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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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I understand, but this way it is easier for the CF to train you to the specific job they need you for. You have a base provided by college and the CF works with that base to training you. It saves them time having to teach you from scratch, as in theory you sorta know how to cook because of your formal training.

The Education Matrix for lack of a better term is not accessible to the public as it changes frequently.
jordandixon3 said:
I was wondering if anyone on here either has a link or could point me in the right direction if I was looking for the specific education requirements for all the occupations? I will explain, I went in to the recruiting office today to add a 3rd occupation choice to my application, I wanted to add Cook. On forces.ca it says that the education requirements for Cooks are Grade 11. I have my high school diploma.  The Clerk at the recruiting office pulled up a document on the computer with all the requirements and said that I need Grade 12 math, which I only have grade 11 Math. Does anyone know if I can get that document with all the exact education requirements?

In BC in 2005 you only needed grade 11 math to graduate from high school with a diploma not sure if that's changed. "The minimum required education to apply for this position is the completion of the provincial requirements for Grade 11 or Secondaire V in Canada. Foreign education may be accepted." (quoted from recruiting website). Journeyman (Red Seal) Cook is a qualification more coveted than Cooking School, If you do go to Cooking School (or already have) prior to going make sure it is an accredited school or you will be enrolled as untrained and start from scratch at CFSAL: FS&S (approved Cooking School credits means you work in the base kitchen until the field training phase of the course. There is no apprenticeship like there is in civilian kitchens you can challenge it when you have 3 years on the floor cooking (Minimum to challenge it, whatever the required hours are) but usually after your on job training package and QL5 course which is usually when your a Cpl / Leading Seaman gives you enough knowledge and experience to challenge it plus lots of hard studying as there is lots of terminology and definitions to memorize. You can get the crown to pay for the test and then go, but its easier to just take the test and get reimbursed if you pass, so the chain of command won't be mad at you if you fail.

CFSAL: Canadian Forces School of Logistics & Administration
FS&S: Food Service & Support

Do you really need math for cooking...nothing really past grade 4 unless your taking a recipe for 4 and turning it into an exact recipe for 1000 and need to make sure the ratio of ingredients is correct using a certain equation...what the equation is, I can't remember but I never had to do it in 5 years in / 4 years of cooking (after BMQ and Cooking School/time off the floor for NETP) and you could use a computer/calculator to figure it out. Most measurements is a 4" half insert of this or a 6" long insert of that. It helps in baking when you can covert 250mls to 1cup etc without having to look at the measuring cup, that's all the math involved, I'm horrible at it and I survived.
Ok so I went into the RC today and added Ammunition Tech as my 3rd choice.  I am pretty happy with that choice. However, I was told that they were waiting on a waiver to process my application. Basicly, because I left the reserves after completing BMQ common and BMQ Land and didn't become fully qualified, they need to give this waiver to process me. Hopefully they will approve it and I can proceed with the process. 
I know no one can give me an exact time table, but am I looking at a few month? a year? 2 years?
jordandixon3 said:
Ok so I went into the RC today and added Ammunition Tech as my 3rd choice.  I am pretty happy with that choice. However, I was told that they were waiting on a waiver to process my application. Basicly, because I left the reserves after completing BMQ common and BMQ Land and didn't become fully qualified, they need to give this waiver to process me. Hopefully they will approve it and I can proceed with the process. 
I know no one can give me an exact time table, but am I looking at a few month? a year? 2 years?

They should have already interviewed you and asked the simple question of "What were your reasons for releasing from the Reserve Force?" and then if necessary "What have you done over the past x months to prove to us, that you're not just going to release from the Regular Force?"

If you haven't been asked those basic questions, then there is really nothing on which to base a waiver request on.
jordandixon3 said:
Ok so I went into the RC today and added Ammunition Tech as my 3rd choice.  I am pretty happy with that choice. However, I was told that they were waiting on a waiver to process my application. Basicly, because I left the reserves after completing BMQ common and BMQ Land and didn't become fully qualified, they need to give this waiver to process me. Hopefully they will approve it and I can proceed with the process. 
I know no one can give me an exact time table, but am I looking at a few month? a year? 2 years?

You answered your own question.
DAA said:
They should have already interviewed you and asked the simple question of "What were your reasons for releasing from the Reserve Force?" and then if necessary "What have you done over the past x months to prove to us, that you're not just going to release from the Regular Force?"

If you haven't been asked those basic questions, then there is really nothing on which to base a waiver request on.

That's what I thought, but I haven't done anything yet. So is this "Waiver" something that is done at my local RC or is it something that has to be cleared from higher up? I sat down with a recruiter today and asked about the waiver and he just said it could be a long wait, no questions as to why I released or anything, actually at one point he said "I don't know why you released, it not my business....."  :( This could be a very long wait...................
jordandixon3 said:
That's what I thought, but I haven't done anything yet. So is this "Waiver" something that is done at my local RC or is it something that has to be cleared from higher up? I sat down with a recruiter today and asked about the waiver and he just said it could be a long wait, no questions as to why I released or anything, actually at one point he said "I don't know why you released, it not my business....."  :( This could be a very long wait...................

