileage may vary - both in effect and in the ability and willingness to acknowledge it.

mainse-event said:
Going back is not an option for me, I am enlisting in the spring.

You never explained why going back isn't an option.

mainse-event said:
Any thoughts or words of comfort would be appreciated.

You received lots of thoughts, much of it based on personal experiences with others in your situation.  As for words of comfort; sorry, we're not a group hug community. Your CF training, once and if accepted, will not be one either.  We are NOT going to tell you everything will be OK just to make you feel better about your choices.

You asked for advice,.  You got it.  It's not our fault you don't like what you're hearing.
I think i know my capabilities, i have shown great discipline and determination in other areas of my life that i am passionate about. I'll last through BMQ, and ill post in this thread again when i am done. PEACE, MAINSE EVENT OUT.
Ok to get in the military you have to make yourself the best potential recruit possible. If the CFRC is stuck between two candidates that have identical scores, qualifications etc they will pick the one with the high school diploma. Why? Well to a person that is just assessing you, you have already shown you already have the disposition to quit. Yes we know you find school to not be a challenge but all everyone here is trying to do is help you out. If you want to so callously ignore that help, then your next set of questions will not be so warmly received. Your choice, it does not hurt anyone here on whether or not you get in. But you are ignoring advice from members of the CF and other militaries that have decades of experience. Again, your choice, its not sweat off our backs either way.
mainse-event said:
I think i know my capabilities, i have shown great discipline and determination in other areas of my life that i am passionate about. I'll last through BMQ, and ill post in this thread again when i am done. PEACE, MAINSE EVENT OUT.

And when, [if] you finish BMQ all you have to do is send me a PM and I'll be more than happy to reopen this for you.
Hello all,

              I am currently in grade 12 and graduating this year. I do not have 6 grade 12 U/M courses(because I took co-op for automotive). Am I still allowed to apply for ROTP? Are  the years of obligatory service as an officer? I heard about this a few weeks ago and it may be too late.
Yes much too late to enter for this fall. You will have to wait for the 2011-2012 school year.
I can assure you there are quite enough people with finished applications already waiting should a slot free up. I'm afraid you'll have to wait next year
You will also need the 6 U/M credits and preferably 6U.
While yes, it is too late to apply for this year, I wouldn't hold off your application because you lack the 6 U/M courses.

If this is something you really want to do, apply in September of this year for the 2011/2012 year. That's the only way you'll know if you're qualified. On a side note, if you're attending university next year, you can still apply for subsidization for years 2-4.
Heff18, I thank you for the encouragement.
I did not apply to uni this year(for next year) because I lack the 6 U/M courses and because I was so indecisive. I have applied to college for now and will apply for ROTP next year in September. If I get accepted, I will drop the college course(police foundations) and go on towards my career in the CF.

Thank you all~
so as of the end of the grade eleven year, my second term average is great. its about 87, but I didnt turn my marks around until the end of the first term. During the first term I went through an "I dont care about school" phase. But then I read about RMC and realized I wanted to do that with my life. So I worked my ass off and got my marks up, and a lot of extra-curicular activites too, but now as im about to finish grade eleven and go into grade 12, im terrified that they wont consider me because of my grade eleven first term marks! What should I do? should I include a letter with my application? or what? will they only look at select classes? or second term only?

Any help or advice. Im desperate and worried! I dont want all the work to be in vain.