Far as I understand it, the waiver is at the discretion of the local CO, after you have waited the full year from your effective date of release, which I believe you already have.  So, until they ask you the question of why you released, you may very well be at a stand still.
So I am new to the forum as I have only registered minutes before making this post. I have lurked around and read other posts on this board and I would like some advice. I am currently in Grade 12 and I think I may have messed messed up my marks really bad. My upcoming math test will put me at 75% if I can get ONLY an A. I hope  to increase my marks in other areas, but sadly my physics is in the same boat. I honestly think that I will not make it because of my grade 11 marks, and due to the teacher's strike this year I could not boost my marks in the summer (horrible excuse on my part). If I were to apply to ROTP after high school graduation would I need to go to a college or uni and get marks there or could I just boost my high school marks and then apply? If I were to go that route I would probably get more than 1 part time job so I can save up for myself. Any advice is helpful, thanks for reading.
You need to have a degree to be an Officer so no matter what you'll have to go to college or university. If you apply and get in they will send you to the RMC most likely and you'll get paid while there so there wouldn't be a need to get a part time job.
But that means I would have to go through DEO, right?
What if I take maybe a semester of classes and then I am not satisfied, do I use my college marks for ROTP?
I was just thinking of what would happen if I were not go to to college and just boost my HS marks instead.
MagicTape said:
But that means I would have to go through DEO, right?
What if I take maybe a semester of classes and then I am not satisfied, do I use my college marks for ROTP?
I was just thinking of what would happen if I were not go to to college and just boost my HS marks instead.

Direct Entry Officer plan is only for people that have already completed a degree.

You can either select ROTP to attend RMC or a civilian university (which isn't always guaranteed either); or you can postpone your application until you've pursued and completed studies on your own time and dime and reapply for Direct Entry.

The average length of an application is upwards of 6 months, so if you wish, apply now for ROTP and submit the interim transcripts now and continue with upgrading to bolster your grades. You can certainly take credit and non-credit college/univ courses while your application is ongoing; they may not hurt your application, but they may not help either especially of they don't apply to the degree/officer occupation you're applying for.

Mention on your application that you're actively upgrading and As your application proceeds you can always add updated transcripts.
MagicTape said:
If I were to apply to ROTP after high school graduation would I need to go to a college or uni and get marks there or could I just boost my high school marks and then apply?

You need to apply for ROTP NOW and not after you graduate.  If your marks for the "mandatory" courses are lacking (ie; less than 75%) you have two options available.  Try and retake the same course to improve your previous mark or take the next course in sequence at the Gr 12 or University Level and try to achieve a much better result.  If your marks for the "mandatory" courses are lacking, they sometimes will take into consideration comparative courses taken at a higher level.  (ie; Gr 11 Uni-Prep Math was 72% but your Gr 12 Uni-Prep Math is/was 85%, they just might disregard the Gr 11 mark and go with the Gr 12 mark)

Academic Prerequisites by Program  ---->  http://www.rmc.ca/adm/ap-cpa-eng.php

It used to be that you could get picked up for ROTP after completing first year university on your own.  I'm not sure if this is still an option.  My advice is to ask an Military Career Counselor (MCC) at the recruiting centre, they will know. 
If getting picked up for ROTP after first year is still an option then my suggestion to you is to plan to attend a civilian university, on your own dime, for first year and then re-apply to ROTP.
It used to be that you could get picked up for ROTP after completing first year university on your own.  I'm not sure if this is still an option.  My advice is to ask an Military Career Counselor (MCC) at the recruiting centre, they will know. 
If getting picked up for ROTP after first year is still an option then my suggestion to you is to plan to attend a civilian university, on your own dime, for first year and then re-apply to ROTP.

Unless just changed recently, you were permitted to apply into your third year, with at least a year left before graduation.  Someone in the CAF Recruiting Group can confirm the current policies.
I met an officer cadet who had completed five terms before going to RMC ROTP. He started over in first year.

There are other options to RMC, RESO being a viable one. Get into a civilian university in a program that leads to a job that you're interested in. Visit the local reserve armoury, find out about available officer trades (or NCM ones for that matter), go on course during your summers and train at the unit during the year.

If you end up not joining the regforce, you're not going to have to make a big left turn in life.
Thanks for the replies so far, the local recruitment centre will send a representative over on the 20th of November to my high school so I can ask even more questions. Also another question. Friend of mine just sent in his application  but he did notget his parents consent (signature) and other things filled out. Will his application be delayed and will the recruitment centre tell him so?